Group 7-day waking average?

Morning, um... well not quite. Glorious day - wall to wall blue and for once no wind!

5.2 at 8 am and I did a screenshot, but on my new phone they don't automatically save. By the time I'd got out of bed and opened the curtains & blind so I could see what the little pop-up said about screenshots it had gone up to 5.3.... grrr. Yesterday was hideous, I think the insulin in my pod had gone off and by the time I went to bolus for lunch, lemon linguine being the only choice on the menu at the cafe that I fancied and it was in front of me BG was 19.4! I couldn't wait to go home and change the pod! I felt it was impolite to my friend though, so stuck it out until 4pm. Probably daft of me. As soon as I changed it with a fresh vial and did a correction it fell quickly into the normal level.

Anyway, by contrast today so far has been wondrous! I got a letter from the retinopathy people saying all clear and then one of the DSNs rang to say they have my new Omnipod 5 pump and was I free to do the training on 29th of this month... so yes I am and here I come Hybrid Closed Loop with the new pump and Libre 2+. Off to have my initial assessment for my 2nd cataract op with Spa Medica this afternoon. Training for the HCL is online via Teams so I am picking up the gear on the way to Spa Medica as we pass nearly by the door of the diabetes clinic.

Congratulations to @everydayupsanddowns, @Martin.A and @Amyfaith on your HSs.

@TinaD you work so hard, you deserve a quick sale.

@eggyg I used to always hang the towels, until this relatively new thing where you don't get clean ones if you do that, only if you leave em on the floor/in the bath/shower.

@Robin glad to hear your daughter is OK and hope the insurance company stump up for the car.

Have a good one all!
Forgot to do my fasting BG this morning. 5.7 yesterday, 5.8 on Monday. It was much better last week when I was very poorly and barely eating :rofl: more like 4.8 or 4.3.
That made me laugh Martin. We have a white F Type Jag and there’s not many about our area. I went to our local butcher/greengrocer one day not long after we’d got it. Walked out to the car and pressed the button to open the boot. Nothing happened, kept trying and trying. Luckily the dealership is just next door so I thought I’d pop in and see if they could look at the key, thought battery had conked. Just as I was thinking about going a passing car stopped and pointed to the parking bay a bit further down. There was my car with the boot open! I’d been to trying to open someone else’s Jag! I was mortified. I wonder how many folks had seen the boot going up and down a dozen times. To make it even funnier the other car belongs to someone in our village but off the main road so we’d never seen it!
Eggy your post made me laugh as same thing happened to me two weeks ago.
I tried to open “ my car” and nothing happened and was getting frustrated thinking my battery in the car key had gone flat.
I then looked at the row in front and noticed a similar car to mine had its boot open well of course like you I had tried to open the wrong car.
I posted that fact on my works What’s App group and got the usual pelters. Most of comments were from my boss as in her last field visit I could not remember which car park I had parked on and it took 20 minutes to find my car.
Ooh that sounds nice. Do you have a specific recipe that you use Colin?
1 avocado
1 cup of ground almonds
2 tsp of baking powder
Everything bagel seasoning

Oven to 375
Mix the ground almonds and baking powder together and set aside
Mash the avocado
Combine the lot together
Knead well
Roll into a dough sausage
Cut into 4 or 5 pieces
On to a baking tray that's lined with greased parchment or silicon with them
Poke a hole in the middle of each
Brush with melted butter
Add seasonings (I use Everything Bagel seasoning)
Bake for about 15 - 20 minutes

I find they even keep relatively well.
All the talk of trying to open the wrong car reminds me of this... mum and dad were away (I think in the US or Canada) and they had a hire car. At a gas station dad filled up. Mum bought some bits and bobs and then made her way to the car. Opened the passenger door and got in to the front seat. Much to the amazement of the stereotypical American Jock who was in the driving seat. His gf didn't see the funny side of it! Dad was killing himself laughing and mum was just embarrassed. Not that we'd ever remind her about it ever. Certainly not in a car park or when they've got a new car or anything. That would just be cruel.
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.7

A few unbelievably busy days so I have not been on here.

I have been asked to organise the worship team rota for the church going forwards. Looking into it, it's a bit like herding cats!!! I have already written an App to help me do the job. I am particularly pleased with it as it only allows me to allocate people to roles when they are available. Sounds easier said than done. Still it was a fun couple of days designing and programming. They used to do it all on paper. Do you remember that strange crinckly, easily torn, even more easily lost stuff that people used to use along with pens or pencils or quills!!!!.

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That reminds me of one of the first schools I went to, they actually forced us to use ink pens! Being left handed, it was a nightmare for me. The amount of mess I made on the paper and all over me was remarkable. They banned biros too!!! So enlightened.

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The nibs were always designed (and cut/slanted) for right handed people. This image is a delux version of the sort of thing I was forced to use. I even started writing backwards (so I am told).

