Group 7-day waking average?

Morning an 8.9 for me after a late night scone but it was left on its own and was lonely.
Still fairly flat line and sure it will start dropping soon before breakfast.
Depressing weather first thing but hopefully brightens up later as day in the Cheshire countryside and definitely a nice lunch.
Bus Driver good luck with new job if you are looking in.

Gym this morning and a proper shower before heading to get my dressing changed afterwards.

Went to the flicks yesterday to see Fly Me To The Moon. It’s OK but could have been so much better. It couldn’t decide whether to be a comedy or a serious drama. It’s no Capricorn One.
Morning all. 6.3, much better than yesterday, and I had rice for tea.

The day started well yesterday, dry, a bit of sun and warm at times. We even had our lunch at our new table ( used twice so far). That boded well for St Swithins Day, I thought. Mr Eggy was feeling quite a bit better so he cut the grass, and cut branches off things and general garden things. Tea time, pouring down! It still is. Ah, well, summer was nice for those 8/9 hours!

Today I am baking courgette, lime and ginger cake for visitors tomorrow. Picked two courgettes yesterday,( they’re coming slowly, but surely) used half a one in a spicy vegetable rice last night and the rest will be grated into the cake. It’s delicious.

Have a good one, whatever the weather.
Good morning 5.3 today
where has summer gone ? 🙄

Have a Terrific Tuesday everyone 😎
Good morning. 7.9 Mugged by crusty bread.

Outside painting is finished except for lintel over patio doors. Rain came in so we weeded instead. The girl turned out to be a motor bike riding surfer with a fine work ethic and a love of gardening. So, having swept out the barn, loaded the trailer, and weeded the stones around the raised beds, she accompanied me to the tip where we disposed of a large number of wooden pallets...All done cheerfully despite the deluges from above. Coming again on Wednesday to finish the great tidy up.

I nipped off to view a local house which needs completing, but, although it has 3.5 acres, and a decent-ish layout, and I could solve the problems with planning and building regs the fools have got themselves into, the views are very so so, the installation of the necessary drainage will cost a bomb, and, the real killer - the next door neighbour enjoys being surrounded by what my mate Rod calls "annibendod". This basically equates to "lives like a pig surrounded by rubbish." No profit margin in that so it is back to the hunt.

Today's jobs: refresh paint inside the conservatory and of the front door. Buy a tin of wood stain for the barn doors and a tin of emulsion for my bedroom. They are fine for living with, having all been decorated 3 years ago, but a brighten up won't hurt. I wish I could say the same of me as I am walking like a crab with a hernia. It reminds me of my Grandad, my all time favourite man, shot through the lung at Vimy Ridge, gassed elsewhere, and infected with TB, worked his socks off until he was in his 90s. Come on woman, with genes like that you can do a bit more!

Off to feed Wolf and check Peachy - have a great day everyone.
7 for me
Morning 7.5 and a sore and red left eye, guess it felt left out after all the recent drama with the right one. Lost control of bloods after a low yesterday. If you can't beat them join them attitude kicked in and had a couple of beers and some lentil crisps, the correction dose took ages to kick in but got there eventually.
Life is getting expensive, repair bill for solar panel £1000 not including scaffolding which I have to organise. New pond pump £800 plus installation. Was hoping to have a holiday with a friend but that's the money gone, sigh.
Stay safe everyone. Summer is forecast for tomorrow, just tomorrow mind, Thursday on back to wet :rofl:
Morning all. 6.1 here on the Libre.

Had a nice time in Bristol, especially Sunday - what a scorcher! The less said about yesterday’s wash-out, the better. The drive home was slow but so glad to see that white van man is still in existence and doing his best to cause accidents on the motorway, eek!
Morning! 7.1 today, just been out for a walk. Yesterday was a celebration with my oncology nurse telephoning me and reporting a PSA score of 0.025 which is fantastic! See you in 6 months she said. Then down to Lewes Hospital for an echocardiogram which apparently was 'normal' after my recent 2nd heart ablation! Celebrated with Mrs Snowwy and fish n chips. Very happy with that ! Have a blessed day everyone.
A 5.6 for me this morning. 🙂

5.3 this morning, and more of the same sort of day today. Went and moved my eye screening appt (again!) due to just too much work to do. (Rescheduled for when I’m on annual leave in a couple weeks, don’t worry.)

6.1 which I am pleased with as still no meds. Slightly tight chest this morning, but hopefully more coffee will ease that. Today’s plans are going to see mum, a bit of knitting or crotchet. Lovely and sunny here at the moment but heavy rain predicted by mid morning.

Need to think about what I am going to pack for our week in Norfolk which is happening soon, could need anything from swimwear to winter coat.