Group 7-day waking average?

Let’s call it something like 8 this morning, currently 8.9 half an hour after low carb cereal and a few hours after waking up.

Still off sick today, been off a week now though so ready to get back hopefully tomorrow. Am feeling a little better, head is more like congested stuffiness now than intense throbbing pain though.

Today’s mission: leave the house to walk the 10 mins into the village to post a birthday card and pick up a prescription. Maybe a coffee for a rest before walking home.
5.8 this morning.

Hopefully a fairly quiet day WFH today. Finally getting around to deleting old files and tidying up the rest for any I need to pass on to those left in the team after I leave.

@eggyg - thanks for the thoughts about retirement. Still have a mixture of feelings, but looking forward to starting on my own projects and hobbies!

Congratulations @Robin on your HS today!

Take care everyone!
And it's a lowly 4.8 for me today - and the sun is shining and it's 14.2c, a positive heatwave.
Morning all - another wet one!

5.9 and a flatfish 96% TIR at 8.30am. Sensor is now ending gone midnight and it's very inconvenient. Tried to start the new one earlier but it wouldn't have it! I'm a night owl rather than an early bird - I'm gobsmacked at the time some of you get up - but even so a sensor starting in the wee hours isn't a good thing!

Had a successful day yesterday after traipsing round umpteen DIY emporiums and got some laminate flooring at a very good price in Homebase. Then back to Wickes for a 2nd time to get the underlay as it was considerable cheaper there. Then on to B&Q for the Valspar mixed paint the same very pale grey as our bedroom. Phew.... that's gone up! Had butterflied leg of lamb from M&S + 4 cheese cauli cheese and some rosti cakes. Came to more than the meal deal and no wine! But we didn't fancy sirloin steak or chicken kiev. So we were happy. There's enough left for dinner tonight.

We're going to see Bob Marley film this afternoon and then J will do the grocery shopping whilst I attend a resident's associating meeting.

@Eternal422 It may be a cliche but it's true nevertheless that when you are retired you wonder how you ever found the time to work. We have boxes of photographs that are in envelopes, all sorted out to go into albums, of which we have a number - all empty. As Julian so often reminds me, that's a job for when we are retired. I've been retired for 10 years and they still aren't in albums!

@eggyg gotta be cremated. Couldn't face being buried! Good thing we are not all the same. My mum was cremated. We went to scatter her ashes in a lovely wood with snowdrops blooming. It was a very dull day but as we scattered the ashes there was a break in he clouds and a ray of sun shone down on us enveloping just about a 20ft circle around us. I'm sure that told me she approved and was still with us. Have you been to a cemetary in Spain/Portugal where people are interred in stacked concrete boxes with windows?

Ah well... have a good day all.
@Eternal422 It may be a cliche but it's true nevertheless that when you are retired you wonder how you ever found the time to work. We have boxes of photographs that are in envelopes, all sorted out to go into albums, of which we have a number - all empty. As Julian so often reminds me, that's a job for when we are retired. I've been retired for 10 years and they still aren't in albums!
Everyone of our friends who are already retired say the same! So, I’m fully expecting to be busy and wonder how I ever managed to do anything else whilst working :rofl:
It was 8.3 this morning I accidentally fell asleep before meaning to last night before I was meant to last night at work at 13.8 having taken my levimer but took it then and did a correction
Good morning all. 6,4, pretty happy with that after a lovely meal last night, at home.

Up early as we’ve a funeral this morning. It’s no one close to us, it’s Mr Eggy’s youngest brother’s father-in-law, going to show our support for our sister-in-law and two nieces. I’ll still cry as I get upset when others do. I really hate funerals, I don’t want one, but I’ve been out voted by the family, they have agreed to my wish for a burial ( cremations give me the heebie jeebies) in a wicker casket though. My other choice to just be chucked on the compost heap didn’t go down well. Apparently it’s illegal for some reason. 😉

Have a good day. It’s typical funereal weather here. Raining!
Mine will be cheap, our house backs onto a cemetery so I can just be tossed over the fence.
Joking apart, we went to a green burial a few years ago and it was very peaceful, no fuss.
Other half's Mum donated her body to Oxford Uni medical school so no funeral.
I'd rather be 2 hours early than 2 minutes late. When I worked in IT training I was amazed how many people not only no showed, but didn't let the trainers know and didn't think they needed a good reason.
There was a chart on the wall at the place where I go for blood tests with over 200 no showers per month over the last year, that is appalling.
There was a chart on the wall at the place where I go for blood tests with over 200 no showers per month over the last year, that is appalling.
Maybe they had baths instead.
I'd rather be 2 hours early than 2 minutes late. When I worked in IT training I was amazed how many people not only no showed, but didn't let the trainers know and didn't think they needed a good reason.
Well I was 24hrs early for my ‘behavioural change’ appointment this week! That was a little too early I think.

Also had the GP today, signed off for the rest of the week to get on top of my ME/CFS again, back to work on Monday
Mr Eggy’s favourite saying is “I’ve never had a day off since I retired!”
Nor me. My attendance was excellent and given people with my condition find it hard to hold down a job even more so. But I think the government making me redundant to save costs was a mistake as I have been unable to find work since. They've effectively paid me to do nothing all day via benefits for about 7 years. I'd be in a job today if they hadn't gone down that route. I'm not complaining though.
Morning. I’m full of cold. Bunged up. Temperature. Feel lousy to say the least.
And 8.6