Group 7-day waking average?

Morning a 6.8 for me and a nice overnight trend.
Day trip to Anglesey today so lot of driving but always enjoy my trips there and not too busy a schedule.
We have a step challenge at work and nice it coincided with local walking festival so I can post some decent numbers but this week will have to make an extra effort as it definitely helps to smooth out my BG levels.
See you all tomorrow as usual.

7.1 and finally have meds, also have the stinking cold back, also feels like I might have laryngitis as my voice is really hoarse, keep losing my voice and feels like something is stuck in my throat. Oh well hopefully start improving. Did 4 hrs work yesterday and was stressed by an hour in, oh well at least it is only this week and then I have a week off, but probably not helped by not feeling at all well.
Morning all. 6.2 this dry Tuesday. Never stopped raining yesterday.

Yesterday was a “funny” day. Not funny ha ha either. Spent a lot of it ringing round pharmacists hunting down Creon, I sort of knew it was a waste of time, and I was right. I also emailed a private pharmacy to ask if they had any and how much. I’ve not even had an acknowledgment, I take it the answer is no! I called my GP chasing them up as I’d called last week and they were going to get back to me. I just wanted advice on what happens next. I spoke to the lead pharmacist, who was very nice, he’d looked through my notes and saw my complex gastric issues and has promised to bring my case up at a meeting tomorrow and will call back with a plan on Friday. He said I was lucky I had six weeks supply left, I don’t feel lucky! It’s a very stressful time and knowing it could be mid 2026 before it’s resolved isn’t helping. To that end we’ve cancelled a holiday we’d booked to Madeira in October. I can’t risk it. So a tad frustrated but I’m on their radar now and I’ve been listened to. I’ve written more on the thread Should Patients be better Informed about Shortages.

Hoping today will be less stressful. A food shop to do as three of the grandchildren are staying over on Friday. They like their food! They’ve asked for homemade pizzas for tea, hoping we can fire up the pizza oven, if not they’ll be done in the ordinary oven. I’ll bake too, maybe brownies, haven’t decided yet. I do know I won’t have time to feel stressed before and during their stay!

Have a great day and I hope the forecast is good for you. Dry and sunny intervals for us. That’ll do nicely.
Morning all. Woke early with 4.8 and couldn't go back to sleep. Typical, i was up earlier than when i'm at work. Weather today is supposed to be warm with cloudy/sunny spells. Maybe i can have lunch outside today.

Cleaning and dusting to do today, some sorting to do and some weeds to get up in the garden. Should be a fairly relaxed day though.

@eggyg i hope they get back to you on Friday and have a plan sorted.
Morning all. 6.7 here.

Weird one yesterday, advice needed! Hubby had a blood tests follow-up phone call with the GP - high cholesterol, he’s been advised (not told) to take statins. Weird thing was the number - apparently, his cholesterol is at 38. I don’t understand. Can anyone explain the number to me?

Looks like more rain today. There’s plenty of tourists around, but not as many as usual. I think lots of people’ll be trying to book a last minute holiday in the sun! This summer’s turning into a washout. <bikini & pacamac emoji>
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8

Doing some vba coding and it's going well. I decided to create a worship team rota app. All complete bar one small part of the reporting section.

Today walk, keyboard practice of new song, a really decent tea as I will be cooking beef stew and my friend is coming to tea.

Sadly my friends friends mother has just died so there is cloud overhead. She had been very ill for a long time.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
A "Heinz Special" for me this morning. 🙂 It's cloudless and sunny - no rain. What's wrong?

Morning everyone, it’s a happy 5.2 for me and it’s raining just for a change.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Good morning.5.9

Mixed news - some good. Finished painting and most of clearing up. Bedroom looks great. Washing windows on the agenda today and tidying up workshop.

Dwr Cymru chap turned out to be a sweetheart and is passing problem onto an expert colleague on metering/charges. He guesses that it is "them in the office wot can't add up".
Didn't manage to get appointment with Dr yesterday - phone permanently engaged. IT crash? Tried again again this morning - wonderful - appointment for 9th August - good thing I'm not about to urgently expire!.
Valuer came - within £10k of my guess - other valuer (re-valued on previous info without viewing) 10-20k higher as marketing price buts says same figure to accept. Is it better to ask higher and negotiate down or ask lower, stick to price, and get more viewings. Dilemma. Mind you yesterday's bloke wants 0.7 % while higher chap wants 1% commission.

Have a fine black eye - well a mix of red and black - having face planted myself on kitchen floor. Legs decided to practice knitting whilst heading for kettle. Large lump under eyebrow but vision OK - not a pretty sight in the mirror. Very stiff neck yesterday with hand cramps but easing today. I don't care - all the washing done and have put away disgusting (albeit now clean) painting clothes. Felt like a ragbag all week.

@eggyg So sorry you are having difficulty and anxiety over drug shortages.
@goodybags Quite agree we need more emojis - one for tearing hair out in frustration, and one showing justifiable red face rage might be a start!

Very overcast this morning but met office prophesies sunshine all afternoon. Have a happy day everyone.
Morning all. Bit of a lie in and a 5.1 today for me. Had a nice evening as the neighbour cat popped in for a cuddle late, though she was of course offended when I had to put her out again.
Good morning 8.1 today

Hope you all have a Terrific Tuesday 😎
Good morning. A very str,essful day and it was 42 degrees. Before the evening snack I was 19.6. I was injected with 10 units of Novorapid much to my annoyance as I like to see the food first so that I can calculate the amount of insulin I need. When the food arrived I could not eat any of it - it was totally disgusting. as are most meals. They gave me an orange!!!
By 20.45 I was 3.8 and the alarm was going off. i was stuffed with Magdalenas and scolded for not eating the evening meal. I scolded them for injecting me and then serving utter crap. I sat in bed for over an hour and until my reading was above 6 and I could go to sleep. This morning I was 18. I can't wait toget out of this hell hole and take back control of my life.
Morning all. 6.7 here.

Weird one yesterday, advice needed! Hubby had a blood tests follow-up phone call with the GP - high cholesterol, he’s been advised (not told) to take statins. Weird thing was the number - apparently, his cholesterol is at 38. I don’t understand. Can anyone explain the number to me?
38 looks like it's the mg/dL measure for HDL, rather than the usual mmol/L measure:-

5.9 this morning, same as yesterday. Oddly, that follows my lowest ever post-prandial reading (4.0, double-checked by testing on both hands) after a post-meal walk yesterday evening. It's another cool morning, borderline cold, but that's how yesterday began and we ended up with a decent day with temperatures in the low 70s.

Our youngest's girlfriend now has one of those knee-length boots for her damaged foot, the cast having been removed yesterday. She has BUPA as part of her benefits package at work to they've now taken over her treatment. They're not sure whether the deep cut she sustained has cut her Achillies so she has another appointment today. She might need an MRI.

Swim before lunch as usual on a Tuesday and might try and get a booking for the recycling centre as we seem to have a growing pile of recyclables that are not collected by the council - wood, scrap metal and suchlike.

Congrats @42istheanswer on your HS yesterday.

Whatever your plans, have a good day.
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