My daughter wants “Another one Bites the Dust” to be played at her funeral!
How I know I’m getting old:
Can’t read small print on medicine packets any more, even with my glasses on
Using subtitles when I can’t hear the TV properly (have done this for ages actually)
Regularly forgetting to pick my phone up and put it in my bag before I go out
Almost as regularly having to hunt around for keys
The one that annoys me most is the amount of times I write my shopping list, go to Tesco and then arrive home later to find that I’ve forgotten something because either a) I didn’t put it on the list in the first place; or b) I did put it on the list but still didn’t buy it even though I checked the list 3 times on the way round and declared everything to be in the trolley! Especially annoying when it’s the meat for that night’s dinner (yes I do actually do this… I’m only in my early 50s, what on earth will I be like when I’m in my 70s
For years I was bombarded with junk mail and phone calls about Stannah stair lifts, hearing aids, retirement homes, insurance for over 50s etc, this all started when I was in my 30s and I eventually deduced that there must be some database somewhere that’s got my birth date down as 30 years earlier than it actually is (which would make me just a bit older than my parents…). Despite asking several companies to amend the source as well as their own records, it never happened. Now I actually am over 50 I don’t get any of this any more, I guess they think I’m either too old and senile or dead
A few weeks ago I met up with some old friends who I met at university, as it’s 30 years this year since we graduated. One of them had got in touch with the university administrators to arrange for us to have a look round the buildings we used to spend most of our time in. We were shown round by a lovely lady who only graduated herself in 2018 and therefore wasn’t even born when we were there, she couldn’t understand how we could possibly get coursework done without the internet and smartphones and Google… yeah we used to go to the library and use those funny things called “books”…