Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. A nice 5.7, that’s more like it. Haven’t ventured into Fiveland for a while.

A lovely day yesterday and today is looking to be the same. Had our lunch outside and a little read of my book. Very pleasant it was too.

Today we have visitors for lunch, middle, very pregnant, daughter and our 17 year old granddaughter. Very soon middle daughter will have produced our eldest grandchild and our youngest grandchild. Almost 18 years between them! She’s going to get a shock! Although she’s had plenty of practice with all our grandchildren in between! But not the disturbed nights. 😱

Congratulations @MikeyBikey on your HS.

Have a wonderfully sunny Wednesday.
Thanks @PattiEvans and @Martin.A.

It still makes no sense to me - 38 is low in mg/dL and totally off the chart in mmol/L. He needs to go down to the surgery and get a print-out of the results...I can’t force him though (he’s not a massive fan of doctors, with good reason) so it’ll probably remain a mystery.

I loooove the sunglasses @PattiEvans! They make you look famous.

Like Deirdre from Coronation Street although I have not seen it in over 30 years. Both it and Emmerdale (Farm) got silly when they put on ever more more episodes! Less was more!
4.9 this morning.

Had a busy few days so not even had a chance to catch up and post on here. Yesterday we had our lock keeping CAATS assessment which I’m pleased to say we both passed. Now have CRT polo shirts and fleeces and finally able to book onto the rota whenever we want without needing to be chaperoned by a qualified lock keeper.

Congratulations @MikeyBikey on your HS.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 5.7 here.

I’m doing an online DAFNE course atm in preparation for upgrading to the HCL. Their explanation of the carb formula would’ve had me in tears of frustration - so complicated! - if it hadn’t been for @helli’s explanation on here a few years back - so straightforward. Thanks @helli! Other than that, the course is CAN teach an old dog new tricks (even after 16 years with this pesky ‘life partner’).

Off to mum’s today and coffee with my bezzie before we scoot off to Spain for a holiday.
Good morning
on waking at 6:15 was 6.8 today

I’ve been going through a lot recently (stress at work)

I had to come back home on Monday and glad was able to see a Dr on Monday evening
he signed me off work for a minimum of two weeks,I think I might be off longer than that
he did offer to give me a sick note for a minimum of 4 weeks
but I suggested I will take at least 2 weeks out

will see if I’m entitled to paid sick leave at the end of the month
that Dr (not my GP nor from my practice) has given me something to help me sleep he’s prescribed Promethazine (took one last night one not 2) I’m not 100% confident it’s a good idea
taking that as I’ve been having a few (in the early hours hypos whilst sleeping)

My concern is, If my blood sugar do drop, at the moment I always wake up, and obviously the first thing I do (especially on waking is take a reading)

On a positive note my weight loss is still going really well
I’m now half a KG less than I was, when I went for my PreOp last April,
and KG away from getting my BMI under 30.0 where I move into the overweight category rather than being declared Obese. Im glad something is going well, my mental health is a definitely a bit Willy wobbly at the moment 🙄
mostly because of what’s been going on at work, I’ve tried not to show, that it Ive not been handling the stress as well I was telling myself I was,
anyway as I’m off work, a good excuse to make time for some excercise 😉
I’m going for a swim shortly.

I’ve get get my hearing aids next month, a week after my birthday, when I will be 60, so glad I’m getting my health in a better place.

another thing I need to get sorted is
I need to get a usable laptop (personal use)
both my old laptop one and the iMac I have are so old they struggle to even work,
I tend to do everything on this iPad I’m using right now.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone 😎
Well done to @MikeyBikey on that 5.2. A round 6 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all. 7.8. Its sunny and warm already. Nothing to do today (well...theres plenty to do but i'm not doing anything) but enjoy the sunshine and sit in the garden with my book.

@Grannylorraine get well soon.
@ColinUK enjoy the boat trip.
@eggyg enjoy your lunch with your daughter and granddaughter.
@MikeyBikey congrats on the HS.
@Eternal422 well done on passing the assessment.
@goodybags look after yourself, take care.

Have a lovely day everyone.
I'm joining @MikeyBikey on the HS step on this bright and sunny Berkshire morning:-


Dropped my phone in Morrisons car park yesterday and cracked the screen protector in several places so off to the phone shop in town after breakfast to get a new one fitted. As it's Wednesday, my weekly treat day, I'll pick up a flourless chocolate cake from Gail's, just across the road, while I'm there.

Couldn't get a slot at the recycling centre yesterday but have one for 11 o'clock this morning, so need to get the car loaded once I'm back from town.

Pushing 80 degrees today according to our forecast, so I might be back in shorts before the day's out.

Have a good one.
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My current sensor was showing a 5.6
Then an hour after 30g of carbs for breakfast (oats!) and a shower it showed 9.3
A fingerprick revealed a much better result of 7.3
Congrats on the HS’s
@MikeyBikey and @Martin.A

Just had some breakfast & put the washing machine on
meds taken so off for a swim and a relaxing morning at Virgin

I don’t currently use the Gym just the pool and spa
but think I should start using the Gym also, especially now I’ve some spare time
Morning all! 6.7 this morning, last couple of days in the low sevens for some reason. Sky man has been, new Q box all sorted. New Broadband tomorrow!
Good morning 6.3

Yesterday went well except for a) Wolf finding, and delivering to the lawn I was mowing, a very dead and desicated rat b) 3 people, none of whom I wished to speak to, rang whilst I was on my hands and knees scrubbing out marks on the study carpet which the machine couldn't remove. Each one of them irritatingly complaining that I didn't sound like myself and then, as the gaspng for air occasioned by rising calmed down "Oh now you sound more like you"...

More housework today - nearly finished the great tidy up required in going on the market. Did the workshop yesterday but am a bit stumped on minimizing my study - where does one stash a large metal detector, a watch repair shelf of magnifying devices etc, and a massive spare PC with 2 screens? Don't suggest under the desk as all space except that needed for my feet is utilised...

I hear the siren call of a bacon and egg banjo, so I am off to indulge.

Have a happy day everyone.
Yours sounds just like my sort of house. Good luck with finding a buyer.
My concern is, If my blood sugar do drop, at the moment I always wake up, and obviously the first thing I do (especially on waking is take a reading)

Ask the doctor to prescribe you a Libre sensor (you should be eligible as you are on insulin) or at least get one from Abbott on a free trial. If you drop in the night it will alarm and tell you.
Another 4.9 today. Music to practice, books to read - hope everyone has a good day!
Morning all, a happy 4.6 for me on this fine sunny morning.

Have a good day folks and stay well.