Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - another grey one. I read about all this hot weather everyone is having (and received several WhatsApps from friends with pictures of blue skies this morning) and I really feel like having a paddy complete with flailing fists and feet about us not having a summer at all!

8.1 this morning - no pattern at all. How on earth I am going to go onto HCL on Monday I have no idea! When I think about it I cannot recall when I last had no physical trauma. What with the kidney infection, ABs for that that gave me thrush and diahrrea and now the eye operation it seems to be ongoing. Oh and before that 6 weeks of Doxycycline for Rosacea.

So glad you all admire my lovely new sunglasses - yes I remember Dierdre from Coronation St having huge specs! So today I am doing nothing much at all - except we are meeting friends in the local at 5:30 for an hour or so. Julian cooking steak and chips.

@MikeyBikey and @Martin.A congratulations on your HSs

@eggyg enjoy your lunch with daughter and grandaughter.

@Grannylorraine big hugs... you seem to have had an unfair lot of colds.
Another 4.9 today. Music to practice, books to read - hope everyone has a good day!
I spoke too quickly - much delayed publication proofs *finally* came in today. Need to get to them first. *editor hat on*
6 for me today. I have been battling the basal-hypo problems that have suddenly struck me down (after several months of stability) I have been speaking with my DSN and she recommends that I shave 2 units off my evening basal.
My BG's have finally settled after two weeks of uncertainty.
06:43 BS 6.5 🙂

Just about past noon, sticking in tresiba & remembered to post, & it’ll have to an Australian Greeting! :D A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Just a bit of a breather after the last 7.5 episodes, a special half epilogue episode of their marriage, kids & growing old together, of the cdrama I was watching were all released yesterday in one go ahead of schedule so, I’m all ready to watch The Olympics on Friday! :D

Was still having trouble keeping BS & NR doses under control on 50 tresiba which started to assert itself after a few days as the higher basal was completely out of my system but, 52 tresiba was too much if I forget to eat, while I was watching cdrama, & decided to try alternating 52 & 50 on alternate days: memory aid of always sticking 52 in left thigh & 50 in right thigh; & my BS & NR has stabilised! FINALLY! Especially during yesterday’s marathon cdrama binge! 🙄:rofl: Soooh! That’s ONE way of getting the perfect 51 basal I need! 🙄:rofl: So, that’s my tresiba routine now: left thigh 52 today; right thigh 50 tomorrow! It works as I’ve done it for 4 days now! 🙂
Sounds great. I am sure you will enjoy it. I believe you live in London, is it Regents Canal, Little Venice?
It's the other direction. So we're starting at Angel and heading east.

How was the NPG? Have you been there since the new entrance etc opened?
Twas a 6.9 for me this morning.Had a couple of readings above 10 last night.and an 11 at dinner time.Should have kept me big gob shut about being in 95% in range.Now 93 Congratulations to @ Mikey Bikey and @ Martin a on your Hs.Hope everyones day has been a good un
Hi everyone,

I have been completely snowed under sorting out a rota App in VBA. There are so many quirks in VBA. Eventually I managed to get the thing from Excel to create a new word document and populate it with people and dated appointments ( hmm wrong word, when they are playing/singing). It is all very visual and interactive. A bit like a game.

BG 5.2 after all that waffle

Today nothing much, oh, it's the end of the day. I went for a long walk, battled Excel Vba, just cooking tea now.

This evening I must practice the songs for Sunday

Have a great, er, what's left of today
Congrats on HS @Gwynn @Martin.A and @MikeyBikey !

Mine this morning was a disappointing 7. I blame the pizza and chocolate cake that I had last night when we went out for tea - the chocolate cake said made with ground almonds but clearly they put carbs in too :rofl:
Hey everyone! I have been a bit absent lately. Morning readings have been between 7 and 10 rather than my usual 5s and 6s.

I'm not proud to report a 27% time above range for the past week. I've had generally higher levels and also spikes to 14 or 15 which might not surprise some of you but I don't usually see them! Some of them were probably poor food choices and others just because I started the meal with my BG already higher than ideal. I wonder if my pancreas is doing some extra self-destruction or is due to my getting less shifts at work, which means less hours on my feet and less walks to get there and back.

I am trying to do better with Novorapid. It might be worth it bringing back the good old Levemir too, but I'm a bit unsure. I feel I still need to work on my "bolus strategy" and adding basal can complicate it. I'm aware many people don't get that choice and have to learn to balance bolus and basal from day 1, so not trying to make a drama of it.

