Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! An 8.4 after a restless night (awake 2:00 - 3:00 with Phantom Pain).

Early doors podiatry dressing change today. Then physio in Thursday morning and Opthalmology Friday. Opthalmology appointment is the following up to the half appointment I had about ten weeks ago.

Grey skies after a blazing sunrise earlier!


Update - FOTF gone to 7.4....
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Morning. 8.1

Restless night here as well. Nightmares involving satan inside mirrors. No idea why but heigh-ho.
Gym this morning and then catch up with my ISVA. No other plans for today.
Morning good folks. Take your pick this morning. A shocking 9.4 on waking. Came down stairs and I had reverse FOTF 8.1, checked the meter 8.7, I’ll go with that. Still too high but we did have a quite ( very) high carb tea. Main was lamb Madras with rice, I made courgette pakoras to start, very nice they were too. And instead of our usual chapatis Mr Eggy made stuffed garlic naans! I’ll be a good girl today, promise! 😉

Raining at the moment, yesterday remained dry and but only reached 16c. Got all my washing dried and the grass got cut and the compost heap turned over, seeds planted. The washing bit was me, the rest was Mr E. Today I’ll iron the aforementioned washing and then probably read my book.

@TinaD rant away, we don’t mind. You’ve a lot going on and your inner strength is incredible. It’s amazing what you can do when it comes to your children. What you’re doing is the equivalent to lifting a car up to rescue your baby trapped underneath. But, please, please be careful, you’re no good to anyone lying in a hospital bed. Hope the valuation goes well and consequent sales and purchases, and of course your daughter’s health improves.

Have a Happy Monday everyone.
Morning all, 7.8 according to Libre, but it was pootling along in the 5s most of the night, but took a sudden and dramatic upturn a few minutes ago. I expect it’ll think, oh no, over-egged it, in a mo, and normal dawn service will be resumed.
Have to dash this morning, have to pick car-less daughter up and get to the yard for 8.30 to bring the pony in and get it groomed ready for a routine physio appointment. Typical, we run around like headless chickens, and the pony will stroll in from the field and have a nice relaxing brush and a massage.
Restless night here as well. Nightmares involving satan inside mirrors.

I dreamt I adopted a cat!! Where on earth did THAT come from?! I’m 100% a dog person.

Morning all. 5.4 here.

Hubby’s got a dr’s phone consultation about some blood test results this morning, so it’s just me n the dog this morning. There’s a shiny new path (just opened) up to the railway station - no fanfare, no local celebrity ribbon-cutting event, the council have no imagination - then back down to the village via a country lane and some woodland. Bring it on! (We’re going to get wet, of course...July in West Wales).
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9

My friends friends mother passed away yesterday, un unhappy day for them.

Nothing else to say right now
Another 4.9 here. Another fresher day, with a bunch of chores to do.
A 6.2 for me today.

Morning all. Woke to a 3.6, treated then had breakfast. Now its shot to 10 and still going up fast. Honestly, D is hard to manage sometimes
Good morning 8.6 today (overfed a hypo in the early hours when I had woke up and at 1.30am and BS was 3.7)
see how today goes at work,
had a great weekend but back to work today

TC everyone 😎
Morning all. Finger prick says 5.1, libre 5.2.
Back home after interesting and exhausting weekend spoiled by enrelenting dizziness and an upset tummy. Glad to be home, hospital appointment tomorrow to look at vertigo/tinnitus etc so hopefully there's something they can do (fingers crossed).
Stay safe everyone.
Happy Monday glucose goblins!

A 5.5 for me (I forgot to look when I woke so had to scroll back in the Dex app). I don’t get many days like this!

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Decidedly cooler this morning, borderline cold. Hopefully things will improve as the day goes on. Got all our laundry dry on the line yesterday, including towels, but it was well into the afternoon before the sun put in an appearance. 5.9 when I tested, a bit higher than of late, and possibly due to having one of my wife's homemade brownies yesterday evening. They are really nice, though.

Trip to Sainsbury's later and I may have to take our eldest's girlfriend to her hospital appointment as he's had to head into the office to get his laptop sorted following the global IT issues - blue screen and all that. Hopefully he'll be back in time to take her, but I'm the back-up.

Our youngest still hasn't got his new driving licence, despite sending in his renewal docs 10 weeks ago. What is it with the DVLA? Might need to call them, assuming we can even get through.

Have a good start to the week, everyone.
Good morning

Still on the planet and still in the residencia but I have decided to leave at the rnd of August although I am sure that social services will object. I have had a libre 2 fitted and although I have had a few problems with it I am generally satisfied with it. Nice to be back here. - formerly Michael12421
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Good morning

Still on the planet and still in the residencia but I have decided to leave at the rnd of August although I am sure that social services will object. I haave had a libre 2 fitted and although I have had a few problems with it I am generally satisfied with it. Nice to be back here. - formerly Michael12421
nice to have you back
Morning all and 5.4 for me.

It's bright and breezy. Perfect drying day.

This old punk/goth/death rocker decided to have a bash at the Mozart Clarinet Concerto yesterday. It wasn't great but not a total disaster. I shall persevere.

Have a good day everyone.