• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Happy anniversary @eggyg and nice to have you back @miguel81

5.0 on the nose for me this morning.

Have a great day all. Hope your BGs behave themselves today @freesia - and you aren’t coming down with any sort of lurgy
5.3 for me this slightly grey morning…
A 5.7 for me today. 🙂
Happy 44th anniversary @eggyg 🙂

Morning all and 9.8, thank you stubborn hypo.

More clarinet practice last night. It's finally coming together.

We've been asked to record a cover version for a valentine's day album. We didn't like the suggestions the label made so we're going to do 'Coz I luv you'. Let's see what happens.

Have a good day everyone.
Hope your BGs behave themselves today @freesia - and you aren’t coming down with any sort of lurgy
Me too! We're on holiday soon. Breakfast is eaten and i'm 7.9 and dropping slowly.
5.7 on a thoroughly grey and wet Berkshire morning, with the rest of the day forecast to be much the same. Couldn't believe it when I looked out the kitchen window this morning and saw that the grass was dotted with slugs. Never seen so many at once. Been out and gathered up 51 so far. They're currently in an old ice cream container, awaiting their fate.

Nothing special on the calendar except for my usual Thursday swim, but might have lunch in town afterwards. Looks like the tumble dryer is going to have to deal with the machine load I put in yesterday evening as I can't see anything getting dry on the line today.

Congrats @eggyg on your anniversary, Sapphire Anniversary next year then - don't think there's anything between Ruby & Sapphire.

Congrats @Gwynn on yesterday's HS

Have a good day, all.
Good morning was 6.6 today

Im not sure of what the criteria is around here to get a libre on a NHS prescription but will ask,
have just requested from Abbot the free trial as @PattiEvans suggested thanks

BS was 4.4 just before I went to sleep,
so ate a snack and took two glucose abs (I use the lift ones)

Congrats on yesterday’s HS @Gwynn

Today I’ve not a lot planned for me just watching some you tube
although this evening I’m at the fitness program I’m attending
I don’t think I’m going to have hit the 10% weight loss (inn12 weeks)
that I had targeted myself to achieve but it looks like I’ve lost just over a stone

@Martin.A I can’t believe how many slugs you found on your lawn this morning
there certainly are a lot around this year probably due to the Brady wet weather we’ve had recently.

Have a lovely day everybody 😎
Morning all - another grey and damp one with a mist over the sea.

8.1 this morning. I'm cheesed off with it. I want to see regular 5s but perhaps it's due to factors beyond my control e.g. infections and eye operation etc. Cos corrections do not seem to work at all! Still, as of Monday I will be on HCL and perhaps that will help.

[rant warning!] Speaking of HCL, I got an email from the trainer yesterday telling me to do the "Onboarding" that I'd been sent from Omnipod. I'd had a quick look at it but the DSN had said to hold off. Anyway yesterday I went to do it and couldn't access it on my Omnipod account. I rang support and whilst they were nice enough they kept saying that I'd done it and it was no longer accessible. I just wish they'd employ people who have English as their first language, cos I find it really hard to understand most of them and they tend to gabble. I have to keep saying "I apologise but could you speak slower please as it's a bad line". It's not, but I don't want to offend them. What with that and trying to find my username/password for Glooko (that I will need for the training) I managed to waste the entire afternoon. I later discovered that my username and password were right, but using Firefox was the problem. Worked perfectly on Google Chrome. Anyway, I still have to find some way of accessing "Onboarding" as they call it! Sorry for the rant!

Gotta go grocery shopping today.... no veg in the house except frozen peas!

@eggyg many congratulations on your 44th Anniversary. You look so young both of you in that honeymoon photo!

@miguel81 you will be amazed at the difference having cataracts removed makes. I had my 2nd one done on Monday.... I can see distance without glasses now, but still need glasses for reading.

Have a good day all!
Hey everyone! I have been a bit absent lately. Morning readings have been between 7 and 10 rather than my usual 5s and 6s.

