Group 7-day waking average?

6.1 Slept like a log until I woke up in the middle of a weird nightmare involving a giant rabid squirrel, half a rhododendron bush and a huge bowl of containing whisked quails egg whites intended for small meringues.
I’ve no idea either!

Went to the gym yesterday and enjoyed it. Which is a first in a long time. Why did I enjoy it? Because I went back to one I used to go to years ago (not been there in easily 6 years) that’s huge, flooded with light, staffed by knowledgeable friendly people and that just feels “special”.
In the afternoon I saw An Enemy of the People in which Matt Smith does a sterling job but the updated production as a whole seemed unbalanced and a little ill conceived to me. If you’re tempted and can get cheap ticket deals then it’s worth seeing for his ranting monologue at the top of Act II.

And apropos of nothing… anyone know anything about migraines during which the sufferer loses consciousness? Mum had one the other day apparently. Dad was upstairs, she was in the kitchen. Lost consciousness, cracked a rib as she fell, threw up, was woozy all day. Of course they didn’t call 111 or anyone as they didn’t want to bother the doctor.

We’re (me, bro and s-in-l) are going there later today and will strongly suggest that if either of them lose consciousness at all. Ever. They call 111 or their doctor even if it means an ambulance to a&e and sitting there for 12 hours to be told there’s nothing wrong.

I found a thing from the migraine trust on migraines with brainstem aura and it seems that its connected to Ménière’s disease, which mum has.

Thoughts, suggestions, advice on us letting her GP know even if she doesn’t etc very welcome.
And apropos of nothing… anyone know anything about migraines during which the sufferer loses consciousness? Mum had one the other day apparently. Dad was upstairs, she was in the kitchen. Lost consciousness, cracked a rib as she fell, threw up, was woozy all day. Of course they didn’t call 111 or anyone as they didn’t want to bother the doctor.
Sorry, can’t help with actual knowledge, but the same thing used to happen to my father. He never had a formal diagnosis of anything, except a GP probably back in the 1930s telling him it was ‘probably his ears' but I can remember as a child being told 'your father's having one of his do's' and he’d be in bed for a day being sick and feeling dizzy. He didn’t lose consciousness though until he was in his 80s, when he was out gardening, blacked out, and his face encountered the concrete path. I was only told because I happened to visit and saw the resulting 15 rounds with a prize fighter look. He continued to have them occasionally, he gave up driving because he was worried he’d have one in the car, but this wasn’t on medical advice because he never consulted a doctor, of course.

I’m struggling with your dream, btw, by what process of the unconscious mind did your brain decide that in order to make small meringues, you needed to start with small egg whites? :rofl: :confused:
6.1 Slept like a log until I woke up in the middle of a weird nightmare involving a giant rabid squirrel, half a rhododendron bush and a huge bowl of containing whisked quails egg whites intended for small meringues.
I’ve no idea either!

Went to the gym yesterday and enjoyed it. Which is a first in a long time. Why did I enjoy it? Because I went back to one I used to go to years ago (not been there in easily 6 years) that’s huge, flooded with light, staffed by knowledgeable friendly people and that just feels “special”.
In the afternoon I saw An Enemy of the People in which Matt Smith does a sterling job but the updated production as a whole seemed unbalanced and a little ill conceived to me. If you’re tempted and can get cheap ticket deals then it’s worth seeing for his ranting monologue at the top of Act II.

And apropos of nothing… anyone know anything about migraines during which the sufferer loses consciousness? Mum had one the other day apparently. Dad was upstairs, she was in the kitchen. Lost consciousness, cracked a rib as she fell, threw up, was woozy all day. Of course they didn’t call 111 or anyone as they didn’t want to bother the doctor.

We’re (me, bro and s-in-l) are going there later today and will strongly suggest that if either of them lose consciousness at all. Ever. They call 111 or their doctor even if it means an ambulance to a&e and sitting there for 12 hours to be told there’s nothing wrong.

I found a thing from the migraine trust on migraines with brainstem aura and it seems that its connected to Ménière’s disease, which mum has.

Thoughts, suggestions, advice on us letting her GP know even if she doesn’t etc very welcome.
At least they told you Colin. I can’t help re migraine problem although I do suffer from them but have never fell unconscious, but that does sound scary. Could it be stress re your dad? I get them mostly when I’m stressed about something. I’d definitely get in touch with her GP, maybe they can call her on a pretence of something else. Not sure how it works re data protection etc. Hope they listen to your “lecture” I do think you need to be firm about it. If they don’t want to “bother” the GP etc at least get them to promise to call a family member straight away. Good luck.
Good morning! aa 7.9 after yesterday's many "edge of hypo" events. After two days with earlier starts I had hoped for an uninterrupted eight hours but it was not to be. First I woke with moderate phantom pain at around 1:00. A pain killer and a cuppa and it was back to sleep only to wake frequently from bizarre dreams. The ones about being trapped in a coffee shop with a thug outside (think Harry Palmer and the KGB) and then in a church ;probably relate to my fall and not being able to walk yesterday (think trapped!). However the other about finding a vandalised post box and trying to find an address amongst the torn envelopes that matched the handwriting in an important card makes no sense!

