Group 7-day waking average?

5.7 then 6.5 fotf then 5.9 then after coffee with milk it's settled at 6.6 no rapid taken yet, graph is more or less flat
Morning all. New sensor activated last night shows i shot up at 3am from 6s and have stayed between 13-16 overnight. On waking sensor said 14, finger prick 10. It had better start getting closer or i'll be ringing Abbott (there, i've said it so hopefully it will now start behaving - fingers crossed emoji).
did the sensor regain sanity? Mine flatlined at 2.9 overnight (within the first 18 hrs or so of wearing it) but it regained accuracy over the following 24 hrs and is now quite accurate.
I asked the pharmacist to check one of my toes which was very red and hurting me. He suspected a fungal infection and sold me a cream for that.
Have you considered covid sequelae? it's still around!
did the sensor regain sanity? Mine flatlined at 2.9 overnight (within the first 18 hrs or so of wearing it) but it regained accuracy over the following 24 hrs and is now quite accurate.
It has atm, i think it was the threat of calling Abbott. We've come away for a few days and so i'm needing to guesstimate the carbs. Breakfast and snacks are ok, evening meal..? Well, i'm trying my best...and its only a couple of days.

Happy Birthday @rebrascora. Sorry to hear about Rebel. Fingers crossed he's on the mend soon.
Good morning - 5.6

Have a great day everyone.

A whopping 7.8 for me this morning, after a bad dream, oh and a carb fest evening. I did manage to run yesterday evening. Up early as I woke up shaking and clammy after the dream, so decided to get up.
A very early good morning. 5.3, close but no cigar. I’ve been awake since 5am, like @Grannylorraine I woke up all sweaty after a dream, then my mind started it’s usual whirring over nowt ‘n’ summat, as we say up here.

Yesterday was a bright, dry, but very cold day. I got washing out and dried, and we opened the box and put the slide up in the garden, no missing pieces, thank goodness. It’s a bit bigger than we thought.🙄 Don’t think we can hide it from Zara before her birthday. Did a one centre big shop, will do butchers and Tesco tomorrow. Mr Eggy needs the car today, he’s off to assemble a flat pack wardrobe at middle daughter’s for eldest granddaughter. I’m having a nice quiet day at home, cleaning! Oh the excitement!😛

Have a smashing day.

Here’s the gigantic slide, I was trying to hide it under the pergola, don’t think it worked! :rofl:
Also here is our eldest and youngest grandchildren. Ahhhh!


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Restless night.
Morning All,
A 7.2 but stayed in Green all night so getting back to normal.Had a long day yesterday and over 300 miles but absolutely lovely and had a Unicorn.Then I had my lunch ( was so busy) and as it was so stormy and wanted to get back home I missed out on my walk along the prom so my BG went up to 12.
Well worth it though as like being on holiday and so nice to see the Sea.
After being spoiled by lovely scenery yesterday back to “ chimney pot” land today with a Big lunch and learn for about 22. You do not want to be behind me in the supermarket queue.
Anyway have a great Shrove Tuesday all.
Morning All,
A 7.2 but stayed in Green all night so getting back to normal.Had a long day yesterday and over 300 miles but absolutely lovely and had a Unicorn.Then I had my lunch ( was so busy) and as it was so stormy and wanted to get back home I missed out on my walk along the prom so my BG went up to 12.
Well worth it though as like being on holiday and so nice to see the Sea.
After being spoiled by lovely scenery yesterday back to “ chimney pot” land today with a Big lunch and learn for about 22. You do not want to be behind me in the supermarket queue.
Anyway have a great Shrove Tuesday all.
I won’t be partaking in Shrove Tuesday. I don’t like shroves doesn’t matter how I serve them! 😉
I won’t be partaking in Shrove Tuesday. I don’t like shroves doesn’t matter how I serve them! 😉
Ha ha well that blows my request of asking you if Mr eggy was happy to be lent out as a furniture assembler.I was going to pay him lots of shroves to take home and feed him lots of cake whilst he was here.
Well back to Plan B and get the man with a van to fix it.
Ha ha well that blows my request of asking you if Mr eggy was happy to be lent out as a furniture assembler.I was going to pay him lots of shroves to take home and feed him lots of cake whilst he was here.
Well back to Plan B and get the man with a van to fix it.
You haven’t seen the finished article yet!
PS he loves cake!
Good morning everyone

BG 4.7 seems to have gone down to a new lower level since I restarted more strenuous exercise, modified my diet a little more, started taking a few new supplements, lost weight again.

Pancake day? Whew, I hate pancakes anyway!


Talking of which, my bathroom scales are wierd. 3 days no loss of weight and then yesterday (measured this morning) I lost 0.6Kg. Huh? Surely that's not right, but I'll take it, thanks!

I am thinking of going out exercising early again today. Yesterday morning, early, was bitterly cold with a strong biting wind.

Today no idea. It will unfold (unravel?) as the day progresses.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
I won’t be partaking in Shrove Tuesday. I don’t like shroves doesn’t matter how I serve them! 😉
Oh I thought it behoved you to shrove!
Morning all, 5.8 here. Needed the assistance of a jelly baby at 6am when I was 4.1. Most unusual for Dawn not to make an appearance, she must be away for half term. I imagine her on the ski slopes, in her element, making sure all the lifts run uphill smoothly.
Good morning 9.0 today
Yesterday was 8.0 (after I over treated a night time hypo of 3.2)

Have a terrific Tuesday everyone