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Yesterday I was asked to play at the church today and then that was cancelled a few hours later (illness). Probably best as I would struggle to find the time to practice.

My increased exercise is going well and my weight is dropping off (combined with a stricter diet). And, it's quite pleasant in the sunshine, cloud, cold, stormy, wet, windy weather, and my wife.

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I had better sort the lyrics out for a new song wot I writ... roses are red, violets are blue....

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
You might like this somebody sent me, sung to the tune 'My Favourite Things ' from the Sound of Music.

To commemorate her birthday , actress/vocalist, Julie Andrews made a special appearance at Manhattan's Radio City Music Hall for the benefit of the AARP. One of the musical numbers she performed was 'My Favorite Things' from the legendary movie 'Sound Of Music'. Here are the lyrics she used:

(Sing It!) - If you sing it, its especially hysterical!!!

Botox and nose drops and needles for knitting,
Walkers and handrails and new dental fittings,
Bundles of magazines tied up in string,
These are a few of my favorite things.
Cadillacs and cataracts, hearing aids and glasses,
Polident and Fixodent and false teeth in glasses,
Pacemakers, golf carts and porches with swings,
These are a few of my favorite things.
When the pipes leak, When the bones creak,
When the knees go bad,
I simply remember my favorite things,
And then I don't feel so bad.
Hot tea and crumpets and corn pads for bunions,
No spicy hot food or food cooked with onions,
Bathrobes and heating pads and hot meals they bring,
These are a few of my favorite things.
Back pain, confused brains and no need for sinnin',
Thin bones and fractures and hair that is thinnin',
And we won't mention our short shrunken frames,
When we remember our favorite things.
When the joints ache, When the hips break,
When the eyes grow dim,
Then I remember the great life I've had,
And then I don't feel so bad.
4.1 with an alarm dinging madly at 5 am, a few JB's and sleep again. I awoke late then panicked to get things done before going out (Losing badly at pool at a local pub). I was dropping BG, on my extended walk home, and having to, yet again, have more JBs (this is habit forming). I Adjusted my basal tonight (I'm Going to have to test it sometime soon or lose my sanity).
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Bonjour. 7.3

Dressing fell off overnight. I’ll shower, stick another one on, gym and then dressing clinic.

Nephew’s graduation today so I’ll watch that online.

In other news I’ve an offer from CICA about compensation. It’s at the lower end of the range I’d calculated as potential amounts but it seems fair based on the clinical and psych reports they’ve conducted. I’ve not accepted it yet and I may push back but I’ll sit with it for a few days and see how my thinking settles before deciding anything.

As they say in their offer letter no amount of money can compensate for the trauma experienced but it does provide some sort of redress.

I’m meeting with my ISVA on Monday for our regular catch up so it’s going to be a topic of discussion then of course. She can’t advise me but it’ll be useful to talk with her about it nevertheless.
Morning a 6.2 for me so a bit more respectable and a nice flatfish and a decent sleep.
Colin I was not around for your terrible experience but have seen you reference it a few times since so best wishes whatever you decide.
Lovely day yesterday and another quiet one today which is how I like it and looking forward to Pizza tonight and a w/ end of walking as we have a local mini walking festival and also gave a step challenge at work so hoping it is a timely event and I can pretend it is just my usual step count
Morning all. 6.9 on my last day at work for 6 weeks. Its going to be a long, hot day and a bit emotional as we say goodbye to some.
Good morning. 7.2 Disgraceful...once all this tidying up is done I must concentrate on my diet a bit,

Got my list done yesterday. Today's is shorter: clean front door windows post painting, emulsion bedroom, tile microwave station. Easy peasy...Looks as if it will be another decent day - definitely some blue showing amongst the clouds. Actually had to nip round with a watering can yesterday evening to give the newly transplanted begonias a chance.

Have a happy Friday everyone.
Good mooring! Woke towards 3:00. Partly because after two very early starts I am out of sync and overtired, and because Phantom Pain made an appearance. BG 8.3 and drifting downwards.

Looks clear but forecast says showers late morning! Bit is is St Swithin's 40 days and nights!'

Good morning 2! 6.0 when I finally got up at 7:30.
Good morning 6.3 today, 6.6 yesterday

Ive now lost a stone in the last 8 weeks
I think when I’ve lost a second I will feel more fit than fat

Great that summer is now back
Hope it stays this time

Have a fabulous Friday everyone 😎
Morning all. 6.4 here.

Yesterday morning was a larf, not. Pesky ketones, not sure why, so we had to cancel our trip out. Everything was back in range by lunchtime, so I enjoyed the sunshine with a trip to a beachside cafe, a spot of gardening and a Welsh vocabulary binge. Not sure when I’ll need to use the words sorceress, goddess and manuscript in a sentence but they’re in Unit 3 of the next level’s book and I want to learn everything LOL before we start back in September.

Enjoy the weather, sun-worshippers. Stay indoors, rain-dancers.

Well done @goodybags!