Group 7-day waking average?

@Elenka_HM may I suggest you get a copy of "Think like a pancreas" by Gary Scheiner. It gives you a very good understanding of the roles of basal and bolus and all manner of other things to do with control. I think you're right about less exercise influencing your levels, but I was repeatedly told that unless basal is right you will never get bolus right. You need to do a basal test even if you do it with no Levemir.
Thank you Patti. I've read many good things about that book in the forum, it's about time to get my copy. Regarding basal test, I did one a couple months ago and it seemed that no Levemir was a good choice. Might have changed, should get another done but not excited about it 🙄
4.7 this morning, feels good to be back into the mid to high 4s on waking, it means my breakfast doesn’t take me much out of range and usually means a fairly good in range day.

@eggyg - happy anniversary! Love the picture!

@Elenka_HM - I second @PattiEvans suggestion about Gary Scheiner’s Think Like a Pancreas book. Very well written, nice and clear, easy to understand.

Grandchildren later this afternoon to stay a couple of nights, meanwhile enjoying a bit of chilling out to get batteries charged ready for them:rofl:. Plan is for Cadbury World tomorrow.

Take care everyone!
Forgot to post this morning! 6.2

Congrats to @eggyg and Mr Eggy!

Canal boat ride was fun 🙂

Regarding basal test, I did one a couple months ago and it seemed that no Levemir was a good choice. Might have changed, should get another done but not excited about it 🙄
LOL! No one gets excited about basal tests. I should do one but it's never the same 2 days running at the moment, so I'm using that as an excuse!
hi Sorry was busy the last 2 days my destcom transmitter broke so my numbers where pretty bad with big ups and downs because i couldn't control them so on Tuesday my waking up BS was at disaster 12.6
Wensday was a mountain down2.4
and today was abridge 10.6
im angry AT MEDTRONICS that it takes them so long to deliver it lets see what will be tomorrow
Morning a 7.3 for me but a pretty flat line as 7.1 going to bed and a decent nights sleep.
Glad it’s Friday and another nice trip to what I call Footballer Wife’s country in Altrincham and Hale Barns which is always lovely.
Again a short day as our Fridays are now generally used as an admin day but it is pretty local so will do admin in afternoon ( after lunch).
Probably back on the Pizza tonight and I even eat the crusts whereas on my Gala Pie I had last night I cut off the pastry to reduce the carbs and my wife complains about the waste even though the birdies have a nice treat.
Anyway Olympics start this w/ end so will settle down to watch and do a couple of nice walks over the w/ end which is now the limit of my sporting ambitions.
Good morning and what a beautiful morning it is. 6.9.

Busy, busy weekend ahead. Two granddaughters ( 11and 6) getting dropped off at 9.30am and staying for a two night all inclusive city break. One daughter ( 31) coming for lunch with another granddaughter ( 5 months), then she’ll nip out to pick up yet another granddaughter (3) from nursery at about 2.30 and bring her here for a one night all inclusive stay. The following three days will be chaotic and noisy, hence the early start today. My last bit of peace until Sunday evening. I love it really.

Congratulations @Sharron1 on your HS.

Have a fabulous Friday.
Good morning.6.8

Looks as though there may be sunny intervals today. I am so sick of this ruddy rain and low cloud. Having to put CH on to sit down in comfort in late July seems wrong,

Nipping off to North Pembs later to look at a possible smallholding quite near the coast. Price would be OK but satellite images show what looks like a sand quarry fairly close. Needs a good look and a planning check.

Hope everyone has a very good day.

6.8 today, still got this cold, but hoping numbers com8 t down are a sign it is on its way out. Getting ready today for our annual family trip to Norfolk.

@Sharron1 - congratulations on your HS.
Morning folks.


Have a great day!
Morning all, 6.7 here. Busy day today, need to ride the pony this morning, then take daughter to pick up her new car this afternoon. I’m impressed how quickly her insurance company (Admiral) worked, she was crashed into a week last Wednesday late afternoon, they agreed the write off by Friday morning and the money was in her account this Monday.
Morning all. DP for me this morning...8.3.

I need to do a pesky basal test too @PattiEvans but I just don’t have time to sit still for 11 hours..who does? That’s one advantage of the HCL, I guess - no more pesky basal testing!

Sunshine! Walking, gardening, more walking, more gardening...that’s my weekend in a niutshell.
Good morning everyone. I have been soooo busy...

Anyway BG 5.2 (yesterday 4.9)

Putting the finishing touches to the song I will sing on Sunday. I do so enjoy composing.

Today practice, a walk or two, stew for tea.

Have a great day 5oday whatever you are doing
Morning 6.6 for me, back to normal after food poisoning last weekend, and a long day out Wednesday. Bloods have been low for days and hypo alerts all night. Quiet day today, hoover service and walk, busy weekend fundraising for Team Endeavour Racing. Really need to get some gardening done, fingers crossed it's dry next week.
Have a safe one everybody
Good morning - 17.1
Don't know what caused tha Was pushed and pulled about yesterday. ECG was very stressful in a local health centre, staff about as unproffesionalt as it gets. Back to the residencia to a cold and tasteless lunch so I left 99% of it. Dinner (???) was ust soup abd an apricot
5.2 for me today. Eye screening today (not looking forward to blurry sight for hours, and I hate people messing with my eyes), but not till the afternoon.