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Signs of growing older

This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.
You know you are getting old when [after recovering from cataract surgery] you can't recognise your own nose!

Honestly, it was quite disconcerting. There I was sitting by my kitchen window, when I noticed this white blob floating in the corner of my right eye. I'm like: "Oh my, what's that?", "Maybe something's happened to the implant!" ..... "Oh, it's just my nose." .... "Hello, nose. I haven't seen you for years. How are you keeping?" .....
ROFL - I love that comment! And I do know exactly what you mean since I suddenly noticed all sorts of things in people's front gardens, and the colours of front doors/windows we drive past shedloads of times most weeks. How long have they had that fuchsia/tree/car/whatever? as well as sinking or raised drain holes in road gutters that I didn't recall having to swerve slightly to avoid, new kerbstones, front walls etc.
I’ve reached the age where my brain went from I probably shouldn’t say that to ‘What the hell.
You know you are getting old when your bank sends you their free calendar - one month at a time.... :D
“I don’t do alcohol anymore — I get the same effect just standing up fast.
You know you are getting old when you speed on the motorway so you can reach your destination
before you forget where you’re going.
You know you are getting old when It takes longer to rest than it does to get tired,

and, It takes twice as long to look half as good.
You know you're getting old when you give up all your bad habits and still don't feel good,
and, you sit in you're rocking chair and can't get it going.
Have you had this feeling when you look at the people you have known for a long time and you notice that they
are looking old — how did they get older when you haven’t gotten any older?
You know you are getting old when one benefit of old age is that your secrets are always safe with your
friends … because they can’t remember them!
You know you are getting old when you replace the dining table chairs with with computer chairs. 🙄


Not as stupid as it might sound: The computer chairs have both wheels and extended, height adjusting, gas cylinders. This not only makes them much easier to wheel out of the way for cleaning/mopping, but, with vinyl flooring in the kitchen, I can zip about my small kitchen in true geek style.:D

At their full height, I can easily chop veg and prepare meals while sitting down, and, at their lowest height, after raising the fridge on stilts, I can easily access all those dangerous low shelves without bending down and upsetting my blood pressure. Even better, 'Papas' chair, the one with the yellow throw, is a recliner with 8 programmable massage points. Although it is brand new, I had to add some padding for my bony backside and a a neck rest. But, all in all, it is surprisingly effective. (By the way, I intend to get a matching throw for the small salon chair and give it a bit of extra padding too.)


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You know you’re getting old when you start to forget things, like what you had for breakfast…
or if you had breakfast at all.
You know you’re getting older when you have a party and the neighbours don’t realize it.
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.