Group 7-day waking average?

Update re: dad

So… neuro are happy with his progress. In fact they’re delighted with it given the severity of the fall. Maxillofacial not so happy. Seems that he broke his right eye socket in four places and those breaks have somehow impacted the muscle control for his upper eyelid and also for the eyeball itself. Unironically they said that they’re “looking” for a solution.

Again I have to say that it sounds worse than it is. The eye that’s injured is his already 99% blind one so I time him we could buy him a patch and a parrot and he’d be fine.
The downside is that it makes him feel more injured. He can see that the eye isn’t right.

I had a long conversation with physio about his condition, and parameters for treatment. They’re on the ball about lots of things and clearly they’re looking at putting together the right kind of care package which takes into account his and mums ages as well as quite independent lifestyles.

He’s been told they have to inform the DVLA and that he can’t drive for a minimum of six months. That didn’t go down too well.

I’ll speak with him again in the morning and see him in the afternoon to discover what else he’s broken!
Hello All - 7.5 this morning which I was surprised at as for some reason I snaffled two Flakes last night (found them hiding somewhere!). We've been without power too which has been interesting but fortunately it came on in the afternoon and I was SO excited to be able to put a sausage roll in the warming drawer that I announced that "I LOVE ELECTRICITY" and that "I couldn't have lived in the olden days" - spent the majority of the day being blown around doing gardening. I've just a Green Johanna compost bin and am very excited about it - we had a talk at college last week from two Master Composters which I think it such a cool title. @ColinUK I'm glad that things are sounding more positive for your Dad xxx
Leccy back on! Got home from daughter’s at 6pm, the village was in total darkness, very weird. House was freezing. Got fire banked up, candles lit and started the tea ( we have a gas hob luckily) still with my coat on, accessorised with a head torch! Very on trend in Cumbria at the moment. Just got water on for the spaghetti and my outside light flicked in. Kept coat, head torch and candles on for another half hour until we were certain. Farmer daughter lost power later than us last night and she went on just minutes before us. Fingers crossed Jocelyn behaves tomorrow. I don’t want to go through that again. Very stressful. Looking forward to a shower tomorrow, washing your “bits” by candlelight at the kitchen sink definitely isn’t romantic. :rofl:
Another time a "Phew" emoji would have been useful. Pleased you are sorted.
@ColinUK Considering his age and the obvious damage to his skull, it sounds like he is lucky to be getting off with it as lightly as he is. He is clearly made of sturdy stuff!
They don't make them like that any more..... Ian was just showing me video footage of an 81yr old guy he knows who has just recovered from a compound fracture of his leg. He runs a racing yard and was told not to ride again, but he is back to mucking out horses and exercising them ie riding, every morning. If you don't continue to do what you enjoy and keeps you fit and active, what is the point of life. Obviously there is no getting around the DVLA rules but as long as he can continue to get out and about or do tasks he enjoys at home, then encourage him to do so.
I LOVE ELECTRICITY" and that "I couldn't have lived in the olden days" -
That made me laugh because I felt exactly the same, TBF I didn’t proclaim my love for electricity, but I did say I couldn’t have lived in the olden days. Mod cons, the more the merrier in my opinion.
Update re: dad

So… neuro are happy with his progress. In fact they’re delighted with it given the severity of the fall. Maxillofacial not so happy. Seems that he broke his right eye socket in four places and those breaks have somehow impacted the muscle control for his upper eyelid and also for the eyeball itself. Unironically they said that they’re “looking” for a solution.

Again I have to say that it sounds worse than it is. The eye that’s injured is his already 99% blind one so I time him we could buy him a patch and a parrot and he’d be fine.
The downside is that it makes him feel more injured. He can see that the eye isn’t right.

I had a long conversation with physio about his condition, and parameters for treatment. They’re on the ball about lots of things and clearly they’re looking at putting together the right kind of care package which takes into account his and mums ages as well as quite independent lifestyles.

He’s been told they have to inform the DVLA and that he can’t drive for a minimum of six months. That didn’t go down too well.

I’ll speak with him again in the morning and see him in the afternoon to discover what else he’s broken!
He’s certainly made a good job of it. Buy him that parrot, he deserves it, much better than a bunch of grapes. Hugs. Xx
It was 7.8. I took a very brief trip to and a and e last night(well I was seen in the blue urgent treement center which is non a and e department of a and e). I was getting very short of breath and 111 told me to go. I do get breathless moments this time it seemed alot worse . The doctor did advise it would be worth getting checked for astma. So going to ring doctor this morning I arrived about 7.20 and left at 10.17 so pretty quick really probably pretty because he didn't see the need for any tests so wasn't waiting around for results of that . Usual thing at the moment with doctors at the moment

Update to thisi saw a doctor today and they given a blue inhaliler to see if it helps and a peak flow meter to monitor
Not slept but current reading is 7.7
Good morning all

It is a rather early morning for me as I have got an appointment at the hospital at 08.00 to have a stent fitted in an
artery after my exploratory angiogram last Tuesday. That should be fun I don't think!

Anyway, it was a 5.4 for me at 5.30

Have a good day everyone as I'm sure I will......
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 hmm

No real plans today.

Spent most of yesterday rewiring the music room and then rewiring again with new equipment as my wife was not happy with the first rearrangement. She was very happy with the second one. Phew!

Hopefully I will get out for an early morning walk about 8am.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning all

It is a rather early morning for me as I have got an appointment at the hospital at 08.00 to have a stent fitted in an
artery after my exploratory angiogram last Tuesday. That should be fun I don't think!

Anyway, it was a 5.4 for me at 5.30

Have a good day everyone as I'm sure I will......
Good luck with the hospital procedure.
Morning and pleased your dad seems to be on mend Colin and our Cumbrian members have renewed power and hope Jocelyn behaves herself.
A 6.7 for me so just had breakfast,dogs walked ( they only have short legs so don’t go far)-I loved having the Ridgebacks and could enjoy a much longer walk but no food in the house was safe so we decided to downsize.
Off to north Wales coast today so see what the day brings and must admit I do enjoy the sight of the Sea growing up so close to it but now an hour away.
Anyway have a good day all however you spend it.

Thanks everyone for the concern about dad. Who knew having parents would be such a worry!