Group 7-day waking average?

Hi all - lovely day here too! It was yesterday but unfortunately we spent most of it doing housework indoors.

7.2 this morning. Judging by the graph line on my Libre I think that was a direct result of the curry we had for dinner last night. I made Chicken Tikka and having found a pouch of black lentil dahl in the larder I proceeded to transform it into a veggie dahl by adding a roasted aubergine cut into chunks, some fried onions and some chunks of Paneer. Julian had bought the Paneer mistaking it for something else and I had been looking for something to do with it. Frankly wouldn't bother with it again, but the aubergine and dahl was nice. I also had a very small bit of Naan.

Today I am meeting a friend in town for lunch and then early evening we are going (as usual on a Wednesday) down the local to meet another bunch of friends. We have left-over curry for dinner when we get home. I may cook a little rice instead of the naan.

Sorry to hear your writers group isn't meeting @Elenka_HM I know you were really enjoying it.

@eggyg hoping the weather holds up so you can lunch in the garden today.

Have a good one everyone.
6.2 for me still higher than normal but hope to be back to my usual lower reading after all the stress and worry from last week, to be fair I have had a few oven chips with meals this last week and it didn't really change much so happy about that as I've been avoiding chips, so a few in moderation seams ok, feeling a bit drained today but I did have a few glasses of wine last night to celebrate the good news, hope everyone has a great day
5.6 for me on a lovely Berkshire morning. It was already 23 degrees when I walked down to get a newspaper before breakfast. Might even get to uncover the garden furniture today for the first time in, er -.actually it's so long ago I can't remember. Saw 2 butterflies on my walk, pretty sure the first I've seen this Summer. My wife was only asking the other day where the butterflies are this year.

Bit of grocery shopping later and a run out to the garden centre greengrocer to top up the fruit bowl. Will also pop into Gail's in town and pick up one of their flourless chocolate cakes. It's my Wednesday treat and goes well with a dollop of Greek yogurt.

@Wendal - when we were in NZ back in 1997 I went up to the hotel bar to get some drinks and found myself standing next to a fellow Welshman and his wife. I'd flown halfway round the world and ended up in bar next to a couple of Jacks, and me a Llanelli boy (or Turk, as those from Swansea call us).

Hope everyone gets some of this lovely weather today. More on the way tomorrow and Friday, apparently.
Morning Martin,
I think it helps been Welsh or anyone who identifies with a particular area when initiating a conversation whilst on holiday as you are comfortable with any response and usually share some common ground.
Am not Welsh but know Wales pretty well and again happy to strike up a conversation starting of with usual “ where are you from” and handling it from there knowing my geography is pretty good and know my rugby.
Are you Welsh speaking as I remember an experience in North Wales where I had a customer who I got on well with but whose first language was Welsh.
I met him to handover to one of my colleagues who was a Welsh speaker and then just stepped back and watched the interaction.
It was like my colleague had known him all his life and the conversation was very expressive ( it is such a wonderful emotional language) and I knew I could never bond with him the same as quickly as I can with say another Geordie where I can virtually connect with straight away.
Morning Martin,
I think it helps been Welsh or anyone who identifies with a particular area when initiating a conversation whilst on holiday as you are comfortable with any response and usually share some common ground.
Am not Welsh but know Wales pretty well and again happy to strike up a conversation starting of with usual “ where are you from” and handling it from there knowing my geography is pretty good and know my rugby.
Are you Welsh speaking as I remember an experience in North Wales where I had a customer who I got on well with but whose first language was Welsh.
I met him to handover to one of my colleagues who was a Welsh speaker and then just stepped back and watched the interaction.
It was like my colleague had known him all his life and the conversation was very expressive ( it is such a wonderful emotional language) and I knew I could never bond with him the same as quickly as I can with say another Geordie where I can virtually connect with straight away.
Us Geordies will talk to anyone.After a few drinks we all speak the same
Are you Welsh speaking
I'm ashamed to say that I'm not, although I did pass my Welsh 'O' Level back in 1964, written and oral, where I was in a class whose Welsh was considered to be a second language. I do know lots of words and phrases, of course. My German is considerably better.
I'm ashamed to say that I'm not, although I did pass my Welsh 'O' Level back in 1964, written and oral, where I was in a class whose Welsh was considered to be a second language. I do know lots of words and phrases, of course. My German is considerably better.
My other half went to school in Rhodesia and they had to do Afrikaans but he was useless at it but unless they passed they were not allowed to go into the top stream for maths and science in *which he always got top marks. His options for progression was severely limited. He bitterly resented it even to this day.
My other half went to school in Rhodesia and they had to do Afrikaans
Basically Dutch, I believe, which someone once described (rather unkindly) as more like a throat infection than a language.
5.8 this morning after waking around 3am to a hypo. Luckily I didn’t over treat it, but who wants to eat stuff in the middle of the night?

