Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 6.1 here.
Planned a nice relaxing afternoon gardening yesterday…it didn’t happen. Had an SOS from daughter, someone drove into the back of her on a country road when she had to stop as a Red Kite flew up off the road towards her windscreen (Red Kites have a 6ft wingspan, you can’t just ignore them). Other driver can’t have been paying attention, she didn’t even brake that hard. She was fine, but we drove out to wait with her until the recovery vehicle got there (her car is a write off) and brought her home.
There was a thread on the forum started by @Lucyr a few weeks ago about What3words, and I thought, what a good idea, and downloaded the App as we were just about to go on a walking holiday. It was certainly useful yesterday, (as we were on an unnamed country road on the middle of nowhere) ,though some of the words can be difficult to convey, one of them was 'contexts' and every time, the person on the other end wrote 'contact' even though she painstakingly spelled it out. Didn’t help that the mobile signal wasn’t the greatest and kept cutting out at the worst moments.
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.7

A few unbelievably busy days so I have not been on here.

I have been asked to organise the worship team rota for the church going forwards. Looking into it, it's a bit like herding cats!!! I have already written an App to help me do the job. I am particularly pleased with it as it only allows me to allocate people to roles when they are available. Sounds easier said than done. Still it was a fun couple of days designing and programming. They used to do it all on paper. Do you remember that strange crinckly, easily torn, even more easily lost stuff that people used to use along with pens or pencils or quills!!!!.


That reminds me of one of the first schools I went to, they actually forced us to use ink pens! Being left handed, it was a nightmare for me. The amount of mess I made on the paper and all over me was remarkable. They banned biros too!!! So enlightened.



The nibs were always designed (and cut/slanted) for right handed people. This image is a delux version of the sort of thing I was forced to use. I even started writing backwards (so I am told).


Yesterday I was asked to play at the church today and then that was cancelled a few hours later (illness). Probably best as I would struggle to find the time to practice.

My increased exercise is going well and my weight is dropping off (combined with a stricter diet). And, it's quite pleasant in the sunshine, cloud, cold, stormy, wet, windy weather, and my wife.


I had better sort the lyrics out for a new song wot I writ... roses are red, violets are blue....

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all

5.2 for me and a set change needed first thing as I awoke with only 2u of insulin in my reservoir.

Sorry to hear about your daughter’s prang @Robin

Hope she is feeling OK this morning.

Have a good day everyone!
Being left handed, it was a nightmare for me.

My Dad used to get rapped on the knuckles with a ruler for writing with the ‘wrong’ hand 😱
Well done @everydayupsanddowns on the HS. My reading this morning was 5.5. 🙂
Back to warmer weather but with rain.


7.5 today, but still no sign of my meds, going to chase them up to day, a poor day of eating and the cold, so it could have been worse.

@eggyg - enjoy your break

@Robin - sorry to hear about your daughter’s accident

@everydayupsanddowns - congratulations on your HS.
7.8 this morning! Then when I checked I found I had missed my Levemir totally last night - aarrggg! Never mind, all part of the fun and games of diabetes!

Congratulations @everydayupsanddowns on your HS.

Sorry to hear of your daughter’s accident @Robin - at least she is ok, the car is just a lump of metal and can be replaced, albeit annoying, hopefully the insurance will cover a replacement.

My wife is off to Birmingham to meet a friend, so I’ll be pottering around at home, nothing much planned, maybe a bit of gardening before it gets too hot.

Take care everyone!
Another bright & sunny start and looks like we're in for a nice day again. There's even a heat warning out for tomorrow. Got the covers off the garden furniture yesterday, for the first time in ages, and had lunch on the patio before spending a chunk of the afternoon dead-heading our butterfly bush. Managed to fill a whole garden waste bag.

Had a real senior moment in the car park at Sainsbury's yesterday. Put the shopping in the boot, walked the trolley to the trolley park and on the way back I saw that someone had scraped the passenger door of my car. I was having a closer look to see how bad it was when the driver's window opened and a woman inside asked me what I was doing. It wasn't my car - same colour, and a Ford Focus and Vauxhall Astra are not too dissimilar from side on, but my car was a couple of bays further up. She must have parked while I was walking to the trolley bay. That's my excuse anyway.

Congrats @everydayupsanddowns on your HS. I'm joining you:-

Good morning. 6.7 after an appalling night - staggered off to bed at 21.30, completely exhausted, woke at midnight and failed to nod off until after 05.30. Maybe postponing breakfast until the evening may also have pushed it up a bit - just kept on working and forgetting to eat.

