Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning pleasantly surprised with a HS today
Yesterday was 6.6

I think after Breakfast I will celebrate,
by changing the lancet cartridge in my finger pricking device
after all it is St Swithan’s day today

Eye appointment (DMO clinic) late this afternoon, off to work shorty

Have a fantastic day everyone 😎


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Morning all, 6.6 here, but I dipped briefly into the red overnight.
Four loads of washing dried on the line yesterday, and a load of gardening done to fill the green waste bin due for collection tomorrow. Got on with it because it’s supposed to rain here today.
Got better as the pain eased
Good moaning! Woke after 90 minutes sleep withs creaming adjabs Phantom Pain. I had been dreaming weirdly. I was backing my wheelchair out of the lift here (too small for U-turns) and was surrounded by the elderly residents but they were all about 3 foot tall. The lights went out and they attacked me . I was chucking them in all directions (aka Midget Tossing) and woke to a 10.5! any dream interpreters!

Clear starry night!

Good morning 2! A 7.9 this time but Libre data gappy for some reason.

Need to sort out appointment double booking and related transport!

Broken cloud with rain forecast to arrive in 4 hours 15 mins!
Congrats on the HS @goodybags

Glad the pain has subsided @MikeyBikey

A dreary start and a 4.8 for me. i thought this week was supposed to be nicer weather?!
Joining @goodybags today with my second in a row. :D

6.6 which I am pleased with as I have run out of 2 of my diabetes meds, my own fault forgot to order them. Only plans for today are big shop and doing a little bit of knitting or crotchet, which at least I can do now.

@goodybags and @MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on your HS.
Morning! A 7.1 today, not sure why. A friend just been round giving me garden advice, he is coming back next week to help with hedges. Oncology review at 11 am and echocardiogram at 2 pm in Lewes hospital. They all come at once!
5.3 on a rather grey and cool Berkshire morning, with rain forecast to move in from the west later. I guess that means some members have probably had a right soaking already. Also found ourselves on the Heathrow flight path again this morning. I was woken up by the first plane just before 6 o'clock and was then unable to doze off again due to several more going over, one after the other in a steady procession.

Our eldest is safely back home after his Barcelona trip. We also have his girlfriend here now, on crutches after an accident, so she's currently unable to manage the four flights of stairs up to her flat in London. She stepped on some broken glass poolside while on holiday in Greece last week and had to have 2 operations on her heel before being able to fly back. She's now having to manage our stairs toddler-style, on her bottom, but at least there's only a dozen of them and it's carpet.

No tennis or football now, but 2nd Test between England & West Indies starts on Thursday so time to switch to cricket-mode until the new football season starts next month.

Have a good start to the week and congrats to @goodybags and @MeeTooTeeTo on your HSs. I almost joined you.
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Morning all, another low start to the day with a 4.1 - must eat something before bed.

Have a good rest of the day folks.
7.2 this a.m. It's a gorgeous day here - sunny blue skies with just a breath of a summer breeze.
It's a gorgeous day here - sunny blue skies with just a breath of a summer breeze.
Send some our way, please - I have a load of laundry to catch up on and at the moment it looks like the tumble dryer might get a workout, despite it being the middle of July.
Morning - another grey day, but yesterday turned out glorious, so we can only hope despite the weather forecast of mostly cloudy.

5.4 earlier when I finally woke up after going to bed at 2 am. Had a smashing day at our friends house culminating in watching the footie. I'm not a fan, but it was such a shame that England did not win.

Not doing anything exciting today - this afternoon is scheduled for cleaning the house upstairs. I've also got a pile of ironing but I think that might be tomorrow's job.

Congratulations to @goodybags and @MeeTooTeeTo on your HSs.

Have a good day all!
Hi everyone. 6'7 this morning.

My alarm went off as 7 am. I closed my eyes for what felt like a few seconds, grabbed my phone to postpone the alarm a few more minutes and found out it was 7:25. I meant to leave the house at 7:30!

I'm happy with Spain's win but I know better than to celebrate out loud in the streets :D

I find myself with a lot of time this week as they have cut hours for most of us. The plan for this evening is cooking a cottage pie and reading. The weather is looking "indoorsy" .
Hi everyone. 6'7 this morning.

My alarm went off as 7 am. I closed my eyes for what felt like a few seconds, grabbed my phone to postpone the alarm a few more minutes and found out it was 7:25. I meant to leave the house at 7:30!

I'm happy with Spain's win but I know better than to celebrate out loud in the streets :D

I find myself with a lot of time this week as they have cut hours for most of us. The plan for this evening is cooking a cottage pie and reading. The weather is looking "indoorsy" .
Best team won so as long as you do not blast out Viva Espana on the Beat Box you should be fine and you can always say you were celebrating Carlos Alcaraz s great win yesterday.
But as you say weather is indoorsy so best to enjoy your success quietly lol
Entirely forgot today due to a rushed morning - 5.1. Graduation week at work, so a busy campus. I, however, spent most of the day in meetings and writing new modules.
7.6 this morning after having to correct an overnight hypo. But, I needed to have no danger of hypo for my exam this morning so I was ok with that as a starting reading.

Anyway, the great news is that I passed! Yay! I got a score of 24/26, so I’m pleased with that!

My dad was a 'Ham' before the war, he went on to serve in the RAF on radar.
That’s really interesting to hear!
Oooh what’s an amateur radio exam for? Sounds intriguing. Good luck.
It’s to let me get a licence to transmit on the amateur radio bands and make contact with / chat with people all over the world using radio. I guess with the internet it’s maybe not as exciting as it once was, but nevertheless fascinating to be able to use the technology to achieve communication.

Take care everyone!