Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 3.8 after a sleepless night of fighting to stay above 4, painful legs and knees, toilet trips... Increased activity at work gearing up for Friday plus weather getting a bit warmer again are the cause i think but by the time i've reduced the Tresiba it will be all change again.

7.4 still waiting for my diabetic meds to be available to collect, and have a stinking cold that hubby had a few days ago. Looking on the bright side at least it is supposed to be warm and dry today so I will get the doors and windows open, and still off work until Monday when I return for 4 hours a day for a week, then I am off for a weeks leave so won’t return full time until 5th August, then only about 6 weeks until I have my next holiday.
Morning all. 8.8

Gym yesterday was ok but I couldn’t settle into things as I had my eye on the clock and my brain on my wound.
Still did what I intended to do but at a reduced intensity.
Dressing has basically peeled off after gym and the shower but dressing clinic were pleased with the overall healing etc.
Next appointment is Friday (post gym again) and I’ve been told to change my dressing in the meantime if needed. I asked for some dressings to take with me but they said I have to buy them because they don’t give them out. Never heard of the NHS saying no to dressings etc before but I’m guessing things are tight financially. Amazon to the rescue with a delivery due today.

Posted my nephew’s graduation card. He’s graduating Leeds with a 1st in his BSc physics. He’s been given a prize as his dissertation was the best amongst all the under and post grad dissertations at Leeds this year. Then he’s off to Oxford to go straight into his PhD skipping the masters.

Morning all. 6.3 on this lovely morning, yeah, it’s maybe only 13c but it looks very promising. Fingers crossed. We had a decent start yesterday until it went very, very dark and I had to fly about closing windows and doors, the heavens opened about 3ish and we even had thunder! Mr Eggy’s fault, he was washing the car. It happens every time.

Middle daughter, who’s now on maternity leave, due in less than four weeks, and youngest daughter along with double trouble, Zara and Eden, are coming for lunch today. Hoping we can eat outside, saves mess. I do hope they like the courgette, lime and ginger cake I made yesterday. I had a incident with it. I put in four TABLESPOONS of ginger instead of teaspoons! #shuddawenttospecsavers 😳 I’ve tried it of course, don’t want to poison anyone. It’s spicy! I think I was thinking I was making gingerbread as that has four tablespoons of ginger! Ooops! It’ll be reet! 😛

Have a wonderful Wednesday and I hope the sun shines for you wherever you are.
Morning a 6.6 for me! Better...
Not sure why, came home last night after ukulele group ( which was fab) only to find Mrs Snowwy on the cusp of completing a jigsaw. Stayed up to finish it and thus, went to bed late. You cannot fathom it sometimes...
Have a blessed day
Morning all, 5.6 here.
Had my next Diabetes clinic appointment through from the hospital.

I last had an appointment (telephone one)in July 2022. The next one was scheduled for July 2023. but was changed to Feb 2023.

That one was cancelled at very short notice (the day before) and I was offered one a week later, that I couldn’t do because it clashed with another appointment I couldn’t change. Don’t worry, they said, we’ll fit you in as soon as possible… so I got a letter yesterday with a new date..March 2025!
Good job there’s nothing urgent I want to discuss! (if there was, I’d be on the phone, but I just want to keep a foot in the door to save being re-referred if anything does crop up, last time I needed a referral it took my GP ages to do it, and the hospital then didn’t have an appointment for months, which meant I had to go on forking out privately for my Libre for an extra year after I qualified for it on the NHS)
Morning all. BG had shot up to 10.6 at around 3am - ah, the joy - so an overnight correction dose had me at 8.2 this morning.

I’m pooped - it’s the very last pesky work-related event this morning, then I’m officially on holiday until September, woohoo! Must remember to put my pay claim in before I go completely AWOL, LOL. Hubby’s found a nice walk for us to do tomorrow with a pub at the end...I just hope the weather perks up.
Good morning. A more respectable 6.0 today.

Finished the conservatory - just the front door which is all sanded and ready to get a nice fresh coat. Once done it is tripping my bedroom for a fresh coat of emulsion and a damned good clean. The study is fairly tidy but needs a rug clean - what sort of dementia caused me to buy a cream rug for the most used room in the house?

Daughter rang, in good heart, talking sensibly about chemo, mastectomy, radiotherapy, "It will all be over in a year", and making less of the rather less hopeful options which the oncologist brought to her attention. Her GP has prescribed her Propanolol which, she says, is controlling her fight/flight reaction to the problem. I am glad it is working - personally I am going for the John Buchan remedy - "Het tea and gud whusky keeps the Dr oot o' the close". The latter part of the prescription only being applied once I have finished balancing on ladders for the day.

Back to the grind - Alice arriving in 10 minutes and needs to be set on to weed the hen pens, plant begonias in front door approach troughs etc.

Have a good day everyone. Rejoice - St Swithin seems to have bee defeated - it isn't raining...
A 5.6 for me today. 🙂

Morning all. 8.8

Gym yesterday was ok but I couldn’t settle into things as I had my eye on the clock and my brain on my wound.
Still did what I intended to do but at a reduced intensity.
Dressing has basically peeled off after gym and the shower but dressing clinic were pleased with the overall healing etc.
Next appointment is Friday (post gym again) and I’ve been told to change my dressing in the meantime if needed. I asked for some dressings to take with me but they said I have to buy them because they don’t give them out. Never heard of the NHS saying no to dressings etc before but I’m guessing things are tight financially. Amazon to the rescue with a delivery due today.

