Group 7-day waking average?

Spoke with mum and dad a number of times through the day so far. He's still confined to bed but he's happier as he's got his own pjs, has had a bed bath and shave but most importantly he's now reunited with a 10ft iPhone charging cable which means he doesn't have to worry about the battery in that!

I went for a decent walk today all the way along the canal and the along the River Lee stopping for coffee at various points along the way. Not alone. My bestest friend came with.

I'll speak to both mum and dad tomorrow but I'm intending to head to the hospital late afternoon tomorrow as well.

Oh and I appear to have lost/mislaid my wallet. Cards cancelled. Replacements ordered. New wallet ordered. Hopefully this one will be more difficult to lose. It's bright orange!
Spoke with mum and dad a number of times through the day so far. He's still confined to bed but he's happier as he's got his own pjs, has had a bed bath and shave but most importantly he's now reunited with a 10ft iPhone charging cable which means he doesn't have to worry about the battery in that!

I went for a decent walk today all the way along the canal and the along the River Lee stopping for coffee at various points along the way. Not alone. My bestest friend came with.

I'll speak to both mum and dad tomorrow but I'm intending to head to the hospital late afternoon tomorrow as well.

Oh and I appear to have lost/mislaid my wallet. Cards cancelled. Replacements ordered. New wallet ordered. Hopefully this one will be more difficult to lose. It's bright orange!
Glad to hear about your dad, but pants that you’ve lost your wallet. What a pain in the proverbial. Can you still use Apple Pay if you’ve stopped your cards? That’s probably a really daft question so be gentle! 😉
@eggyg Yes you can. I have gone into the accounts for each bank/card etc and disabled them. So if someone has the physical card it's useless to them. I have ordered replacements. My main card still works on Apple Pay just fine. Thankfully I haven't lost my driving licence or anything ID-ish at all. It's a pain rerecording cards etc but I'll have a full set of new ones within a few days I'm sure. And a shiny new wallet!

Joke of it is I don't actually carry a wallet anyway. It's really just a container for the physical cards so I'll file it in the same place as my passport and there it'll stay I think.
Morning all. 6.2 on a finger print as my phone has died. Unable to charge it as we are without power and have been since 8pm last night, been on website and it’s expected to be restored by 5pm tomorrow! I’m very worried about my two full freezers!

Got 19% on my IPad so just a quickie. Will go to daughter’s to watch Zara today. At least we will be warm and get our tech charged up.

See you on the other side, hope everyone safe and sound. It’s been a rough night, not much sleep had.
Morning all. A surprising 11 for me, no idea why! I really don't want to get up and go to work.

@eggyg I hope power is back on sooner than they say. Take care driving.

I hope everyone is safe and not much damage has been done. I think i slept through it, though its forecast for today as well. Take care everybody.
Good morning - 8.7

Have a great day everyone.
Morning a 6.7 from me after an Interrupted night due to dogs wanting to go out early due to wind.
We have a huge Copper Beech in our front garden that we always worry about in any very strong wind even though it has been there over 150 years ( the house).
Sorry eggyg about your lack of power and hope it comes back soon.
Off to Wirral later where the are 2 great ice cream shops next door to each other in Parkgate so decision of the day is which one to enjoy.
Speak later
Morning folks 4.9

Wow the wind was howling all night. We lost net as I was in bed watching netflix but its been back on for now. Maybe I was optimistic about heading into town in this. Its a good job I had a few spare libre when I got it on prescription so there's no rush to collect my script from the chemist 😉

Hope your power gets back on soon @eggyg and you have prompted me to remember to keep phone on the charger all day today 😉
Snap @Paul Gibbins 6.5 for me too!

Hope everyone got through the night OK. Hope the power is back up really soon @eggyg
It was 7.8. I took a very brief trip to and a and e last night(well I was seen in the blue urgent treement center which is non a and e department of a and e). I was getting very short of breath and 111 told me to go. I do get breathless moments this time it seemed alot worse . The doctor did advise it would worth getting checked for astma. So going to ring doctor this morning I arrived about 7.20 and left at 10.17 so pretty quick really probably pretty because he didn't see the need for any tests so wasn't waiting around for results of that . Usual thing at the moment with doctors at the moment lines busy.

As I said I found my wavesense jazz meter yesterday evening and thought it seemed more reailble to keep me a proper result when I was out of range so I asked my doctors surgery to put back on those strips. I thought yeah it can be a pain in the cold but Id rather a meter is that was a pain in the cold but was accurate enough when I was out of range(it's mostly close to dexcom with out of range numbers(with a few expections)so feel I can trust it to back it up). Over a meter I didn't trust to say I was out of range. I think there are work around it being a pain in the cold and plus it may not be so much of issue how I've got dexcom and will be looking at that when out and about (yes I know I will need to back it up sometimes) athough perhaps I should have done more comparison before deciding that.

4.7 today, going to Bakeclub this evening. We got off lightly as the winds didn’t get as strong here, we do have a couple fence panels down but those came down in the last storm so the neighbour whose fence it is just slotted them back in, said he will replace fence when the weather gets better, so providing neither of the panels are damaged he will probably slot them back in.

@eggyg - hope you get your power back on soon.
Good morning everyone. Wow, what nice, friendly, caring bunch you all are. I am glad to be here.

BG 5.1 dancing around the HS tree

I spent yesterday afternoon rewiring the music room (in the west wing) at my wifes request. It was really hard work as I had previously permanently laid it all out before. Still, it is done, and all the better for it.

It is very very windy out there so no early walk but I will go out this afternoon with my friend.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
dogs wanting to go out early due to wind.
Wow, you’ve got them well trained. Our Gwennie makes sure she’s positioned right under our noses and lets rip. 😛 😉

5.8 here on the Libre - sore fingers this morning, so I didn’t want to prick.

That was one <beep> of a storm! I hope no-one’s got any major damage. Fingers crossed @eggyg they get you back up and running asap.