Libre 2 App July Upgrade Errors - combined thread.

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This has been driving me nutts this morning, I have managed to re-install the app no problem, logged back in etc no issues........ BUT, lost all previous data, does anyone know how to get this back, I have an appointment next week for a pump and have been doing so much work to make sure I have everything needed and have been working on control etc tirelessly to now have no data at all.
I saw a comment about LibreView which is live on my app (in the connected apps tab) but does this mean the hospital can still see the data / history even if i cant?
Im fuming, been on hold with Abbott for over an hour just to be cut off too - One very unhappy T1D lol
I have exactly the same issue, having deleted the app. I contacted Abbot using their new contact form, and received an acknowledgement at 8 am - but no reply about the issue yet. Really grateful to see suggestions about restoring the app, I'll give them a go.
I wish I had read the post about the app before I updated it
It really is quite shocking that Libre have released an update yet again which has caused such major upheaval for people! Surely they tested the update on iphone compatibility before they released it. It is not like apple is a marginal part of the market! You have to wonder about the ability of their IT department when they keep getting it so badly wrong and particularly with a medical device and then not having the info ready to support people. It is coming to something when I (a total tech dinosaur) can type people through resolving the situation when the customer service operators at Abbott are unable to offer a solution, just that they are working on it.
It’s the lack of communication too, there’s been no email about this. How are those who don’t use social media or forums supposed to know what’s going on
This has been driving me nutts this morning, I have managed to re-install the app no problem, logged back in etc no issues........ BUT, lost all previous data, does anyone know how to get this back, I have an appointment next week for a pump and have been doing so much work to make sure I have everything needed and have been working on control etc tirelessly to now have no data at all.
I saw a comment about LibreView which is live on my app (in the connected apps tab) but does this mean the hospital can still see the data / history even if i cant?
Im fuming, been on hold with Abbott for over an hour just to be cut off too - One very unhappy T1D lol
You and the hospital both can see the data in libre view
Reminder to set your alarms back up if you had to remove the app, they don’t turn back on automatically!

Very important
Like my original post where it’s not shown in the App Store to download.As @Lucyr said above If you’re using iOS then goto the App Store and on your account (initials top right of screen) and goto purchased apps. If you then search Libre you’ll see the app from your history and you should be able to download it from the cloud symbol. I did this a few hours ago now and it’s been good ever since.
Unfortunately I had forgotten my password for the LibreLink and on resetting it seems to have lost ALL PREVIOUS DATA. added stress to difficult situation.
While the above steps (delete and reinstall the app) seem to work it appears I have lost all my previous data. Does anyone know how to get that back?
still don't see the app in the app store only Freestyle Libre 3
It's not in the app store, you have to retrieve it from your App purchase history to reinstall it, as shown in that video if you watch it.
While the above steps (delete and reinstall the app) seem to work it appears I have lost all my previous data. Does anyone know how to get that back?
It is in LibreView if you set that up when you started the LibreLink app. There is no way that I am aware of of transferring it back to LibreLink, but it should all be there in LibreView.
This all worked fine for me, following the little video above that is, until it came time to scan my sensor - the app now tells me my sensor has run out and fit a new one! Great! My sensor should not run out until next Thursday and we are not home until Sunday night! Great service!
I'm on android and still no update showing in the app store - just says ^open" which takes you back to my app - I'm getting so impatient for the update
Hi Lucy
Sorry to be a pain - Where do i find LibreLink? is it a separate app?

LibreLink is your phone app. LibreView is the website where you set up the practice/hospital you want to share your data with and can go through with your consultant etc. if you have a phone appointment or they'll be referencing with you if it's a face to face appointment.

I believe the password is the same as the app - been a long while since I set it up.

In my case I have lost all my data on the phone for previous records so it's at a blank slate, only with todays scans so no 3 month average or info for 14/30/90 days, but the LibreView website still has all the previous info and the new scans for when I was back up and running.

LibreLink is your phone app. LibreView is the website where you set up the practice/hospital you want to share your data with and can go through with your consultant etc. if you have a phone appointment or they'll be referencing with you if it's a face to face appointment.

I believe the password is the same as the app - been a long while since I set it up.

In my case I have lost all my data on the phone for previous records so it's at a blank slate, only with todays scans so no 3 month average or info for 14/30/90 days, but the LibreView website still has all the previous info and the new scans for when I was back up and running.
Hi Jonathan,
Yes sorry I got the names back to front. Your right though the consultant/ team will be able to see it all as can I, just frustrating that its not all there on the mobile app. Never mind.
just doesn't appear that you can download onto the main app so to see it all in one place.
You can't, no. On the other hand LibreView lets you see much more data (years of it, for what use that is). It is annoying that the app won't even download the last week or two (which would be genuinely useful).
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