Group 7-day waking average?

Can't get much closer than a 5.1 this fine sunny morning.

Have a good day folks and stay safe.
5.5 and time to book a blood test… medication review.
I reckon it’ll have gone up as I’ve seen eating more carbs.

5.9 after a couple of slices of pizza yesterday, so happy with that. Nice bright sunny day which is good for my son as he moves out of ours and in with his girlfriend today. Finally 6 years after he came back to us for a few months he has moved out, at least we can start getting the house in order now we have an extra spare room again.

@MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on your HS today,

@ColinUK - pleased to hear of the smooth system this morning and having a nice coffee.

@Lucyr - I know you want to get back to work as soon as possible, but make sure you are fully ready especially with your CFS as well.
And booked in for a likely biopsy tomorrow. No mucking around at all. Offered me appointments every day from today through to next Friday.
What's the time & the range?

edit: i.e. 1 day 7 day 30 day 90 day, 3.9-8.0? 10?
imo it's useful and interesting to compare. But one can't unless time & range is known.
I was reporting it as per people who say "and a unicorn" meaning they have been 100% in their chosen range for the last 24 hours, assuming the longer term members of this thread would understand. Sorry that was rude as of course newer members will not take that as read. I forget that when people come in they don't always understand the things we talk about e.g. TIR, HS, unicorn.

To put it in context it was 24 hours within my range of 3.9 - 10 which is manufacturer's default.
I was reporting it as per people who say "and a unicorn" meaning they have been 100% in their chosen range for the last 24 hours, assuming the longer term members of this thread would understand. Sorry that was rude as of course newer members will not take that as read. I forget that when people come in they don't always understand the things we talk about e.g. TIR, HS, unicorn.
oh no worries, I didn't think it rude; I just didn't know.
To put it in context it was 24 hours within my range of 3.9 - 10 which is manufacturer's default.
That's useful information, thanks🙂
Morning all - glorious day, blue skies wall to wall.

7.5 this morning, a flatfish and a unicorn.

Off to a meeting this morning then making roast pepper and tomato soup this afternoon, and down to the local to meet friends late afternoon/early evening.

Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS

@ColinUK brilliant service you are getting.

@Lucyr don't go back too soon and spoil all the good being off sick has done.

Have a good day all
it is, isn't it. fields are still running water into the roads here. I'm waiting to plant garlic; I dare not when the ground is so wet or they'll all rot :(

England & Wales has weather warnings for heavy rain (again) this coming weekend
A very quick visit to allotment to get leeks to find it pretty well under water, even in the poly tunnels. Goodness how long it will be before it dries up. 0
i have parsnips to pull up. Might head up to the allotment later see if I can get a fork in. The soil has a fair bit of clay, but it's on a slope. All I need are like 3 dry days in a row, lol.
what I meant was - often I'm working in the early hrs. Sometimes my "bedtime" is 10am having worked all through the night.
I completely understand what you meant and I guessed you might respond to clarify. I was just commenting on a related aspect. It might have been helpful if I had made that clear but it's not a big deal.
Joining Dez this morning with a 5.2 HS ! (Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo !)


@ColinUK - lovely to hear of the efficient service you got this morning. Having such a quick biopsy will put your mind at rest. My health anxiety would be in overdrive now! Let us know how you get on.

Have a Good Friday everyone!
A very quick visit to allotment to get leeks to find it pretty well under water, even in the poly tunnels. Goodness how long it will be before it dries up. 0
I picked my leeks a couple of weeks ago. I’m so glad I did otherwise they’d have rotted. Roll on some prolonged dry weather.
And booked in for a likely biopsy tomorrow. No mucking around at all. Offered me appointments every day from today through to next Friday.
Wow @ColinUK. Now thats what i call a good service. A GP appointment straight away, then the biopsy tomorrow. I hope all is ok.
I picked my leeks a couple of weeks ago. I’m so glad I did otherwise they’d have rotted. Roll on some prolonged dry weather.
Got around 10 kg of parsnips from one 9 metre row of free seeds. Digging em up was muddy and squelchy though. Used enough energy to eat a sandwich and not have to take insulin to cover it!
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9

Lost 0.2Kg weight yesterday. I love these weighing scales!

Today, exercise. Hmm that's about it. How boring!

man bored desk_web.jpg

Have a great day today whatever you are doing. Zzzzzzzz
Morning. *cough*
Hope everyone’s *splutter* alright this Saturday *cough* morning.

6.9 (ooh err matron!)

Still full of cold but it’s getting better.

I’m quite relaxed about the appointment later.

Went out yesterday which means there’s a CCC coming later. Full marks for anyone who recognises the opera from the curtain call.