Day on the locks today : lovely day and we took a single hander (single person on a boat) down the complete flight of 21 locks. Took all morning but he was so grateful it made it all worthwhile. Helped some other boats on the way back up to top lock, had some lunch and then left as by then there were no more boats moving through the flight.

Nice free outdoor gym for us though :


Take care everyone.
17.07.2024 22:37 BS 6.7 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Well! I posted, & moaned, too soon yesterday as in the lyrics of a song “What a difference a day makes, 24 little hours.” I AM getting NR right now & I CAN manage on the usual NR doses for meals BUT, the shape of my meal hills look different now on slightly too little basal? I get a prolonged flat, plateau, peak now before it comes down slowly. I saw that pattern emerging yesterday when I held off adding corrections: I thought BS was stuck too high for too long; it DOES come back down eventually but, it’s a prolonged plateau before it dies so! :confused: All of my meals graphs look like that now on the same NR doses! :D A Happy Bunny emoji! 😉:rofl:

Already had breakfast & it’s bang in the middle of plateau peak now & it’s a lower peak now of 11s, MY today as body clock is still out of whack, today when it was in the 16s before: stuck in more NR; backlash heading off of hypos later! I know what’s going on now & things are levelling off: see what I did there? 😉😉 Nudge, nudge! :rofl::rofl:
Good morning! wake a bit too early as early but, not silly o'clock, Physiotherapy. Bad night. Often after Podiatry dressing change Neuropathic (nerve) Pain starts. Seemed a bit worse than usual yesterday and then Phantom Pain joined in early evening. After restless night 9.3

Sky in streaks from blue'ish thru white to dark grey that phone's camera doesn't seem able to do justice to...


Getting darker...

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Morning an 8.3 after a bit of DP but will settle back down and another gentle trend overnight.
Lovely day beckons and a trip to Rhyl so will be on lookout for an ice cream and a short queue but that is the bit I may struggle with as the tourists will be out in force.
Have a good day all.
Good morning all. 6.7 and a lovely flatfish.

We did manage to eat our lunch outside yesterday after a lovely warm morning but the sun was being very stubborn and refused to come out for us and was a bit of a cool breeze at times. After the hordes went at 4.30 of course it came out with a vengeance and we sat outside with a drink. It was glorious. More of the same today, not at home, but definitely in Chester where we’re heading for a couple of nights. Forecast is 23-25c! Better pack the the factor 30. Looking forward to it, haven’t been since the kids were little and we went to the zoo. We’re not going to the zoo this visit though.
It’ll be strange packing heels and frocks and not walking boots and waterproofs! And someone else feeding me, making the bed and picking the soggy towels off the bathroom floor! TBF, even in hotels I make the bed and pick up the towels before the housekeepers come, but I definitely don’t do any cooking or washing dishes!

Have a great day.
Morning all. 4.8 here.

Yesterday was a loooong day, but we gave our lovely retiring secretary a nice send-off. She wants to learn Welsh, so she’ll hopefully appear in one of my beginner classes in the next couple of years. The leaving bash was at Druidstone Hotel - wow, just 20 minutes out of the hustle n bustle of Haverfordwest, it’s all single-track lanes with hardly any passing places, suddenly opening out to the most amazing sea views. Great choice of venue!

Enjoy your mini-break @eggyg.