Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.1 today after a very up and down day. I thought we were visiting Chester not Alton Towers!

Off to walk around the city walls after breakfast. Just waiting for it now. Having a full English and then just a snack about 2ish. It’s hot already!

Have a fab Friday.
5-flat this morning. Final day of work before annual leave!
5.1 this morning and a lovely flat fish overnight around the mid 5s level, very pleased with that!

Great day yesterday as I received my certificate for passing my amateur radio exam on Monday and with it I was able to get my licence and call sign from Ofcom. I am now M7NYF. Next steps will be trying out the 2m band this weekend after I get a cheap entry level handheld transceiver. Still pondering over antennas and which transceiver to get for the HF bands.

Also the picture for the bathroom was delivered - job today is to put it up on the wall. Very pleased with this print direct on aluminium from one of my pictures of Uluru :


Take care everyone.
Morning all - a bit dull and overcast, but there are hints of blue. Unlike yesterday which was just glorious - and I spent most of the afternoon at Spa Medica in waiting areas with no windows and then avoiding the bright sun because of the eye drops. Still - 2nd Cataract op scheduled for this monday which is very fast!

7.1 this morning. Not that happy with that, but hey ho...

Not doing much today, a bit of this and a bit of that, including cooking gnocchi with mushrooms, blue cheese, spinach and chicken for dinner. Hopefully some more work on the photobook of our river cruise and so forth.

So... @eggyg enjoy your day in Chester.

@ColinUK hope you get some clarity on your decision whether to accept the compensation or not.

@TinaD don't work too hard.

@Eternal422 congrats on passing your exam.

Finally @Leadinglights I can indeed empathise with the words Julie Andrews sang!

Have a good day all
Hopefully some more work on the photobook of our river cruise and so forth.
Enjoy doing that! My wife has just completed a photo book for our Australian holiday using Photobox. She had great fun doing it, now we are waiting to see the finished results!
Morning all and 5.6 for me.

Bright and warm, thunder and lightening tomorrow evening. Looks like Masham Steam Rally will be worth risking.

Good rehearsal last night. More next week and hopefully we'll have a few songs to record before too long.

Have a good day everyone.
And a really late posting my wake up bg - a 5.8 on another sunny hot morning, won't get much done
outside today, too hot.

Have a good rest of the day folks.
Late on parade today but 5.3 when I got up. Went to Morrisons to get a paper and some fresh rolls before breakfast and they were only taking cash, as they were affected by the global outage. Their ATMs were down, too. Went to Waitrose - same, and although their ATM was working there was a long queue. Went to Nationwide and managed to draw some cash there. I thought technology was supposed to make our lives easier.

Scorcher here - 32.2 degrees coming up to lunchtime - and Heidi, or garden thermometer, is in her bikini. Her outfits change with the weather. A few days ago it was raincoat and umbrella.


Enjoy the rest of the day.
I Woke at 6 with a hypo, it stayed with me till past 8 am. Taken an age to get them in range again after breakfast.

A gorgeous day here with temperatures of 23! Balmy, hardly any wind at all.
Well done @goodybags . I can appreciate it as the less carb I eat, the more the weight goes on!

Enjoy doing that! My wife has just completed a photo book for our Australian holiday using Photobox. She had great fun doing it, now we are waiting to see the finished results!
Hi - I've done 5 so far of different holidays. Really they're just printed books emulating the sort of albums we used to stick actual photos in, except hopefully they will last longer. A lot of the photos in my old albums are fading to red.

I use Printerpix and buy them through Groupon which makes them very affordable (about £12.50 for an A4 hard cover album with 100 pages). I'll have a look at Photobox.
Morning a 6.5 for me but very pleased as had an extra slice of Pizza last night as it was so nice and it always causes by BG to rise 4-5 hours later which coincides with going to bed and it was 9.8 and rising so a 2u correction ( had taken 4u of NR pre meal).
I have been caught out before and hate it high and stubborn before bed but it quickly fell to 6s and stayed there all night but this time got my first unicorn in a while.
Looks like first on parade and a very nice start to day and was warm last night.Looking forward to a nice lunch and more walking today so have not decided what to do and may push it a bit by doing a couple starting tonight and see how I feel in morning.
Enjoy your w/ end
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1

Yesterday was fascinating as I had a long meeting with one of the church elders over a coffee at a local cafe. A really good, positive meeting. I was still worn out from all the effort from the day before though.

I am supposed to be getting a Sainsburys delivery today but I wonder if it will happen due to the minor IT outage affecting the whole world!!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all, 5.8 here.
Yesterday was scorchio here. So did I spend it getting the washing out, or in the garden? No I did not, I went car shopping with daughter and spent most of the afternoon on the road! At least she found one she likes (she wasn’t fussy, it just has to have an engine and four wheels and get her to the yard to see our pony, she walks to work.)
Morning 6.7 today, kept well away from everything IT related yesterday. Had a youth club BBQ murder mystery last evening. I was David P Derriere (or DPD for short because I always deliver!) an accomplished French chef from Paris. Actually turned out to be Dave Bottom from Buxton . Still at least I didn't murder the head teacher Mrs Chalk! Twas great fun...
Have a blessed day
Good morning 6.2 today

Have a super weekend everyone 😎
Morning all. 7.0 for me.

Drizzle...but at least it isn’t cold. Maybe I’ll get a few chores done around the house. Some are loooong overdue. I hope no-one’s holiday plans have been ruined by Crowdstrike. What a kerfuffle!

7.8 today, hoping to be able to collect my meds today. Still got a bit of a cold but it is starting to clear up now.