Posted my nephew’s graduation card. He’s graduating Leeds with a 1st in his BSc physics. He’s been given a prize as his dissertation was the best amongst all the under and post grad dissertations at Leeds this year. Then he’s off to Oxford to go straight into his PhD skipping the masters.

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Hope your wound gets sorted out Colin.
One of things I love about this forum is the possible co incidences which people only recognise by talking about their lives.
Bit like going on holiday and you talk to other tourists and you find out you come from same place and think how unique.In the words of Tom Jones “ It is Not unusual” and if we took the time and trouble to share more we would note we have a lot of common experiences.
What am I talking about- well my nephew graduated from Leeds on nano technology so could be similar department with a first but did his PhD at Leeds and has moved to Cambridge but job wise.
I went to Leeds eons ago but did Economic History/ Geography but not quite good enough for the First.
No matter in those days the Govt used to pay you to do a Masters or PhD so decided to stay in U.K.
Must admit Oxbridge were less welcoming then to people from my background and the few I knew who went had mixed experiences but sure your nephew will love it as quality of teaching and research is fantastic and I know it is much more inclusive these days.
Morning everyone, a beautiful sunny start to the day here and it’s a happy 5.1 for me.

It’s time for my porridge and then I think I might go for an extended bike ride as I’ve only had short ones recently.

Have a great day everyone and stay safe.
@Wendal He could have chosen anywhere for his PhD quite frankly. He had fully funded offers from Leeds, Imperial I think, Cambridge, Berlin and a handful in the USA but he really wanted to go to Oxford. As for fitting in that won’t be an issue I expect. He’s public school educated (albeit a minor one) but he’s also an avid gamer and a DJ (he’s had a weekly radio slot for about two years or so now) so he’s got quite a few strings to his bow.
He does have the family MH wobbles to contend with from time to time but seems to cope with those ok generally.

The post doctorate plan is to work at CERN. He’s already worked with them on a project at Diamond in Oxford so fingers crossed!
hi good morning today was a bad 9.6 as i don't feel so good (had fever last night)
so normally its much higher when i don't feel good so its pretty good for the situation now
I hope all of you have a good and well day
@Wendal He could have chosen anywhere for his PhD quite frankly. He had fully funded offers from Leeds, Imperial I think, Cambridge, Berlin and a handful in the USA but he really wanted to go to Oxford. As for fitting in that won’t be an issue I expect. He’s public school educated (albeit a minor one) but he’s also an avid gamer and a DJ (he’s had a weekly radio slot for about two years or so now) so he’s got quite a few strings to his bow.
He does have the family MH wobbles to contend with from time to time but seems to cope with those ok generally.

The post doctorate plan is to work at CERN. He’s already worked with them on a project at Diamond in Oxford so fingers crossed!
Hi Colin sounds like a real credit to the family and even going to a minor public school is of great benefit in applying to Oxbridge as they can prepare them much better and the pupils often have that confidence and assurance that state pupils don’t have.
Plus I am talking about applying for an undergraduate course whereas your nephew seems very much in demand and has a proven track record at a dry high level.
I went to Cambridge for an entry interview and TBH was totally out of my depth in terms of preparing for the “ off the wall questions and my school had zero experience of how to prepare.
Also your nephew has demonstrated wider non academic interests and that always makes for a more balanced approach and once again he sounds like a really nice and intelligent guy.
5.6 for me on a lovely Berkshire morning. It was already 23 degrees when I walked down to get a newspaper before breakfast. Might even get to uncover the garden furniture today for the first time in, er - actually it's so long ago I can't remember. Saw 2 butterflies on my walk, pretty sure the first I've seen this Summer. My wife was only asking the other day where the butterflies are this year.

Bit of grocery shopping later and a run out to the garden centre greengrocer to top up the fruit bowl. Will also pop into Gail's in town and pick up one of their flourless chocolate cakes. It's my Wednesday treat and goes well with a dollop of Greek yogurt.

@Wendal - when we were in NZ back in 1997 I went up to the hotel bar to get some drinks and found myself standing next to a fellow Welshman and his wife. I'd flown halfway round the world and ended up in bar next to a couple of Jacks (people from Swansea), and me a Llanelli boy (or Turk, as those from Swansea call us).

Hope everyone gets some of this lovely weather today. More on the way tomorrow and Friday, apparently.
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Hi Colin sounds like a real credit to the family and even going to a minor public school is of great benefit in applying to Oxbridge as they can prepare them much better and the pupils often have that confidence and assurance that state pupils don’t have.
Plus I am talking about applying for an undergraduate course whereas your nephew seems very much in demand and has a proven track record at a dry high level.
I went to Cambridge for an entry interview and TBH was totally out of my depth in terms of preparing for the “ off the wall questions and my school had zero experience of how to prepare.
Also your nephew has demonstrated wider non academic interests and that always makes for a more balanced approach and once again he sounds like a really nice and intelligent guy.
He’s still a sarcastic sod at times! lol
5.2 for me this morning. Feeling a little rough - laryngitis I think, based on symptoms (been a bit snuffly since I got home from holiday a week and a half ago, so probably part of that). Admin and teaching planning day today, and two more days before I’m off on annual leave for two weeks and can finally make a dent in my massive to read pile of novels!