Group 7-day waking average?

Morning very similar to Colin with a Len and a slither so a 7.1 for me.Awful Noah’s Ark weather and putting Haggis’s coat on this morning was like a military operation with him twisting and turning with excitement.
Trip to Southport so hope it improves so I can have a stroll along the sea shore even if all you can see is mud.
May go to Crosby and look at the Antony Gormley statues if time but they will get even rustier even above the waterline.
Anyway we then have to bathe Haggis tonight before he goes to the groomers tomorrow which I think is pointless ( bit like tidying up before the cleaner comes around( we do not have a cleaner).
My wife makes fruit scones for visitors and eggy hope your “ lunch” is as nice as those are and we also tried some M&S hot cross buns which were delicious so too many temptations.
Hope your enjoy your day better then the weather even if the ducks will be happy.
Good morning! Pleasantly surprised with a 6.9 after a difficult day starting with breakfast nearly two hours early. News at foot clinic was mixed and I will update my thread another time.

Physio later this morning. Bit stiff as took a fall in the afternoon using my prosthetic. Imagine at my height and weight the aftershock was felt in London-sur-le-Thames! :(
5.4 after being up for a bit.
A day off today for a trip to Cambridge.
I hope there are still some decent record shops there! (I vaguely recall picking up a Gentle Giant LP there a few years back, but can't remember from where!)
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Good morning everyone.

Got up at the ridiculously late time of 6;30am ! Mind you I was tired yesterday evening. Got up just in time to put the bins out by the 'regulated' time of 7am!

BG 4.8 consistently low now.

In fact everything is falling down: blood glucose levels, blood pressure, weight, trowsers ! No picture of that! It would be too much to 'bare' :D

Today more exercise. For once its nice weather out there. Spring may be moving in.

My wife saw 3 possibly 4 squirrels yesterday ( 2 youngsters). I saw none! I wonder how they've felt in all the wind, rain, cold.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all, 7.7 here, Dawn paid me a visit, she’s been off on her travels recently. I was in the middle of a stress dream when the alarm went off, maybe that did it. My stress dreams used to involve sitting an exam I haven’t revised for, but recently I’ve had varied ones, maybe the trauma of exams has finally worn off after 40 years of not having to sit one. This one involved having to go out somewhere and my son not being ready. Obv as a result of the fact the kids are on holiday together at the mo, and daughter was complaining yesterday that son is never ready…(My actual stress at the moment is about something completely different, of course, the brain works in mysterious ways).
Morning all. :D 4.6 here.

It’s Thursday which means wall2wall teaching - English this morning, Spanish this afternoon, then Welsh this evening. The Welsh lot are usually absolutely knackered and yawning all the way through (most of them work in mainstream education, so it’s no surprise really!). Then admin tomorrow and the weekend, woohoo!

Wrap up folks, it’s turning cold, apparently.
7.3. Really didn’t sleep much at all and got a full day in the office planned. Last time I tried a day in person I didn’t last the day so I’m hoping the double amitryptaline keeps the headaches away and that I somehow keep awake enough.

6.2 which I am pleased with after my birthday meal, and last thing I ate before going to bed was a raspberry magnum.

Thank you for my birthday wishes yesterday.
Awful Noah’s Ark weather
Hmmm - same here and strangely, no animals around except for a couple of unicorns. I hope this doesn’t foretell of bad things! :rofl:
6.3 from me on this very wet morning here. My cold is definitely clearing away now thank goodness!

@Elenka_HM - I hope your informal chat/interview went well?

Have a good day everyone!
A 4.7 for me today. 🙂

Morning All - 7.6 for me this morning (for some reason I snaffled two digestives before bed last night). Brilliant day at college yesterday and the rain disappeared by mid morning. we pruned back loads of Cornus & Salix and then made a dead hedge which with 11 people working on it was done in a surprisingly quick time - very satisfying. Have a great day everyone. I'm out in my own garden this morning which is very soggy indeed.


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Another wet start to the day and we have a yellow weather warning in place for heavy rain and strong winds. Yesterday was pretty wet, too. Went to the Army Flying Museum as planned and it was filthy weather for driving. Cleared up a bit on the way back, thankfully. Well worth the trip though. Most of the visitors were elderly, but on Seniors Specials Day in the cafe I suppose that was only to be expected. Free tea or coffee, and a piece of cake.

Family are on the move again tomorrow morning, heading south to Tauranga. They'll be there for 3 days and have a day booked at the nearby Hobbiton Movie Set Tour attraction ( Lord of the Rings fans will know what that is. Our eldest will also meet up with three of the Kiwi players from his futsal team, who are from that area and are back home this month while the league takes a mid-season break.

Regular Thursday swim later but my usual 2-hour parking place isn't available as parking is suspended for 4 days, hopefully because they're resurfacing the street, which badly needs it. Waitrose car park it is then, but only 90 minutes there, so that rules out my option of having lunch in town unless I risk a soaking by getting the bus or walking there and back.

5.5 this morning. Hope the weather doesn't ruin anyone's plans.
Good morning everyone! 6'7.

@Elenka_HM - I hope your informal chat/interview went well?
It is scheduled for tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for advice and good wishes, I will spend today getting ready 😉
Another wet start to the day and we have a yellow weather warning in place for heavy rain and strong winds. Yesterday was pretty wet, too. Went to the Army Flying Museum as planned and it was filthy weather for driving. Cleared up a bit on the way back, thankfully. Well worth the trip though. Most of the visitors were elderly, but on Seniors Specials Day in the cafe I suppose that was only to be expected. Free tea or coffee, and a piece of cake.

Family are on the move again tomorrow morning, heading south to Tauranga. They'll be there for 3 days and have a day booked at the nearby Hobbiton Movie Set Tour attraction ( Lord of the Rings fans will know what that is. Our eldest will also meet up with three of the Kiwi players from his futsal team, who are from that area and are back home this month while the league takes a mid-season break.

Regular Thursday swim later but my usual 2-hour parking place isn't available as parking is suspended for 4 days, hopefully because they're resurfacing the street, which badly needs it. Waitrose car park it is then, but only 90 minutes there, so that rules out my option of having lunch in town unless I risk a soaking by getting the bus or walking there and back.

5.5 this morning. Hope the weather doesn't ruin anyone's plans.

Got wet with all four ambulance transfers for yesterday's hospital visit , and wet being loaded for physio and drenched being unloaded! :(

Where I used to live I sometimes brought canned and dry groceries, exited the car park, drove around for 20 minutes and went back in! 🙂
Morning all 4.4 for me this morning.Been a funny two days yesterday low alarm seemed to be going off a lot .Loads of jbs and pea nut chocolate fingers .Did rise to 10 after tea Took dog out for an hour Got back and was down to mid fives .Gonna have to lower my basal dose .Back to one unit for 10 carbs .Been doing more walking with it getting lighter on a night .Have a good day folks