Any advice or encouragement would be appreciated.
Morning a 6 for me and pleased with that as decided on a 2u correction before going to bed which did take me into 4s in the wee hours but a couple of Dextrose got me back on track.
Up early with hounds being restless but walks done and settled down.
Going to catch up on 2 hours missed sleep and my boss is with me today but should be fine as long as I remember where I park my car.
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06:42 BS 5.9 🙂 So nice to wake in the 5s again after regaining stability in getting my basal right albeit I had to think of how to do it! :rofl:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

It’ll be 50 in my right thigh later: I always alternate the thighs anyway & always remember which thigh I stuck it in the day before: now just need to note which side for what dose! :D I suppose this method only works for Tresiba as it’s so long acting & wouldn’t work for say Levemir but, then again I CAN dial up single units there. I’m only just topping up the dose that’s already in my system each 24 hours so, it levels out to what I need! 🙂
Good morning all.5.5 on this quite dull and darkish day. When I woke just before 6 I thought it was about probably 4am.

Yesterday was a nice day with daughters and granddaughters. Youngest and Eden arrived unexpectedly at 2pm. Luckily she had had her lunch. She said she had FOMO! ( Fear of missing out.) Mr Eggy took eldest granddaughter to work for 2pm, so one in and one out, with an extra daughter! We ate our lunch outside again, very pleasant day, not too hot.

Today is our 44th wedding anniversary. Blimey! It just seems like yesterday, I can remember it as clear as day. Beautiful weather, In fact too hot at times. Just a simple occasion, about 20 guests at the registry office and for the wedding breakfast. Then onto a local working men’s club for a disco and a homemade buffet ( by me, my mam and mother-in-law) for our evening guests. I was still peeling boiled eggs at midnight the night before! We walked home from the evening do carrying Tupperware boxes full of sausage rolls! Honeymoon the next day to Torquay. We’re still here all these years later, and I’m still making buffets for everyone else! :rofl:
We’re not doing anything special today, apart from a haircut each, and because Mr Eggy is at a parish council meeting tonight we won’t be going out. We did celebrate last week whilst we were in Chester though.

Have a smashing day.

Throwback Thursday. Our honeymoon in Torquay.


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Good morning. 7.2 - revenge of the baked potato. Could not resist after finishing the great clean up. How sad DT2 is when a spud counts as celebratory addition to dinner.

Not much on today except another agent coming to value the place. That makes 3 which should assure me that there is a common view on value.

If we get some sunshine, no sign of it on met office but one can dream, I might wash the outside of the windows. They aren't too bad as I pressure washed them prior to painting the outside of the house. Then again I might just have a snooze having woken at 0300 hrs and scrolled down through every house in Ceredigion in my expected price range. Very depressing! Something will turn up - knock on wood.

Have a happy day everyone.
Good morning! Woke by Phantom Pain at 4:10. BG 8.2. Gave in and took Big Boy painkillers after 20 minutes and got back to sleep. Slept through alarm and woke at 6:30 to a 6.5 - 650 Triton my favourite bike! 🙂

Physio this morning..

Very grey ans spotting rain!
Good morning all.5.5 on this quite dull and darkish day. When I woke just before 6 I thought it was about probably 4am.

Yesterday was a nice day with daughters and granddaughters. Youngest and Eden arrived unexpectedly at 2pm. Luckily she had had her lunch. She said she had FOMO! ( Fear of missing out.) Mr Eggy took eldest granddaughter to work for 2pm, so one in and one out, with an extra daughter! We ate our lunch outside again, very pleasant day, not too hot.

Today is our 44th wedding anniversary. Blimey! It just seems like yesterday, I can remember it as clear as day. Beautiful weather, In fact too hot at times. Just a simple occasion, about 20 guests at the registry office and for the wedding breakfast. Then onto a local working men’s club for a disco and a homemade buffet ( by me, my mam and mother-in-law) for our evening guests. I was still peeling boiled eggs at midnight the night before! We walked home from the evening do carrying Tupperware boxes full of sausage rolls! Honeymoon the next day to Torquay. We’re still here all these years later, and I’m still making buffets for everyone else! :rofl:
We’re not doing anything special today, apart from a haircut each, and because Mr Eggy is at a parish council meeting tonight we won’t be going out. We did celebrate last week whilst we were in Chester though.

Have a smashing day.

Throwback Thursday. Our honeymoon in Torquay.
Many congratulations on 44 years of marriage. Loved the early photo - you haven't changed a bit!
Morning - 5.6 this morning. Last day of work this week, glad it's a shorter work week with it being the first week back after being off! I have supervision then admin, hopefully will end the day almost caught up....
Morning all, 8.2 here, oops. Discovered I was 4.5 mid evening, had a snack and crawled up to mid fives, so had another snack…but those pesky green lentils I had earlier on were waiting in the wings to trip me up around midnight.
It's the other direction. So we're starting at Angel and heading east.

How was the NPG? Have you been there since the new entrance etc opened?
I adore the NPG, and to my great shame since Covid and the work to the building etc etc, I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it. A friend randomly mentioned it and a light bulb exploded in my head. Hence the visit. It was as good as ever, and many of the labels have been redone to reflect the role of slavery and enslavement. Back again , to see Henry and his wives exhibition. As I studied Victorians, I end up going to see the hairy Victorians and then go to .back to Tudors.