Any way the great clean up is going well. Young Alice has the flower beds looking startlingly weed free & has spread a ton of coarse gravel behind the new wall, my word that kid can work. I think I have found her a couple of new cusrtomers - my good neighbours! Mark has a bad back and Jill has never really recovered from a fall 6 months or more ago when she broke 4 ribs. They are coming to meet her tomorrow.

Got carried away late on in the day and presure washed the conservatory carpet, which just sneered at the carpet washer, the rocking outdoor sofa which a beastly magpie clan had been using as a public toilet, and Wolf's pen. Today's plans:- a run to the tip to dispose of weeds, a lick of gloss to the front door, strip bedroom for a quick emulsion round, take a dose of morphine and go to bed! All the local agents seem a bit glum about the property market - I hope they are wrong as keeping up to this standard for a prolonged length of time would be a real bore.

@Robin Sorry to hear about the crash but very relieved to read that daughter was OK.

Have a happy Thursday everyone.
Another bright & sunny start and looks like we're in for a nice day again. There's even a heat warning out for tomorrow. Got the covers off the garden furniture yesterday, for the first time in ages, and had lunch on the patio before spending a chunk of the afternoon dead-heading our butterfly bush. Managed to fill a whole garden waste bag.

Had a real senior moment in the car park at Sainsbury's yesterday. Put the shopping in the boot, walked the trolley to the trolley park and on the way back I saw that someone had scraped the passenger door of my car. I was having a closer look to see how bad it was when the driver's window opened and a woman inside asked me what I was doing. It wasn't my car - same colour, and a Ford Focus and Vauxhall Astra are not too dissimilar from side on, but my car was a couple of bays further up. She must have parked while I was walking to the trolley bay. That's my excuse anyway.

Congrats @everydayupsanddowns on your HS. I'm joining you:-

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That made me laugh Martin. We have a white F Type Jag and there’s not many about our area. I went to our local butcher/greengrocer one day not long after we’d got it. Walked out to the car and pressed the button to open the boot. Nothing happened, kept trying and trying. Luckily the dealership is just next door so I thought I’d pop in and see if they could look at the key, thought battery had conked. Just as I was thinking about going a passing car stopped and pointed to the parking bay a bit further down. There was my car with the boot open! I’d been to trying to open someone else’s Jag! I was mortified. I wonder how many folks had seen the boot going up and down a dozen times. To make it even funnier the other car belongs to someone in our village but off the main road so we’d never seen it!
Morning everyone, a 5.0 for me on this beautiful sunny morning, I could get used to this but it never lasts for long enough.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Morning all and 6.4 for me

One lot of washing out and drying nicely.

Looks like I'm taking part in a Gothic/Classical crossover event in a cemetery chapel at the end of September. I learned the song I've been requested to play last night. Luckily it's an easy goth one.

Have a good day everyone.
Long live pen and ink @Gwynn. My go-to kit when looking for ease and reliability when it comes to recording blood glucose...


PS... I have four or five computers of one sort or another within arms length!!!
5.2 today. Still a tad under the weather and voice still froggy. Lots of desk admin, but I may take my laptop outside to get some Vitamin D…
I have been drug-free (illegal) for 18 years, and kicked the smoking habit (smoke-free for 6 years), but I still have the occasional alcoholic drink as I wasn't addicted when I did drink heavily. Kicking the smoking into touch was the hardest habit I ever got the better of.
I went to a lecture by Prof Chris Whitty at the University of Liverpool a couple of months ago, and he is very much of the opinion that we should blame the tobacco companies pushing and not individual smokers because smoking is so hard to give up once started. (He is very much in favour of the "banning forever" for younger people by increasing the age annually by a year so that tobacco never becomes legal for them to purchase).
Morning all. 8.1

Went off to the dressing clinic yesterday as didn’t feel right. Seems that I’m allergic to the packing material the nurse there used to pack the wound. Still sore this morning but nowhere near as uncomfortable as it was before they switched out the packing.
Going back early afternoon today to have them check everything again.

In other news I’m tempted to bake avocado “bread” later. It’s basically just mushed avocado mixed with cheese, almond flour, baking soda or powder I forget which and then shaped and baked.
Ooh that sounds nice. Do you have a specific recipe that you use Colin?