Group 7-day waking average?

5.7 on this (thankfully) dry and bright Berkshire morning. Wife and I are heading over to nearby Camberley later to do a bit of birthday shopping for her 60th next week, grab some lunch while we're there, and with it being the second round of Rugby's Six Nations this weekend I plan on settling down to watch England v Wales later. The Six Nations and Wimbledon are the two things on the sporting calendar that I most look forward to every year.

Enjoy your Saturday, weather permitting.
Camberley! I was born there (Well, Frimley) and lived there until I was about 5. Haven’t been back since, and only have sketchy memories of it.

I forgot to do a reading this morning, but after breakfast I was 6.2. Heavy carb day yesterday, omelette and chips, and then sea bass and potato in the evening and a beer… got home to a 5.1 a few hours later.
Camberley! I was born there (Well, Frimley) and lived there until I was about 5. Haven’t been back since, and only have sketchy memories of it.
Our two boys were born at Frimley Hospital.
And it was a 5.4 for me much earlier on this beautiful sunny morning.
No idea whats going on with my BG the last couple of days. Shooting up to the 15s for no apparent reason, struggling to bring it down. I wonder if i'm coming down with something, it is half term after all.
Morning all - either beautiful blue sky and sun, or raining sporadically. Weather cannot be trusted!

7.5 this morning with a rise in the wee hours. Thought that was a bit odd after the previous night's flat line until I remembered that I put a temp basal on before bed as I was 5.8 with 1.85u of bolus still active due to not eating all my dinner. As soon as I started to eat my nose started to stream and I just couldn't eat. I don't have a cold, it's apparently chronic rhinitis. It was bad yesterday despite liberal shots of Beconase nasal spray.

@freesia hope you are not coming down with anything and can enjoy half-term.. Hugs

@eggyg I amended the creamy salmon and leek dish. Used Dill instead of chives as I didn't have chives but did have some Dill. I thought the sauce was a bit mean, so added some more cream and then cooked the whole thing in the air fryer for 9 minutes instead of under the grill, with some of the sauce on top of the salmon. The fish was perfect but I really would have liked more sauce despite adding extra cream. What did you think of it when you made it? BTW hope you have all the bits for the slide!

Gammon boiled in cider tonight, with jacket potatoes, tenderstem broccoli and wilted spinach.

@Elenka_HM you are not having much luck lately. Hope your toe heals quickly.

Have a good day all
Morning all - either beautiful blue sky and sun, or raining sporadically. Weather cannot be trusted!

7.5 this morning with a rise in the wee hours. Thought that was a bit odd after the previous night's flat line until I remembered that I put a temp basal on before bed as I was 5.8 with 1.85u of bolus still active due to not eating all my dinner. As soon as I started to eat my nose started to stream and I just couldn't eat. I don't have a cold, it's apparently chronic rhinitis. It was bad yesterday despite liberal shots of Beconase nasal spray.

@freesia hope you are not coming down with anything and can enjoy half-term.. Hugs

@eggyg I amended the creamy salmon and leek dish. Used Dill instead of chives as I didn't have chives but did have some Dill. I thought the sauce was a bit mean, so added some more cream and then cooked the whole thing in the air fryer for 9 minutes instead of under the grill, with some of the sauce on top of the salmon. The fish was perfect but I really would have liked more sauce despite adding extra cream. What did you think of it when you made it? BTW hope you have all the bits for the slide!

Gammon boiled in cider tonight, with jacket potatoes, tenderstem broccoli and wilted spinach.

@Elenka_HM you are not having much luck lately. Hope your toe heals quickly.

Have a good day all
I added Philadelphia, just added a bit more body without been overpowering. Cream can be watery.
Still haven’t opened the box. 🙄
Our two boys were born at Frimley Hospital.
That's where me and my two sisters were born - I believe it was a 'cottage hospital' and my sister, born in 1974, was apparently one of the last births there before it was all moved to a new building.
Good morning - 7.6

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. 7.0

Funeral was fine. Wasn’t really a sad one. She was 93, had dementia for the last 5 years, 15 years ago had a huge stroke that impacted everything.
Leaves behind her sister, husband (after a 69 year marriage), two kids, seven grandchildren, three great grandchildren with another due in a month.
Good morning! Woke feeling slightly rough as I do most days -- oh to be young again, and wake refreshed and raring to go! Mi nd youi the anti-biotics don't help. BG on the meter was 4.4 after being up half-an-hour so may also have dipped overnight or risen by FOTF!.

Nothing on till Foot Clinic on Wednesday.

A couple of breaks in the cloud! 🙂 or :(
Morning another 7.7 for me so at least consistent.
Early start as off to Anglesey today and looking forward to a nice lunch at the Sea Shanty and some great views of the sea and a wave across the water to all my Irish friends.
Hope you all have a good day.
Morning. Dead on 5.

The birds, well the blackbirds at least, were singing just after 7. That’s a nice start to the day. It’s nearly spring at last.

No plans per se today, I may do the big shop or I may leave it until tomorrow. I haven’t done a triple centre shop since before Christmas. We’ve been living out of the freezers but they’re looking a bit depleted, could still last another few days if it wasn’t for three of the little monsters who are coming on Friday and staying over for the weekend. It’s an all inclusive city break so need to stock the cupboards!

Have a great day, especially those with special big birthdays and @freesia who’s going on a well deserved break.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 again! Tease!

I was completely knackered after playing in the church yesterday, still went for a walk with my friend in the late afternoon (what a hero).


Today rest (sort of ... even heros need rest!), lots of exercise, jot down the music for 'You raise me up' (short famous song, I really like it). Not much else to do, when then, rest it is.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing