Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone, it’s a 4.6 for me today and the sun is shining so I’m off for a short bike ride in a bit then it’s back to more fence painting.

Have a good Sunday folks and stay safe.

Eggy not sure if you have noticed but could be another Type 3c living in Cumbria.
Thanks for that. I’ve commented on their post.
Morning and what a dull one it is. Yesterday was summer, today is not.

4.9 this morning, shortly followed by 4.1 and an alarm. Nice and steady overnight though.

Had a lovely day with our friends yesterday. Sat in the pub garden for the afternoon and then on the spur of the moment invited them back to our house to share bread and cheese. We had some spectacularly smelly cheeses, Chaorce, Epoisses, a mix of Gorgonzola and Mascarpone that appears in Lidl during their Italian week and a very ripe Brie. Hubby had thoughtfully left these out of the fridge when we went out. We baked a part-baked French baguette and put some cheese biccies out.

Today we are invited to a friends for a Roast Beef lunch and to go and view the new-built house another friend has bought, but not moved into yet as she is waiting for the carpets to be laid. It is just up the road on the edge of the village and it is the first house she has ever owned. So exciting for her.

Well done @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS

@eggyg is Mr Eggy doing the exercises for vertigo? I had it a year ago and the exercises did help.

@TinaD I think your antics would give me vertigo all over again! Do be careful!

Have a lovely day all!
6.6 this morning after an impromptu visit to our local Indian restaurant last night which made a nice change.

Bit of final revision today in readiness for my amateur radio exam tomorrow morning. Been getting 100% on the mocks, just hope that holds true for tomorrow! It’s fairly basic stuff and I need 19/26 in multiple choice questions, so hopefully shouldn’t be too stressful.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS today!

Have a good day everyone!
Morning and what a dull one it is. Yesterday was summer, today is not.

4.9 this morning, shortly followed by 4.1 and an alarm. Nice and steady overnight though.

Had a lovely day with our friends yesterday. Sat in the pub garden for the afternoon and then on the spur of the moment invited them back to our house to share bread and cheese. We had some spectacularly smelly cheeses, Chaorce, Epoisses, a mix of Gorgonzola and Mascarpone that appears in Lidl during their Italian week and a very ripe Brie. Hubby had thoughtfully left these out of the fridge when we went out. We baked a part-baked French baguette and put some cheese biccies out.

Today we are invited to a friends for a Roast Beef lunch and to go and view the new-built house another friend has bought, but not moved into yet as she is waiting for the carpets to be laid. It is just up the road on the edge of the village and it is the first house she has ever owned. So exciting for her.

Well done @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS

@eggyg is Mr Eggy doing the exercises for vertigo? I had it a year ago and the exercises did help.

@TinaD I think your antics would give me vertigo all over again! Do be careful!

Have a lovely day all!
Thanks Patti I’ve forwarded that on to him. Worth a try. X
6.6 this morning after an impromptu visit to our local Indian restaurant last night which made a nice change.

Bit of final revision today in readiness for my amateur radio exam tomorrow morning. Been getting 100% on the mocks, just hope that holds true for tomorrow! It’s fairly basic stuff and I need 19/26 in multiple choice questions, so hopefully shouldn’t be too stressful.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS today!

Have a good day everyone!
Oooh what’s an amateur radio exam for? Sounds intriguing. Good luck.
Twas a 7.7 for me this morning..Any one else taking cinnamon capsules Been on them for 4 days now and it's right what they say on the report I was reading They do regulate your blood sugar Must be my age I'm taking supplements by the boatload Raining again,Get the house work done have dinner then get dog out for a few hours.Congratulations on@ Mee too tee to on your Hs.Have a good day folks
6.6 this morning after an impromptu visit to our local Indian restaurant last night which made a nice change.

Bit of final revision today in readiness for my amateur radio exam tomorrow morning. Been getting 100% on the mocks, just hope that holds true for tomorrow! It’s fairly basic stuff and I need 19/26 in multiple choice questions, so hopefully shouldn’t be too stressful.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS today!

Have a good day everyone!
My dad was a 'Ham' before the war, he went on to serve in the RAF on radar.
A 6.8 today so a bit up for no reason whatsoever?
A more respectable 7.2 today. I'm trying portion control for my post-prandial breakfast spike. Yesterday it came down... but today I missed it completely, they went above 15!
I'm out to church tonight, then on to watch the footy at my Mother-in-law's..
Hi just came back to the UK as I didn't have time to post wile i was away ill post now the last 3 days Friday was a bad 7.9
bot by Saturday was back to normal a nice 4.8 and today even do that i did not really sleep (was flaying ) it was a good 5.5 lets see what it will be tomorrow and for now lets all have a good night
Good moaning! Woke after 90 minutes sleep withs creaming adjabs Phantom Pain. I had been dreaming weirdly. I was backing my wheelchair out of the lift here (too small for U-turns) and was surrounded by the elderly residents but they were all about 3 foot tall. The lights went out and they attacked me . I was chucking them in all directions (aka Midget Tossing) and woke to a 10.5! any dream interpreters!

Clear starry night!
Good morning 6.7

Almost finished the painting. Supposedly have a girl coming to do the high cut in today if the rain holds off - if it pours down she can sweep the barn and weed the veggies. I don't think the narrow strip under the eaves will show on the for sale photos. I've mowed the lawns. All we need is a sunny day...

Have a good day all.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.7

Nice and sunny out there. Good weather for a walk.

Today, finishing a new song, exercise, hmmm that's about it.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

Getting really frustrated with my dressing. Looking forward to tomorrow when I’ve permission to go to the gym and have a proper shower etc before heading to the dressing clinic.
Good morning all. A high, for me, 8.3! I went to bed about 11ish at 5.6, had an oatie biscuit even though I really didn’t want to eat. It looks like my BGs dropped to around 4.5 at midnight and have steadily risen since. By the time I went to the loo and came downstairs my BGs were 8.9, but they’ve quickly subsided and now 7.7. I’ve checked on my meter too and it agrees. Maybe delayed stress after the footie! What a shame for England, they put up a good fight but Spain outclassed them. Our six year old granddaughter was inconsolable and kept saying she’ll never get over it! Blimey! That’s my last time watching football until 2026 now! I’m a total fair weather footie fan!

St Swithins Day and I’m glad to say it’s not raining. Yesterday was a horrible day, wet and dark and cold. Mr Eggy almost lit the fire! Instead we snuggled under a blanket, in our PJs, whilst watching the match. How rock and roll are we? 😛

Hoping for a better day for everyone today.


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Morning, 6.6 for me, it was the last of the strawberrys and cream that did it. Need to be a good girl for a bit or I'm going to put on too much weight. Solar panel repair inspection today, fingers crossed its salvageable and not ruinously expensive.
Stay safe everyone
Morning a 7.9 for me after going to bed at 7.2 but stayed fairly flat but did eat crisps to console myself but can’t complain too much as best team won.
Taking my car into garage to get rear brakes sorted assuming staff are not having a sickie but at least it should mean my fortnight of brake warning light should disappear a bit like England’s chance of winning last night.
Then more WFH after a nice w/ end.