Group 7-day waking average?

Good moaning! After a terrible night 11.4. As the rain came came down in torrents on a dark and gloomy night Phantom Pain came in early and BG rose to the 12's. despite only 10gm CHO to line stomach for painkillers. Went to bed around 11 o'clock but couldn't sleep and got up again for a cuppa, a different pain killer and distraction Wordling (focussing on a book is impossible). I tried watching "The Spy Who Lived Me" but Roger Moore was too old to be Bond and too many bits were a bit corny. Finally got to sleep about 3:00. BG dropped below 9 but DP came in as I stirred around 7:30

Hope I get a couple of decent nights as silly o'clock and early doors appointments next couple of days.

Grey and overcast!
I'm joining those on the 5.3 step on this bright and sunny Berkshire morning. Like most we got a soaking yesterday when it came down in torrents, heavy enough to first pixelate our tv picture and then block the signal altogether for several minutes. Torrential rain always does that.

Our eldest's girlfriend, returning from holiday in Greece on crutches, as I reported yesterday, spent 9 hours in Royal Berkshire Hospital A&E yesterday while the NHS sorted out what the doctors in Greece had done with her foot. She now has a knee-to-toes plaster cast in place for the next 6 weeks.

Bit of groceries shopping to do shortly, then swim before lunch. Was hoping to get the remains of yesterday's laundry - things that can't be tumble-dried - out on the line but not sure now as there are showers in our forecast. They'll probably end up being hung up in the airing cupboard to dry. Fortunately we have a wardrobe-sized airing cupboard with double doors.

Have a good day, your weather permitting.
Morning 7.5 and a sore and red left eye, guess it felt left out after all the recent drama with the right one. Lost control of bloods after a low yesterday. If you can't beat them join them attitude kicked in and had a couple of beers and some lentil crisps, the correction dose took ages to kick in but got there eventually.
Life is getting expensive, repair bill for solar panel £1000 not including scaffolding which I have to organise. New pond pump £800 plus installation. Was hoping to have a holiday with a friend but that's the money gone, sigh.
Stay safe everyone. Summer is forecast for tomorrow, just tomorrow mind, Thursday on back to wet :rofl:
We were charged £700 by British Gas for scaffolding when we had our boiler replaced because to flue was high up and not enough space for the required angle to be able to use a ladder. Only 4 inches short which is the thickness of the exterior insulation we had done.
We were charged £700 by British Gas for scaffolding when we had our boiler replaced because to flue was high up and not enough space for the required angle to be able to use a ladder. Only 4 inches short which is the thickness of the exterior insulation we had done.
Thank you, figure it's going to be that sort of figure. Ah well who needs a holiday? (Shrug emoji)
Morning - well the weather is a bit unsettled. It's sunny but there's plenty of clouds around. There was a heavy downpour late afternoon yesterday, at least it cleaned the seagull poo off the car!

6.1 this morning first thing and a unicorn. Not so easy to see unicorns with the CGM version of the Libre 2 software. Has now dropped to 5.7. I'm happy with that.

Talking of garden tables @eggyg we have not eaten at ours once this summer. We have had the cushions out and sat on the swing a few evenings, but nothing like we have in past years.

Oh well, today I had better get stuck into the housework I didn't do yesterday (did a pile of ironing instead). I am very pleased and relieved to see that our recycling and food waste has at last been collected. It's been out since last Thursday, but our road has been completely missed since the new collection regime started at the beginning of July. Getting the stuff collected has been a nightmare involving umpteen phone calls and filling in online forms, which they have then said they've resolved because we haven't put the stuff out. Plus I wrote to our local councillor. It has been nigh impossible to report that they have never come up our road at all! Mind you, they have thrown everyone's bags and boxes all over the road and it looks a right mess.

Congratulations @Colin g on your HS.

@DianeD commiserations - we seemed to have scaffolding up at our old house every other week, it's ruinously expensive.

Have a good one all!
A rather late good morning people, it was a 4.9 for me earlier.

Have a good rest of the day folks.
5.7 this morning after a night of low BG alarms (about 3). Last night we went to a BBQ at a friend's house. I filled my face with burgers and sausages (various types) and some full-fat pop (not too much), all washed down with copious cups of tea. It was a good night.
I've not posted for a while to be honest I've been so stressed waiting for my hubby's scan results they finally phoned him today and everything is stable and no new cancer anywhere it was 6 months since his last scan and now 3 years since he was diagnosed his treatment finished a year age so all is looking very positive I think my reading this morning was 6.7 it's been higher in the 6s for the last week but I think it's because of the stress and worry but today is a good day congrats to everyone who has house specials over the last week going to have a read through what Ive missed now it's steak dinner tonight and some wine
Good evening everyone. 7'7 this morning.

I was quite happy with my cottage pie yesterday. Not so happy today as the creative writing club didn't happen today and the organiser is away the next two weeks, so is likely no one else will show up. I will miss it :(
Uhmm! The first time I’m having a bit of trouble with the double strength Tresiba’s 2 unit minimum dose increments in that I can’t dial up 51 which would be perfect: 52 is a teeny bit too much which I CAN deal with IF I eat regularly BUT, I get distracted at times & forget to eat a la watching a golf major or The Olympics, coming up soon; 50 is a teeny bit too little & having to increase NR to keep BS in control! I have to choose: 52 or 50 Tresiba: 50 is safer, I know; just not QUITE getting the NR right as yet! Try it for a bit longer & hopefully get BS under better control further down the line? 🙄 A Big Sigh emoji! If I have to keep the increased NR doses: so be it; I know myself too well & I’ll forget to eat & go hypo on 52 basal when The Olympics are on! 😱:rofl:

An early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉
Morning 7.9 for no reason, I was a good girl yesterday. My eye is giving me real trouble but will try and resolve myself, it usually takes about 10 days. But if it's not clear by Tuesday when I'm at the hospital anyway I'll go to the eye clinic.
Better start looking at what yo take with me to the T1D camp this weekend.
Stay safe everyone.
Morning a 7.4 for me but another flat line as went to bed on a 7.2 with no late night munchie attack.
Lovely day yesterday but decided to go home for lunch purely as I was close by though had a choice of several nice places.
Will try and have something out today.
Good luck all