Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning

Still on the planet and still in the residencia but I have decided to leave at the rnd of August although I am sure that social services will object. I have had a libre 2 fitted and although I have had a few problems with it I am generally satisfied with it. Nice to be back here. - formerly Michael12421
Great to see you back Michael.
Morning all - another grey day. Yesterday the only time I ventured out was to pick some herbs from the garden, it was absolutely blooming freezing! Had I have been staying out I'd have needed a coat!

4.9 this morning. Went up to 6.9 before I had a yoghurt which was only 8.4g carb. Have to be at Spa Medica for my op at 1pm, which means leaving at noon to be on the safe side in case of traffic. So we are taking sandwiches with us. I'd prefer not to eat so much bread, but needs must. Anyway, today will be written off after the op. Thankfully there is enough mortgaged lamb and vegetables left over to provide us with dinner without me cooking. Oh it was delicious last night. I made gravy with some of our own grape jelly, a roasted aubergine, smashed new pots, green beans and carrots in cheese sauce and then we had some lovely ripe peaches and strawberries.

@TinaD don't wear yourself out too much today!

Have a good day all
A nice round 6.0 for me today folks and the sun is shining and the wind is blowing.

Have a great day people and stay safe.
It has been such a long time and I have forgotten how to get an email when someone replies to a thread, help!
Nice to see you back Michael.
If you go to your profile picture at the top. Click on that and you’ll see preferences half way down. You can put email alerts on there.


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Morning all - another grey day. Yesterday the only time I ventured out was to pick some herbs from the garden, it was absolutely blooming freezing! Had I have been staying out I'd have needed a coat!

4.9 this morning. Went up to 6.9 before I had a yoghurt which was only 8.4g carb. Have to be at Spa Medica for my op at 1pm, which means leaving at noon to be on the safe side in case of traffic. So we are taking sandwiches with us. I'd prefer not to eat so much bread, but needs must. Anyway, today will be written off after the op. Thankfully there is enough mortgaged lamb and vegetables left over to provide us with dinner without me cooking. Oh it was delicious last night. I made gravy with some of our own grape jelly, a roasted aubergine, smashed new pots, green beans and carrots in cheese sauce and then we had some lovely ripe peaches and strawberries.

@TinaD don't wear yourself out too much today!

Have a good day all
Hope that your op goes well
It has been such a long time and I have forgotten how to get an email when someone replies to a thread, help!
Good to see you back. 🙂 Hope this is what you need

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Morning good folks. Take your pick this morning. A shocking 9.4 on waking. Came down stairs and I had reverse FOTF 8.1, checked the meter 8.7, I’ll go with that. Still too high but we did have a quite ( very) high carb tea. Main was lamb Madras with rice, I made courgette pakoras to start, very nice they were too. And instead of our usual chapatis Mr Eggy made stuffed garlic naans! I’ll be a good girl today, promise! 😉

Raining at the moment, yesterday remained dry and but only reached 16c. Got all my washing dried and the grass got cut and the compost heap turned over, seeds planted. The washing bit was me, the rest was Mr E. Today I’ll iron the aforementioned washing and then probably read my book.

@TinaD rant away, we don’t mind. You’ve a lot going on and your inner strength is incredible. It’s amazing what you can do when it comes to your children. What you’re doing is the equivalent to lifting a car up to rescue your baby trapped underneath. But, please, please be careful, you’re no good to anyone lying in a hospital bed. Hope the valuation goes well and consequent sales and purchases, and of course your daughter’s health improves.

Have a Happy Monday everyone.
Thank you. Valuation went splendidly. Fingers crossed.
Decidedly cooler this morning, borderline cold. Hopefully things will improve as the day goes on. Got all our laundry dry on the line yesterday, including towels, but it was well into the afternoon before the sun put in an appearance. 5.9 when I tested, a bit higher than of late, and possibly due to having one of my wife's homemade brownies yesterday evening. They are really nice, though.

