Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all

It is a rather early morning for me as I have got an appointment at the hospital at 08.00 to have a stent fitted in an
artery after my exploratory angiogram last Tuesday. That should be fun I don't think!

Anyway, it was a 5.4 for me at 5.30

Have a good day everyone as I'm sure I will......
Hopefully it goes ok.
It’s a pretty routine procedure these days so fingers crossed.
Morning all. And I’m on the Clickity Click step, 6.6,with @Northerner and @ColinUK.

Had a good sleep after yesterday’s “challenges”. Now the clear up. Didn’t have time to assess any damage yesterday. But I think we got away lightly, I can see a few bird feeders seem to be missing, the big clock on the summerhouse is also gone. I haven’t actually been up the garden to look for them yet, I’m hoping they’re knocking about somewhere and still usable! Next door’s felting from his shed is off I can see, it’s not long since he built that shed! Oops! Our new greenhouse/potting shed seems to have got away without any damage, phew! The main thing to check is our roof tiles, have we lost any? I hope not. I can’t see anything lying about the garden at the back of the house so we may have gotten away with it. Jocelyn starting later today but “only” 50 or so MPH!

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning all

It is a rather early morning for me as I have got an appointment at the hospital at 08.00 to have a stent fitted in an
artery after my exploratory angiogram last Tuesday. That should be fun I don't think!

Anyway, it was a 5.4 for me at 5.30

Have a good day everyone as I'm sure I will......
As the wife of someone who has had countless angiograms and stents, it will be “uncomfortable” for a short time, but as @ColinUK said, it’s very routine now and they are experts. Best wishes.
8.7 before breakfast

Just about got the hang of managing porridge effect on bgs now I’ve started putting some effort into diabetes again, and now I have there’s only 1-2 bowls worth left in the bag

Have changed the ingredients this morning - raspberries instead of banana, sugar free almond milk instead of cow milk, and going to walk to work so hopefully I haven’t overestimated things.
8.7 before breakfast

Just about got the hang of managing porridge effect on bgs now I’ve started putting some effort into diabetes again, and now I have there’s only 1-2 bowls worth left in the bag

Have changed the ingredients this morning - raspberries instead of banana, sugar free almond milk instead of cow milk, and going to walk to work so hopefully I haven’t overestimated things.
@Lucyr On your signature - where is says "If any posts upset or offend you, please use the report post function." How about you change that to

"If any posts upset or offend you, please take a long, hard look at yourself in the mirror and grow the **** up" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
That made me laugh because I felt exactly the same, TBF I didn’t proclaim my love for electricity, but I did say I couldn’t have lived in the olden days. Mod cons, the more the merrier in my opinion.
Mark had to drive to Rheged to get me a good coffee :rofl:
On your signature - where is says "If any posts upset or offend you, please use the report post function." How about you change that to

"If any posts upset or offend you, please take a long, hard look at yourself in the mirror and grow the **** up" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
That would feel appropriate but I’m trying to avoid getting into trouble
4.7 on waking today, but after a correction at 4am to bring down an 8.7 a bit. Probably didn’t need to bother but now I can see what my BG is I hate having it above mid 6s. Still fail though with spikes and last night’s evening “munchies” although not loads of carbs were enough to keep me high at 9 for bedtime (high for me).

@Barrowman - hope all goes well today for you!

@ColinUK - good to hear about your Dad being ok, albeit with the broken orbital bone. You’re right, there comes a time when roles reverse and you become the parent. It is worrying and like with your Dad, I only heard of several falls at home after one resulted in a trip to the hospital. Hope all continues to go well!

@Lucyr - pleased you have managed porridge and its effects upon your BG. I have porridge daily, especially during the winter months, but have not been able to tame the spike to 12 or so, despite pre bolusing by various amounts of time so I just accept the spike as long as it comes down quickly afterwards back into range.

Take care everyone, hope Jocelyn’s “mere” 50mph winds don’t do any damage!
Mark had to drive to Rheged to get me a good coffee :rofl:
Ahh! That’s true love, or was he afraid you’d cause him harm if you didn’t get your coffee? 😛I’m not a coffee drinker but the pot of tea I made using water boiled in a pan on the gas hob was horrible. Thought we’d get a decent cuppa at daughter’s but they don’t drink tea and the tea bags were almost two years out of date! Another horrible cuppa. Looking forward to the first one of the day very soon.
Back in the middle fours with a 4.6 this morning. More rain and wind forecast - so no walkies in the woods today. :(
Stay safe and well everybody.

7.7 this morning - not much planned for today so I'll probably be getting soggy in the garden, picking up sticks etc, before more get blown off. I started to set up my Green Johanna compost bin yesterday so I'll go and check on that and add my first lot of kitchen peelings - I have to wait a month and then I can start putting full on food waste on there which will be great as no kerbside collection here (of anything actually as we have to drive two miles down the hill to leave our rubbish at the road end so it will be good not to have foody stuff in there tempting creatures to rip it apart). Have a great day everyone and hope appointments etc go well xxx


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Good morning. 5.4.

Thinking either my meter is on the blink or some practical joker is in charge of my metabolism. I ate everything I shouldn't yesterday as I was feeling a bit miserable - the COPD reacting badly to change in weather amongst other woes. Then was awake most of the night listening to wind and rain. Was expecting 7s not 5s. Weird.

The renewables surveyor didn't come last week and have had no contact to say why. Well that solves one thing - if I do go ahead it will not be with that company.

Hope everyone surviving the weather and that @ColinUK 's Dad continues to make good progress.

5.4 today, not too bad as I did eat a couple of bits at Bakeclub last night, won’t be so kind on the scales I am sure. Need to get back to be 100% and get rid of these last 5lbs.

@ColinUK - pleased to hear about dad’s progress, hope he gets home soon, not being able to drive will have been hard for him to hear, please keep us updated on his progress. sending my best wishes to you all.

@Barrowman - hope your procedure does well.

@eggyg and @Pattidevans - your conversation about the low residual diet choices are interesting as my hubby has to have a Colonoscopy on Monday following a positive FIT test, so has helped with not giving him the wrong veg.

@eggyg and @zippyjojo - good to hear you both got power back on yesterday.
The renewables surveyor didn't come last week and have had no contact to say why. Well that solves one thing - if I do go ahead it will not be with that company.
That’s annoying when people don’t turn up when they said they would. If you want to try someone else, we used All Seasons Energy who were absolutely first class for our solar system. They do heat pumps and insulation as well and I would definitely recommend them if they cover over your area (they are based in Sheffield but covered our area in the Midlands).