Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone its a 5 for me today got my HbA1c result today 39 didn't expect that and its a year since I was diagnosed when it was 87, still taking the same dose of insulin, nt sure if I should start to reduce it and see what happens hope you all have a lovely day
Great result! Well done!
6.5 for me this morning. We're away for the weekend in Birmingham, had a low carb lunch (pink caesar salad with chicken) but then a bit higher carb tea (fish "finger" sandwich with fries - battered small pieces of fish) plus a couple of 0.5% alcohol beers and a tonic water (with a bit of carbs as I don't like sweeteners) yesterday. Sleep was quite a bit disturbed by noise outside too so I don't think the 6.5 is too bad considering.
6.6 this morning. And I hopped on the scales. Down just over a kilo but dropping body fat so BMI is easing down. Who’d have thought that doing loads more exercise would be useful in dropping weight and fat eh!

@TinaD isn’t a bit of stiffness necessary for a quote bit of bedroom roller overing?! 😉
Alas, no. All activity is above the belt.
Was a 5.9 for me this his morning.Sitting in tea room garden having a coffee Very cloudy and cool today Dogs happy Another Kubix festival on over the road Pete tong cancelled yesterday.the state of the field off last weekends festival.abd it was to warm in the big tent apparently.Have a good day folks whatever your doing
Weight watchers leader told us often that muscle weighs more than fat!
Because that’s true by volume. Obviously a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of anything else though!
In honour of the Strictly scandals I got a Len this morning.

Yesterday afternoon I saw Slave Play. Absolutely phenomenal. Wasn’t sure what to expect but not only is it hugely enjoyable it’s also hugely uncomfortable and challenging. I needed to sit on the park for a couple of hours afterwards and decompress.

I’m tempted to see it again.

Morning all.6.4 on this much cooler day.

Home from Chester. We popped to Crosby on the way home, slight diversion but was so worth it. We’ve wanted to see Antony Gormley’s sculptures for a long time. The simplicity of it all. Just a, naked, man staring out to sea. I could stand and stare out to sea all day every day, I’d probably have my clothes on though! Spent a couple of hours there before heading home.

Today is washing day. After torrential rain last night, saved us having to water the garden, today is supposed to be dry with sunny intervals. Not as hot as the last few days though, thank goodness. Other than laundry, maybe a short walk and a bit of garden maintenance. Got a quiet week until Friday so will make the most of it. School’s out now for six weeks so quiet times will be few and far between, throw a new baby in the mix, due three weeks today, and it will probably be September before we get any peace!

Have a great day.


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Good morning everyone

BG 4.9

Today they will announce the new pastor position has been accepted at our church (present pastor is retiring).


Hopefully a walk later on.

I am presently working on words for a new song, an absolutely fascinating process, totally absorbing.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
A 4.8 for me this morning. Still battling with Microsoft to get my PC back the way I want it to be.

Good morning everyone

BG 4.9

Today they will announce the new pastor position has been accepted at our church (present pastor is retiring).

View attachment 30982

Hopefully a walk later on.

I am presently working on words for a new song, an absolutely fascinating process, totally absorbing.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Hope the new pasta doesn’t spike your BG!
Bit dull and grey out there when I opened the curtains but sun's broken through and it looks like we're in for a decent day. Hope so as I have 3 machine loads of laundry to get out on the line, and that's before the Sunday towel change.

Wife and I had a spur-of-the-moment day out yesterday with a trip to Wallingford. She likes to browse antique shops and Wallingford has a couple of good ones. Found a nice cafe for lunch and a cosy Italian coffee shop later before we headed home. Of course, all my carb counting went out the window, as it does when we eat out, so no idea how I did for carbs yesterday, but I must have done OK as I got 5.1 when I tested this morning.

Looks like we've had the last raspberries from our garden, and our blackberry bush isn't ready to give us anything yet, but we have lots of blackberries growing wild where we are and I picked a punnet's worth yesterday evening. Looking forward to having some for breakfast and I suspect there'll be an apple & blackberry crumble in the oven later, not that I'll be having any of it.

Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday.

7.1 and still no meds, but that is because I didn’t feel well yesterday so didn’t go and collect them. Hubby is going to collect them today on his way home from work. Off to the seaside today, well Southend to meet my friend who lives there. Only takes 30 mins on the train, actually takes me as long to walk to the station.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9

Today they will announce the new pastor position has been accepted at our church (present pastor is retiring).

View attachment 30982

Hopefully a walk later on.

I am presently working on words for a new song, an absolutely fascinating process, totally absorbing.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Ooh! How exciting! We too are expecting a new vicar in September have been in interregnum since our last one had to retire early with health problems. New song? Post the chords and lyrics when it's finished please?!
Morning - a pleasing 4.9 and a significantly cooler day today!