thankfully Marks and Next make stylish comfy pants.....!And comfy knickers 😉
Sorry about laughing at your misfortunes. I have my own problems with meds, so readily identify with your struggles.You get up in the middle of the night to take the Gabapentin (for phantom pain) that you forgot before bed but then take your morning meds including Furosemide (water tablet)! Then can't get back to sleep as you are peeing every 20 - 30 minutes for over two hours. Not sure where it all comes from as having been in bed with leg raised there was no sign of oedema and I only had two cups of tea in that time!![]()
She meant it kindly, I'm sure! It would be horrid to 'slap her down' by feeling insulted (or patronised?). You could always say that carrying trays these counts as weight training for you!!! (Mild sarcasm!!)I was in a cafe the other day and the fussy, bright, highly trained, young lady at the till asked me if I needed help carrying my tray (with a cup, tea pot and milk jug) to a table. I was on the point of demonstrating my familiarity with the foul mouthed vernacular of modern youth when I though better of it and simply replied "No thank -you".
If that is not a sign of growing old from several different angles, I don't know what is.