Group 7-day waking average?

A round 5 for me this morning. 🙂
And Happy Birthday @rebrascora

7.6 for me this morning. Helping out at 2 sessions of Walking Netball this afternoon. Trying to keep out of the garden this morning (I think I'm becoming addicted!). Have a great day everyone x
5.7 on a bright and sunny Berkshire morning, with barely a cloud in sight. Cold though - had to clear a frozen windscreen this morning. It looked like a sheet of bubble wrap made out of ice.

Trip to the recycling centre over in Bracknell later and then on into Bracknell proper to pick up some birthday goodies for my wife's 60th tomorrow. Birthday meal at our favourite country pub tonight, a day early as not everyone could make it tomorrow.

Have a good start to the week.
Morning all. 7 for me today. I've been doing one meal a day plus one piece of fruit an hour before to 'aid digestion' 🙂 and it appears to be good for me. I feel much better apart from flu cough cold thing which I'm miffed about as I had the jab. :( Good grief. Have a good Monday all. Looking forward to my pancake tomorrow. I'm doomed anyways... :D

Many happy returns of the day xxoo @rebrascora 🙂
I think it might have been 7 or 8 point something
7.9 this morning first check though it’s up in the 10s now due to DP

Off sick again today as still have the headache that started on Thursday. I increased the amitriptyline from 10 to 20 last night but it seemingly takes weeks to have a beneficial effect on headaches whilst the feeling weird, sort of dizzy and zoned out zombie like feelings are instant.

So today feeling weird as well as tired and fed up of the headache.
Morning all

It's a close 5.3 earlier this fine sunny but chilly morning.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe...
Many thanks for all the birthday wishes guys. Really kind of you all. I am so blessed to have such wonderful caring forum friends.
Sorry I have been absent of late. Still having regular nocturnal hypos but my absence is mostly due to having to bring the horses in 24/7 initially because Reb was lame but it turned out they all had mud fever, so I had 16 legs to wash and try to de-scab on a daily basis. Had hoped that Reb's lameness was associated with that but unfortunately it is a separate and more serious issue as he has pulled a tendon and at 27yrs old, it is touch and go as to whether he will recover and it is going to be a long hard 6 month slog if he does, but giving him the best chance. So sad as despite his advanced years he was showing no physical signs of advanced age and able to work still last summer and we were just saying how amazing he was for his age. Then he does a tendon whilst turned away for the winter. Just hoping I don't get to a situation where I have to make a difficult decision but at the moment, and we are now about 6 weeks in, it is not deteriorating and he can move about in the stable reasonably well on minimal medication, but still swollen and warm.

Anyway, I am reporting a 5.9 for this morning and no hypo (or high) overnight for once, so that was my birthday gift from the Diabetes Fairy, despite me tempting fate by having an Indian meal out last night.

Hope everyone is well as I am woefully behind the times with the thread and anyone who isn't doing too well at the moment, I wish that your situation improves soon.... and since that is a Birthday Wish, it has to come true. :D
Morning all on this fine sunny Cornish day. No rain forecast if that means anything! I do sometimes wonder about the met office, though since we are on such a narrow little peninsula sticking out into the Atlantic perhaps anything forecast is bound to be wrong

8.3 first thing. Due, I think, to correcting a low at 02:17 - alarm shrieking and waking me from a deep sleep. Ate 2 Dextro and a whole cookie even though I knew a half cookie and 1 Dextro would be enough. I was then awake for ages and ages. Gone down to 7.3 now.

House is a mess, just from decorating the smallest room (bar the downstairs loo). 2 laptops with 2 separate large monitors in residence taking up most of the dining table.... kitchen corner cleared out waiting for the boiler engineer - stuff that belongs there all over the kitchen making it difficult to cook anything. Of course we have no idea what time the boiler engineer can be expected. Hopefully he can sort the hot water out if and when he comes! At the moment you can be having a hot shower one minute and a cold one the next, before it turns hot again. I'll sit here at the computer and start the rewrite of "The A - Z of vegetables" for this forum.

Aww @Lucyr so sorry you are suffering the way you are. Hope the Amytriptaline starts to work for you soon.

@rebrascora Happy Birthday. Sending positive vibes for poor Reb. Hope he will recover.

Have a good day the rest of you! Stay safe.
5.7 on a bright and sunny Berkshire morning, with barely a cloud in sight. Cold though - had to clear a frozen windscreen this morning. It looked like a sheet of bubble wrap made out of ice.

Trip to the recycling centre over in Bracknell later and then on into Bracknell proper to pick up some birthday goodies for my wife's 60th tomorrow. Birthday meal at our favourite country pub tonight, a day early as not everyone could make it tomorrow.

Have a good start to the week.
Happy 60th birthday to Mrs Martin for tomorrow.
5.3 and back home after yet another delayed flight (by about 50 minutes) back last night from Belfast. Apparently due to fog at Gatwick earlier delaying planes and having a knock on effect on the schedules. Never mind, back home after a lovely weekend in Northern Ireland.

Happy birthday @rebrascora !

Take care everyone!
Hi everyone! 6'4 this morning.

I feel lucky with this weather on my day off, dry and sunny. My toe is not bothering me much at the moment so I decided to get a day ticket on the bus and go to another town for a stroll in a nice park. Just some change of scenery. On the way back I need to do the weekly food shop, I fancy a trip to M&S this time, that's another reason to get the bus. Will probably complete the shop at Lidl, it's all about balance 😉

Happy birthday Barbara @rebrascora !! Best wishes to you and your horses, hope they recover soon xx.
@rebrascora and @Robin my eldest daughter had to make that heartbreaking decision last week. Her eldest mare, Shade, although at “only” 20 she was a spring chicken compared to Reb. She’d owned her since she was two. She’s given them some cracking foals but has been very accident prone and for a while she’s looked “terrible”, daughter’s words. She was heartbroken but said, I’d rather a day early than a day late.
@eggyg. So sorry to hear of your daughter's loss! It is heartbreaking when that time comes. I have had Reb since he was a yearling and Rascal 3 days old and I used to ride Cora before she was bred. Reb has had a near miss or two over the years mostly colic, where I have been very close to calling time, but he has pulled through them and otherwise been really fit until this incident. I am satisfied that he is happy with his lot at the moment and thankfully his brother Rascal (26) and his mother Cora (31) also being aged, are taking no real harm keeping him company with box rest although they all have the run of a small farm yard so not totally confined and have plenty of outlook and able to mutually greem and interact. MeMe (15) won't go anywhere without Rascal, and Reb won't settle if I split the herd as he is herd leader, plus they would shout all day and night if I split them and I am in the centre of the village, so I have to consider neighbours's bad enough when I take one out for exercise for an hour! They have been together all their lives as a family unit so they have very close bonds. Of course sooner or later, mostly sooner at their ages, I know, I am going to lose them, but not ready to give up on him yet, especially with his history of near misses.