Group 7-day waking average?

I've taken a screenshot - as you can see it says "Time in Target" at the top. When I click on the 3 bars the dropdown also says Time in Target. I can't take a screenshot of that I am afraid as it closes down as soon as I put my fingers on it. Curious really!

@Lanny, nice to see you posting again. You were missed.

View attachment 29224
time in range here. android 12 librelink version
6.1 then 6.4 fotf then 1hr later 9.1. 2hrs 7.5 now it's upper 7s range. TIR = 53% (3.9-8.0)
For someone who's not diabetic I would expect BG to be back to pre-meal level after 2 hours.
That's interesting. I thought that it would likely still be OK but elevated to some degree. I'll be increasing monitoring for a while as I have another Hba1c test coming up.
And there I was thinking I’d be first…

Morning, a 6.5 from FP test for me, Libre showing 3.8 for most of night, it’s the last day for this sensor which has consistently read about 2.5 for its two week life span, which is ok if you know but screws the data up, I seem to get the odd sensor like this and they seem to generally lack sensitivity .
04:57 BS 7.4 on sensor & going with it. 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Back on the wagon today after pigging out for couple of days eating dumplings & boas, not together, &, admittedly, BS was still higher than it should be, despite extra NR but, back on the straight & narrow today with a chicken casserole just eaten which I cooked straight after getting up in the electric pressure cooker! 😛
Good morning folks. 7'6 when woke up, now going down.

Some of you are really early risers. In the odd morning when I arrive and there's no posts yet, I know I should be in bed :D

I'm not an early bird by nature. When I don't have somewhere to be at a fixed time I won't surface until 9 am minimum! If I am up at this time some days is only because of work. Yesterday had the same shift and was alright because I was fresh after 2 days off and had gone to bed early. Today is a bit rougher because I worked the dinner shift and was clocking out 23:15. Had a coffee with cream a la @rebrascora and hope that, in combination with the cold morning air, helps me to wake up!

What a hectic dinner was last night. Tons of couples, as you'd expect, not tons of employees. Got me some Valentine's classics/clichés: red roses and chocolate covered strawberries. Not a surprise from my partner (who was conveniently traveling to his home country), they were for the guests but there were some spares. My boss told me to take half the roses and brought the other half home for his wife.
Good morning - 5.7

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning 7.3 today

Have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning all. 6,4, pretty happy with that after a lovely meal last night, at home.

Up early as we’ve a funeral this morning. It’s no one close to us, it’s Mr Eggy’s youngest brother’s father-in-law, going to show our support for our sister-in-law and two nieces. I’ll still cry as I get upset when others do. I really hate funerals, I don’t want one, but I’ve been out voted by the family, they have agreed to my wish for a burial ( cremations give me the heebie jeebies) in a wicker casket though. My other choice to just be chucked on the compost heap didn’t go down well. Apparently it’s illegal for some reason. 😉

Have a good day. It’s typical funereal weather here. Raining!
Good morning everyone

BG 5.0

Not very happy this morning as my wife implied that she would not ever leave the house. Makes dates and enjoyment impossible. Sigh.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. Hubby woke me at 6.30 saying my alarm was going off and i was 3.3! I'd slept through it despite it being right next to the bed. Graph showed that i flat lined just in the red from 2am. Double checked with a finger prick to confirm it wasn't a compression low but nope, definitely hypo so i treated and went back to sleep. Woke again at 7.10, still hypo so got up. Its finally going up now.

I'm off to see mum this morning. She's back home finally, with carers coming in 4 times a day initially.
Morning and a 7.2 for me so may look to increase my basal by 2u just to see if it brings it down a little but still pretty flat overnight.
Off for a little walk now to deal with post prandial rise and have a great day.
Eggy we have a cemetery close to the house and I I find it very peaceful and my wife’s father used to always say the people in the cemetery can’t hurt you it is the other b@#&*£s above the ground you need to worry about.
Have a good day
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Morning all, a rare 5.2 has been spotted over Oxfordshire! To achieve it, I ate my evening meal (a carb rich risotto) at 8pm, with a couple of glasses of white wine, after getting back from dropping son and daughter at Heathrow, went to bed 2 hrs later with insulin on board, decided randomly that I might need a carb boost at that point and had a Hotel Chocolate pistachio praline that son had bought me. If that’s what’s needed to produce a flatfish and an HS, maybe I should do it more often!