Group 7-day waking average?

Morning. 6.2 this morning, back at work and of course lots to catch up on...
Morning all. 6.7 here.

Weird one yesterday, advice needed! Hubby had a blood tests follow-up phone call with the GP - high cholesterol, he’s been advised (not told) to take statins. Weird thing was the number - apparently, his cholesterol is at 38. I don’t understand. Can anyone explain the number to me?

Looks like more rain today. There’s plenty of tourists around, but not as many as usual. I think lots of people’ll be trying to book a last minute holiday in the sun! This summer’s turning into a washout. <bikini & pacamac emoji>
I found this:

Cholesterol Conversion Formulas​

In Europe or USA cholesterol and triglyceride levels are expressed in mg/dL whilst in the UK, they are usually expressed in mmol/L.

For Total Cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol​

  • To convert from mmol/L to mg/dL multiply by 38.66976;
  • To convert from mg/dL to mmol/L multiply by 0.02586.
it's from here
They gave me 3 units of Novorapid and nothing to eat. Went for a walk and came town to 3.8. More magdalenas and an ultra sweet drink called zumo. waiting now forthem to take effect. Jeez
Are they not allowing you to calculate and inject your own insulin Michael? That's criminal.

On the other hand you do sound a lot better than you were sounding before you were taken into hospital. I do hope you can get out and go home soon.
Afternoon all - missed a morning slot by 4 minutes! It's bright and sunny today... you might know it would be when I've had my eye done and it's blinding me. Whilst I was in the operating suite Julian went to TK Maxx and bought me the most outrageous pair of sunglasses ever! Whether I'll ever wear them is a mystery! (see attached)

6.0 this morning after correcting an alarm for a 4.1 in the wee small hours. The journey home after the Cataract was removed seemed to go on forever - summer traffic - and by the time we got home I was so tired. Made a nest of cushions on the sofa, turned the TV on, curled up and fell asleep for an hour or so. Battled with BGs in the 11s and 12s all day, despite corrections and temp basals and even an injection. Back up to 10.1 now. Trauma I suppose. Well, not doing anything today. Been told I can't cook for 6 weeks! Outrageous, I asked why. Apparently fat could spit in my eye and cooking pots are heavy and no heavy lifting for 6 weeks!!!! Was not told all this nonsense when I had the other eye done and if I stick to it then it's a diet of steak, chips and peas for 6 weeks whilst J cooks! Actually he's not that bad, but that's his favourite meal.

Congratulations to @Barrowman on your HS.

@eggyg sincerely hope you can get the Creon issue sorted out.

@Grannylorraine hope you feel better soon and work isn't such a penance.

@TinaD you are astute, so I am sure you know that the Est. agent's fees have VAT on top. I 'spect you've worked out which deal will give you more net profit by now, but also I think you get a gut feeling which agent will work best for you. Good luck!

Have a good day all.


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5.7 for me off to the gym then it's a trip to waitrose to stock up on my favorite gourmet sausages it a 40 mile round trip but we only go every so often going to treat ourselves to fish and chips on the way home looking forward to trying a new place they cook the chips in beef dripping and have rave reviews ha e a good day everyone
Thanks @PattiEvans and @Martin.A.

It still makes no sense to me - 38 is low in mg/dL and totally off the chart in mmol/L. He needs to go down to the surgery and get a print-out of the results...I can’t force him though (he’s not a massive fan of doctors, with good reason) so it’ll probably remain a mystery.

I loooove the sunglasses @PattiEvans! They make you look famous.
I went to the GP this morning as the physio who I am seeing for my shoulders commented I hadn't had any blood tests for inflammatory markers or B12 or VIT D. The GP I say was a locum and when I described my symptoms she immediately said she thought it sounded like polymyalgia rheumatica and ordered a whole raft of blood tests unlike the other GP who asked for a urine sample and prescribed antibiotics for a none existent UTI.
She actually listened to what I said and also reviewed my blood pressure readings which I had previously sent and said they they were fine so continue with the current BP meds dose.
So we shall see what if anything the tests will reveal.
Morning a 7.1 for me and again a nice line despite a slice of toast before bed as was hovering around the 5 level.
Lot of driving yesterday but lovely scenery and holiday traffic not too bad and always nice to see the sea.
Another quiet day and do like the Summer as weather pleasant and things slow down with holidays etc and people usually happier and that rubs off on me as would describe myself as a response person and get much of my energy from interaction with people and situations.
Well hope you all get your energy from wherever as I do find that tends to define how I feel.

9.1 but putting that down to this horrible cold/throat infection and taking cough medicine before bed that contained a lot of sugar. Hubby also has it, think we are single handed keeping Kleenex in business this week. Up early as sleeping was difficult and warm drinks seem to help, I can have a nanna nap later.
Morning all. 6.9

Off to the gym now and off on a canal boat trip this evening. A local narrow boat does three hour trips along the canal on random weekday evenings in the summer so I booked. Should be pleasant.
Morning all. 6.9

Off to the gym now and off on a canal boat trip this evening. A local narrow boat does three hour trips along the canal on random weekday evenings in the summer so I booked. Should be pleasant.
Sounds great. I am sure you will enjoy it. I believe you live in London, is it Regents Canal, Little Venice?
Good morning 6.3

Yesterday went well except for a) Wolf finding, and delivering to the lawn I was mowing, a very dead and desicated rat b) 3 people, none of whom I wished to speak to, rang whilst I was on my hands and knees scrubbing out marks on the study carpet which the machine couldn't remove. Each one of them irritatingly complaining that I didn't sound like myself and then, as the gaspng for air occasioned by rising calmed down "Oh now you sound more like you"...

More housework today - nearly finished the great tidy up required in going on the market. Did the workshop yesterday but am a bit stumped on minimizing my study - where does one stash a large metal detector, a watch repair shelf of magnifying devices etc, and a massive spare PC with 2 screens? Don't suggest under the desk as all space except that needed for my feet is utilised...

I hear the siren call of a bacon and egg banjo, so I am off to indulge.

Have a happy day everyone.
Morning 6.5 after a night low.
ENT appointment showed nothing sinister, they were running late so missed lunch which caused a hypo in the middle of the appointment, difficult to tell if it was that or the things he was doing to induce dizziness, he had aa sense of humour about it though. So I have PPPD caused by a migraine, my brain has crossed wires so will need to do exercises to reprogram it.
Have a safe and stable ground day everyone :D
Good morning! A HS for me. Strangely I feel like I went hypo but suspect that was the disturbed night when I woke and needed painkillers (blip around 01:00am).

Just put sharps boxes out as contractor starts at 06:30 and is very random going around the surrounding area so they could go before 07:00 or after mid-day. Where I used to live you had an idea but every timeslot seems vague nowadays (just the day). Decades ago I brought some furniture from the Co-Op and it was a two hour slot. Last time about twenty years ago deliveries had been outsourced and they couldn't even say am or pm!

Bright but cloudy.

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