Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! And I 5.8 for me after a disturbed night. I went to bed early as my muggy headache had worsened but woke with a hypo around 1:00am. Still no Libre. The GP approved the request. However, the local pharmacy who delivers to the scheme on a Monday and Thursday did not appear yesterday. I may ring up but wonder if they will answer the phone. Generally they are good but when they are bad they are bad!

Wonder if hypo was stress related? I got a text saying my credit card payment was due tomorrow (today). I was sure I had paid last week and when I checked the money had gone from my bank account and my credit card balance reduced by the same amount but it was not showing on the online statement! I hope they don't try and scam me for late payment. They did in 2017 when they claimed for late payment although I had actually paid in cash two working days before the due date!
Morning 7.8 interesting I woke at 20 to 4 at 10.8 was going to correct but didn't end doing and it seem to sort it's self out
Another round 5 for me this morning. 🙂

A 9.6 for me first check earlier.

Off work sick again but the headache is more of a bearable level this morning, so I’m hoping that having had 2 days of double amitriptyline is maybe starting to kick in. Could probably battle through work today but trying to give myself time to recover and not set it off at the unbearable level again, plus get used to the side effects of the higher dose.

Hoping to return to work tomorrow when I’ll have had 3 nights of the higher amitryptaline dose, and maybe started to feel less weird with the side effects. I’ve asked the GP surgery to give me two boxes at a time instead of 1 (as that’s only 2 weeks worth) also, so see if that gets anywhere
5.5 on this rather grey Berkshire morning. House is decorated with balloons & banners for my wife's 60th today and she has all her cards neatly arranged on the mantlepiece and lounge window sill. Once upon a time she would have gone into work and found her co-workers had decorated her desk but sadly, with post-Covid WFH, those days are long gone.

Lovely birthday meal at our favourite country pub last night - pate starter and Chicken Supreme with a side salad for me but, as usual, no dessert. No need, anyway - my wife had made some brownies earlier so I had a small one with a dollop of Greek yoghurt when we got home.

Got my recent eye screening result in - no signs of diabetic retinopathy. That's the good news. However, without giving any details, it also says there are changes in my eye(s) which are not caused by diabetes and I may wish to contact my GP to check whether they require any further review. Nothing on Patient Access yet so if nothing pops up today I'll log an eConsult tomorrow. At least it was 'you may wish to' rather than 'you need to'.

Off for my usual Tuesday swim later, otherwise nothing planned other than catch up on the laundry.

Pancake Day, though not for me. Have a good one.
5.4 for me... after an evening meal that may have included potato, and rather too much of them. (5.7 a few hours later!?)

Yesterday a customer dropped a new set of requirements that involved adding loads of animations to the application I'm working on. Towards the end of the project. They have been told 'do one' and if they want it, it's going to cost.
Hoping to return to work tomorrow when I’ll have had 3 nights of the higher amitryptaline dose, and maybe started to feel less weird with the side effects. I’ve asked the GP surgery to give me two boxes at a time instead of 1 (as that’s only 2 weeks worth) also, so see if that gets anywhere

I have a similar problem. Although most of my meds are on a 56 day cycle they will only prescribe a maximum of two L:ibre sensors and they are not even aligned with the 56 day cycle! :(
Good morning! And I 5.8 for me after a disturbed night. I went to bed early as my muggy headache had worsened but woke with a hypo around 1:00am. Still no Libre. The GP approved the request. However, the local pharmacy who delivers to the scheme on a Monday and Thursday did not appear yesterday. I may ring up but wonder if they will answer the phone. Generally they are good but when they are bad they are bad!

Wonder if hypo was stress related? I got a text saying my credit card payment was due tomorrow (today). I was sure I had paid last week and when I checked the money had gone from my bank account and my credit card balance reduced by the same amount but it was not showing on the online statement! I hope they don't try and scam me for late payment. They did in 2017 when they claimed for late payment although I had actually paid in cash two working days before the due date!
I made the mistake once of paying my credit card bill before they sent my statement. They charged me £15 because I’d paid early! I did complain and got it back. Now they don’t get a penny until that statement drops in my inbox.
I have a similar problem. Although most of my meds are on a 56 day cycle they will only prescribe a maximum of two L:ibre sensors and they are not even aligned with the 56 day cycle! :(
My amitriptyline box says take one or two at night, but they’ve only ever allowed one box of 28 at a time. Obviously timing doesn’t align to other meds either. So it’s never really allowed me to try 2 at night as I’d run out too fast. Headaches are a real problem at the moment though and causing time off work sick so I’ve just increased to 2 a night and hope they’ll change to two boxes at once.
6.9 this morning after having some chocolate last night, first time in ages, but it causes my BG to rise throughout the night resulting in a higher waking BG. Not sure how the pancakes tonight will affect things, but hey ho!

Have a good day everyone!
Have you considered covid sequelae? it's still around!
Hmm ... I had COVID twice (that I know), last one at the beginning of 2022. No doubt that it can leave long lasting effects but I wouldn't see a link to toe fungus :confused:

Unless you mean my immune system could be weaker in general. Well, I know it's a bit wonky, he has attacked my own pancreas...
Morning all.3.3 for me this morning.oops Good day yesterday with range then at 3 am high alarm went off.12 .3 .Took a couple of units Novo rapid .. Diabetes doesn't play by the rules Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning everyone, It's a happy 5.5.for me on another rainy morning

Have a good day folks.
Morning all and 6.6 for me.

Sneezing fit to bust. Don't think it's a cold and I'm sure a few snowdrops aren't causing hay fever.

Have a good day everyone
I’m the same. Never stopped sneezing for two days. I’ve no other symptoms, and these are great big “man” sneezes that can be heard all over the village! I’ve never had hay fever in my life. Maybe I need to dust! 😛
I’m the same. Never stopped sneezing for two days. I’ve no other symptoms, and these are great big “man” sneezes that can be heard all over the village! I’ve never had hay fever in my life. Maybe I need to dust! 😛
I’ve been pruning our Garrya, @khskel and now have a sore throat and blocked nose, I reckon the lovely silky tassels are spreading pollen all over the place now they're getting over. Also the hazel catkins must shed pollen all over the place, and we have several in or overhanging our garden.