I'm not proud to report a 27% time above range for the past week. I've had generally higher levels and also spikes to 14 or 15 which might not surprise some of you but I don't usually see them! Some of them were probably poor food choices and others just because I started the meal with my BG already higher than ideal. I wonder if my pancreas is doing some extra self-destruction or is due to my getting less shifts at work, which means less hours on my feet and less walks to get there and back.

I am trying to do better with Novorapid. It might be worth it bringing back the good old Levemir too, but I'm a bit unsure. I feel I still need to work on my "bolus strategy" and adding basal can complicate it. I'm aware many people don't get that choice and have to learn to balance bolus and basal from day 1, so not trying to make a drama of it.

Any advice or encouragement would be appreciated.
@Elenka_HM may I suggest you get a copy of "Think like a pancreas" by Gary Scheiner. It gives you a very good understanding of the roles of basal and bolus and all manner of other things to do with control. I think you're right about less exercise influencing your levels, but I was repeatedly told that unless basal is right you will never get bolus right. You need to do a basal test even if you do it with no Levemir.
Good morning. It was a 4.7 for me earlier on this grey and windy day.

Have a good day folks.
Good morning everyone. 7'5.

A pretty complete day yesterday. Started with an early driving lesson, then managed to do laundry before joining some colleagues for lunch. We went to a lovely cozy pub and the food was great, even worth the massive spike I had after. We didn't have dessert but I've seen they have this option of hot drink+mini dessert that @Martin.A has mentioned sometimes, so I'd keep it in mind for a next visit 😉

The pub is in a small town not too far from mine and there's a beautiful walk home, which would have helped to lower BG, but the weather was not good and we all went back together in my colleague's car. I still had to go shopping at Lidl, so I took the high BG as a motivation to get it done straight away (it's a 15 minute walk with hills). The effect of the walk was not as impressive as other times but it did help a little and I was able to relax the rest of the evening with my fridge topped up.
Morning all and 9.8, thank you stubborn hypo.

More clarinet practice last night. It's finally coming together.

We've been asked to record a cover version for a valentine's day album. We didn't like the suggestions the label made so we're going to do 'Coz I luv you'. Let's see what happens.

Have a good day everyone.
Good old Slade. Classic!
Congrats @eggyg on your anniversary, Sapphire Anniversary next year then - don't think there's anything between Ruby & Sapphire.
Ooh, sounds good, I didn’t know that. . I didn’t get rubies for our 40th as I really don’t like them at all, plus it was the pandemic and it sort of passed us by as I was shielding. I think a sapphire might be nice! I got diamond earrings for our 35th, which is coral. Mr E said he didn’t think we’d both make it to 60 years so got me them early. I got a jeweller to make him a coral tie pin. He lost it in the restaurant we’d gone to for dinner, luckily he noticed it had gone as we walked out and went back and found it! Phew! We don’t bother about the ones in between.
@Elenka_HM may I suggest you get a copy of "Think like a pancreas" by Gary Scheiner. It gives you a very good understanding of the roles of basal and bolus and all manner of other things to do with control. I think you're right about less exercise influencing your levels, but I was repeatedly told that unless basal is right you will never get bolus right. You need to do a basal test even if you do it with no Levemir.
Thank you Patti. I've read many good things about that book in the forum, it's about time to get my copy. Regarding basal test, I did one a couple months ago and it seemed that no Levemir was a good choice. Might have changed, should get another done but not excited about it 🙄
4.7 this morning, feels good to be back into the mid to high 4s on waking, it means my breakfast doesn’t take me much out of range and usually means a fairly good in range day.

@eggyg - happy anniversary! Love the picture!

@Elenka_HM - I second @PattiEvans suggestion about Gary Scheiner’s Think Like a Pancreas book. Very well written, nice and clear, easy to understand.

Grandchildren later this afternoon to stay a couple of nights, meanwhile enjoying a bit of chilling out to get batteries charged ready for them:rofl:. Plan is for Cadbury World tomorrow.

Take care everyone!
Forgot to post this morning! 6.2

Congrats to @eggyg and Mr Eggy!

Canal boat ride was fun 🙂