Trip to Sainsbury's later and I may have to take our eldest's girlfriend to her hospital appointment as he's had to head into the office to get his laptop sorted following the global IT issues - blue screen and all that. Hopefully he'll be back in time to take her, but I'm the back-up.

Our youngest still hasn't got his new driving licence, despite sending in his renewal docs 10 weeks ago. What is it with the DVLA? Might need to call them, assuming we can even get through.

Have a good start to the week, everyone.
Good luck with DVLA - I applied to renew licence in first week of October -still waiting - rang yesterday "I cannt say when decision will be made. We do not have target dates..."
Good luck with DVLA - I applied to renew licence in first week of October -still waiting - rang yesterday "I cannt say when decision will be made. We do not have target dates..."
Managed to get through. They'd written to his consultant and got a reply on 5th July. Why they wrote to him in the first place is beyond me as our youngest has been discharged from his clinic and he doesn't want to see him anymore, as we told DVLA when he applied to renew his 5-year licence.
It has been such a long time and I have forgotten how to get an email when someone replies to a thread, help!
TBH I’m not sure why I only occasionally receive email notifications of a reply to my post, but I put it down to age stress etc… :rofl:😉
TBH I’m not sure why I only occasionally receive email notifications of a reply to my post, but I put it down to age stress etc… :rofl:😉
You only get an email again after looking at the thread again so might be that?
5.2 for me this morning! Very happy as I succumbed to the temptation to have a lovely dessert yesterday evening on our last night in Birmingham. Still on antibiotics for the UTI, hopefully won't need another lot after the last one in the morning - going back to work tomorrow but may need a follow up with GP or one of their nurses as still having some stinging, but wondering if it's more the thrush didn't clear despite being treated (ongoing) due to having the antibiotics 🙄
Still on antibiotics for the UTI, hopefully won't need another lot after the last one in the morning - going back to work tomorrow but may need a follow up with GP or one of their nurses as still having some stinging, but wondering if it's more the thrush didn't clear despite being treated (ongoing) due to having the antibiotics 🙄
I'm in the same position after antibiotics. I bought an OTC remedy but I have finished it and can tell the thrush has not resolved. Going to ring the GP tomorrow for something stronger.
sometimes when I take the time to read through other peoples posts
I select an emoji as a response as we do
apologies if I select maybe sometimes I select not the most appropriate one
maybe we could select 2 ?
but that would possibly confuse people like me.. lol (surely I can’t be the only one as I approach 60
who feels technologically challenged 🙄 :rofl:

anyway had a really good chat with my GP this morning
regarding my medication, he decided it to slightly increase my weekly injection of Mounjaro
I’ve been taking it for a month now (so will go from 0.25 to 0.5)
then following my next retinopathy scan (I’m currently under the DMO clinic at the local hospital)
see what they see before he’s happy to put me on the full dose of Mounjaro

anyway we’re looking decrease my insulin firstly in the evening (reduce by 2 units)
then after my next Mounjaro jab (I do them on a Friday)
also decrease my morning insulin
I was thinking my insulin dose needs to drop - as I’ve had a few instances of low readings at night

shortly after I put the phone down
was thinking to myself 😳
I should’ve really spoken to him regarding another health issue
not immediately related to my Diabetes management and care (although it might be a contributing factor)
so did the online request for an appointment - told them I’m feeling very anxious and quite stressed so asked to speak to someone about that,
this afternoon I’ve received a referral to see another GP (not My GP but another in town @8pm this evening)

twice in one day 2 GP consultations
one by phone
and later one in person

hope you are all having / have had a good day
I'm in the same position after antibiotics. I bought an OTC remedy but I have finished it and can tell the thrush has not resolved. Going to ring the GP tomorrow for something stronger.
I was diagnosed with both at the same time and given thrush prescription with each set of antibiotics. So far only pessaries and cream (due to ttc) but if it is persisting (and my period starts as I'm expecting today or tomorrow) then I may agree to try the oral capsule as I would feel safer taking that at the start of a cycle than I did halfway (and further) through