Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 5.6 today

Right now relaxing in garden with cup of tea
gave a tree (which is in a neighbours garden) a good cut back yesterday, as it was stopping the light and overhanging, plus birds liked to congregate in it and leave their mess right where I’m sat now.

My wife is currently trying to work out where the slugs are coming from
as it seems there are quite a few.

Before we moved we never had any garden, so were growing a few vegetables and fruit trees / bushes

Have a smashing Sunday everyone 😎
Morning all and 8.6 for me. I blame a late fish supper.

Threatened storms didn't arrive in this part of the world and the steam rally was most enjoyable.

A young sparrow hawk has just had it's breakfast in the front garden. Just a few feathers left.

Shopping to do and I must get some clarinet practice in.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning - grey and dull, though it's warm and sticky. It lashed it down solidly all day yesterday, so I suppose it's an improvement on that!

6.9 this morning.

Not doing a lot today, quite grateful for a day of rest and hopefully get on with the Photobook. Got a half leg of lamb for dinner (took out a mortgage on it even though it was "on offer"!)

@eggyg how on earth did you or Mr eggy get round the front of those statues to get that pic, when they were standing in the sea?

Have a good one all.
Morning all. 6.2. Sunny and warm with a slight breeze.

@eggyg We saw the statues a couple of years ago. It was quite odd to see them suddenly rising out of the sea as the tide went out.
In honour of the Strictly scandals I got a Len this morning.

Yesterday afternoon I saw Slave Play. Absolutely phenomenal. Wasn’t sure what to expect but not only is it hugely enjoyable it’s also hugely uncomfortable and challenging. I needed to sit on the park for a couple of hours afterwards and decompress.

I’m tempted to see it again.

Strictly is outside my radar. What's a Len? A ten?
Strictly is outside my radar. What's a Len? A ten?
SEVEN! Len Goodman was a judge and he would shout that particular score very loud and elongate the word. If he did give the top score he would say “and it’s a 10 from Len”.
There you go, every day’s a school day! :rofl:
I was 6.3 this morning, which is fairly normal. have my alarm set for 5, so I like it if I’ve ticked along at about 6 overnight. If I take more basal insulin I end up dipping below 5 overnight, setting the alarm off and having a bite of something to boost it up again. I like to get a good sleep all night without the alarm- and so does my wife!
It was a 4.2 for me much earlier on another grey day.

Have a good rest of the day everyone.
Bit dull and grey out there when I opened the curtains but sun's broken through and it looks like we're in for a decent day. Hope so as I have 3 machine loads of laundry to get out on the line, and that's before the Sunday towel change.

Wife and I had a spur-of-the-moment day out yesterday with a trip to Wallingford. She likes to browse antique shops and Wallingford has a couple of good ones. Found a nice cafe for lunch and a cosy Italian coffee shop later before we headed home. Of course, all my carb counting went out the window, as it does when we eat out, so no idea how I did for carbs yesterday, but I must have done OK as I got 5.1 when I tested this morning.

Looks like we've had the last raspberries from our garden, and our blackberry bush isn't ready to give us anything yet, but we have lots of blackberries growing wild where we are and I picked a punnet's worth yesterday evening. Looking forward to having some for breakfast and I suspect there'll be an apple & blackberry crumble in the oven later, not that I'll be having any of it.

Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday.
I make my crumble topping with almond flour/ground almonds, low sugar or Keto granola, extra seeds and butter. Works well.
Late posting today, it was a nice 4.7 on waking.

Nice quiet day not doing much other than picking up my wife’s sister who is staying tonight and tomorrow. Enjoying sitting out in the garden now, just lit the citronella oil burner to get the buzzing things away!
4.4 for me at half six after a night of 4's. Grey this morning threatening rain for a few hours. None came, thankfully.
Spent the afternoon getting the cellar ready for the Buck moon tonight - I should have tided the altar up years ago!
Good night all. I may be late tomorrow or absent. Plan on stabbing digit and not expiring with rage before Tuesday. If you are bored pass on 'cos there is right moan coming - with better news at the end.


Ring at 8.30 and try for an appointment with Dr Mark. Fat chance but do need to discuss COPD and pain levels in weird places. OK I know I am over doing it! High level AA but nobody available to assist. Wonder how people in wheelchairs manage? I can "do it," whatever it is but very slowly and painfully, for instance, taking 5 minutes to get off knees once a suitable, solid, support is identified. Fortunately not overlooked as I scuttle about on my knees to find a suitable support.

Dwr Cymru coming to inspect the meter after my bill doubled with fewer animals and people - £400 for 7 months? Eek! I did a leak test - no leaks (no surprise as I renewed the pipes to the meter and throughout the holding in 2017). Suddenly one old lady is using 1.6 cubic meters a day? Well, I like a wash from time to time but it is usually a quick shower not a swimming pool sized bath. And I ain't been watering the garden - the Jet stream did for 9 bloody months. Usual appointment = sometime between 8 and 12.

Alice coming at 12.30 to assist/ paint barn doors and log store. Good lass. Pity the AA covers her very reasonable rate (£13 for an hour) for only 6.5 hours a week. Again I wonder how the people who are completely immobile, rather than moving with pain, manage. Alice now used to bad language associated with movement, thankfully. Also she cheers me up.

Estate Agent arriving to value at 2 p.m. (Man is an idiot going on his bloodlines. His Father undervalued this place by 20% 2 years ago - 6 people offered more by teatime. - He was going to bring Father but he is too busy setting up for Royal Welsh Show). Why didn't I take the money and run? Sod's law - at the time couldn't find anything better. Still no news on driving licence renewal. So no idea what I can buy once I have sorted out daughters mortgage. We need an emoji showing tearing out of hair.

Good news: I have finished painting my bedroom. 9ft ceilings - who wants them? Well, I do except when painting. Whilst I clambered up steps with my roller the washing machine did its stuff. 4 loads of ordinary stuff and then 2 of duvet and under quilt. I looked at the sky, considered the forecast and though "bugger it" and used the tumble dryer. Well, one has to extravagant sometimes.

Daft tho' it sounds I feel better for all that. A right old moan. Do forgive me. Very therapeutic.

I wish everyone the best Monday they have ever dreamed of.
Morning and a 8.9 for me with some DP and although is high am keeping within range and did take less mealtime insulin yesterday as starting to walk more and still trying to gauge it better.
So missed out on lunchtime insulin as did a 6 mile but easy walk in afternoon following a 4 mile on Saturday night and was fine.
Once I have assessed how it may or may not effect insulin regime then I can make any adjustments and look upon it as a re learning exercise after a lazy few months.
Anyway a day in Liverpool and trip to Anglesey on Tuesday so should be a decent week and good luck all

Couldn’t sleep due to a helicopter hovering overhead at 3am, haven’t been able to get back off to sleep then anxiety kicked in about logging back onto work today for just a few hours. Also have a lovely throat/ear infection and blocked nose etc, anyway 9.1 still no meds as hubby finished work late, got stuck in traffic so wasn’t back before Tesco shut yesterday, throw 8n to the mix me having a cocktail and ice cream yesterday, it could be worse, in fact I dread to think what it was like yesterday evening.

@PattiEvans - good luck with your cataract op today.

@TinaD - you are going through so much at the moment, hope you get a good valuation on your property and can find something suitable, whilst still being able to support your daughter, you put me to shame struggling to keep up the garden of a postage stamp size, and thinking of getting someone in to decorate as hubby and I feel we don’t have the time or energy.