Some areas of blue sky today after getting repeatedly soaked in ambulance transfers over the past few days! 🙂
I’m struggling with your dream, btw, by what process of the unconscious mind did your brain decide that in order to make small meringues, you needed to start with small egg whites? :rofl: :confused:
I’ve no idea but it does make sense!
A 5.6 for me this morning and back to the chilly weather. 🙂

Morning all - 7.2 this morning. Spent about 8 hours gardening yesterday and back is suffering somewhat but got a lot done (in one bed!). Off to do my hospital driving in a bit and going to Appleby and Kendal so that will make a nice change from Carlisle (sorry I won't be able to wave @eggyg). Deep relaxation & yoga evening in a hammock booked tonight and then tomorrow I'm off "Down South" to take my Mum to stay with her friend in her old village for a few nights and I'm visiting various friends and doing sleepovers and seeing all three children so really looking forward to it. I know the drive will aggravate whatever's going on with my back and sacrum but it will be worth it. Have a lovely day and weekend everyone xxx
6.1 Slept like a log until I woke up in the middle of a weird nightmare involving a giant rabid squirrel, half a rhododendron bush and a huge bowl of containing whisked quails egg whites intended for small meringues.
I’ve no idea either!

Went to the gym yesterday and enjoyed it. Which is a first in a long time. Why did I enjoy it? Because I went back to one I used to go to years ago (not been there in easily 6 years) that’s huge, flooded with light, staffed by knowledgeable friendly people and that just feels “special”.
In the afternoon I saw An Enemy of the People in which Matt Smith does a sterling job but the updated production as a whole seemed unbalanced and a little ill conceived to me. If you’re tempted and can get cheap ticket deals then it’s worth seeing for his ranting monologue at the top of Act II.

And apropos of nothing… anyone know anything about migraines during which the sufferer loses consciousness? Mum had one the other day apparently. Dad was upstairs, she was in the kitchen. Lost consciousness, cracked a rib as she fell, threw up, was woozy all day. Of course they didn’t call 111 or anyone as they didn’t want to bother the doctor.

We’re (me, bro and s-in-l) are going there later today and will strongly suggest that if either of them lose consciousness at all. Ever. They call 111 or their doctor even if it means an ambulance to a&e and sitting there for 12 hours to be told there’s nothing wrong.

I found a thing from the migraine trust on migraines with brainstem aura and it seems that its connected to Ménière’s disease, which mum has.

Thoughts, suggestions, advice on us letting her GP know even if she doesn’t etc very welcome.

Were you affected by maybe the Tufty or Carling adverts as a child/teen?

I get migraine with visual disturbances (like an out of tune 60s/70s TV. Quite unpleasant as I can then start to get light headed or dizzy. Many people who suffered migraine when younger tend to develop the variant with visual disturbance as they get older!
Were you affected by maybe the Tufty or Carling adverts as a child/teen?

I get migraine with visual disturbances (like an out of tune 60s/70s TV. Quite unpleasant as I can then start to get light headed or dizzy. Many people who suffered migraine when younger tend to develop the variant with visual disturbance as they get older!
That’s the type of migraines I get. Three attacks last week. I just sit with my eyes closed and take some paracetamol and ibuprofen. Never lasts much longer than 30/40 minutes but very disconcerting at the time.

5.9 today, a day off of work and going for a walk.

@ColinUK - sorry to hear bout your mum, I d get very dizzy and sick with my migraines, but don’t think I have ever lost consciousness, but agree it is worrying they didn’t call a GP or 111.
Morning all and 6.1 for me.

Laptop throwing a wobbly. Might have to put the back up drive in.

Have a good day everyone.
Save everything to wax cylinder!
Opened the curtains to blazing sunshine this morning after two thoroughly wet days. Chilly when I walked down to get a newspaper, though. Hopefully I can pick up where I left off in the garden before our 2-day soaking put a stop on things. Joining Dez on the 5.6 step this morning. Weekly BP check 138/68 so well into the High Normal zone but nowhere I haven't been occasionally in the past. I'm putting it down to discovering that being home alone for 3 weeks (one down, two to go) is turning out to be a little stressful at times. It's good that these days we can video call via WhatsApp every day.

Family arrived safely in Tauranga, later than planned due to a traffic jams around Auckland. Don't expect that in a country with a total population less than London's but if you're going to get one, Auckland is where it's most likely. Our eldest has gone out with one of his Kiwi pals from his futsal team, who's back home at the moment and is from the Tauranga area. My wife and our youngest are just chilling out after the 7-hour drive.

Hope everyone's getting some of this sunshine and not having to mop up after the last couple of days.
@ColinUK Wax cylinder? ... an upgrade that for me ... presently I'm still on rocks
Morning all.4.9 for me this morning.No low alarm going off during the night,so that's not bad .Well get dog out,go along farm butchers for a coffee and a bit read or chat Then get our meat for weekend.Food shopping over mark's and Spencer this afternoon.Dont know how I can handle the excitement Have a good day folks
Morning everyone 3.9 then fotf 4.8 then 15 mins later 4.6 then breakfast @5.4 (cheese on 2x toast) 7.8@ 2hrs
rain for next 3 days, hopefully it'll be dry a couple days after