Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all 4.6 for me this morning.Low alarm went off three times during the night 4.2 so not to bad .Bad nights sleep due to coughing and alarm going off .Well it's house work day Got meat in cooking And get the dog out twice . Have a good day folks
Welcome back!

You used to have a bit in your signature about having autism, and something like hoping people wouldn't be offended if your replies seemed blunt - can't remember the exact wording - and I think that was helpful especially with newer members who might not know or remember your history?
Yeah I did and I thought it was helpful but I got some messages telling me off that having it in my signature was using it as an excuse so I removed it.
Morning all. Bit warmer today I think. Not measuring as I'm being a nomad again and I never think to take stuff with me.

@Lucyr Who told you about the autism? Nobody's told me but I know I am. It was a relief, I just thought I was stupid. :rofl:
Hello a professional diagnosed me with autism as a child, and then a different professional reassessed me as an adult and reconfirmed it. I can’t remember what type of professional but it was at a specialist autism service locally.
Yeah I did and I thought it was helpful but I got some messages telling me off that having it in my signature was using it as an excuse so I removed it.
Though to be fair I also used to get some messages telling me I shouldn’t have my type down as “other type” when that’s my diagnosis so maybe I should just reinstate having a signature and ignore any complaints about having one
Yeah I did and I thought it was helpful but I got some messages telling me off that having it in my signature was using it as an excuse so I removed it.
I thought it was most helpful Lucy. Unless the messages were from Admin I would just reply saying that you'd had messages to the contrary and that many people found it helpful. I suspect the people who messaged you saying it was an excuse don't understand autism.
I thought it was most helpful Lucy. Unless the messages were from Admin I would just reply saying that you'd had messages to the contrary and that many people found it helpful. I suspect the people who messaged you saying it was an excuse don't understand autism.
Thanks Patti. No it wasn’t from admin, admin especially Mike have always been most helpful. I’ll reinstate it later on.
Afternoon all - grey and windy with a light mist of sea salt in the air. You can hear the sea from our house, it's roaring away.

6.0 this morning and we have been excessively lazy - not surfacing until 10:30 although I was not that late to bed @ half past midnight. Last night my BGs were in the mid-teens and despite many corrections I couldn't get it down, so changed the pod and then the corrections worked. I hate having to change the pod early as they get somewhat touchy about it if you try to order even a day early. Still it was actually only 12 hours.

Having a lazy day today, though I will do some ironing and cook roast pork with all the trimmings.

Wondering how @ColinUK 's dad is today.

Happy Sunday all - keep safe from storm Isha.
Afternoon all and it was a rather more satisfactory 6.7 for me

Not nice outside. I think today will be a sorting day. Might even try a bit of programming. I haven't done any for ages but I could do with a random note generator.

Have a good day everyone.
Though to be fair I also used to get some messages telling me I shouldn’t have my type down as “other type” when that’s my diagnosis so maybe I should just reinstate having a signature and ignore any complaints about having one
Old saying, but very true - you can't please all the people all of the time!
I agree with Patti's suggestion for a reply.
Yeah I did and I thought it was helpful but I got some messages telling me off that having it in my signature was using it as an excuse so I removed it.
For what little this might be worth, I'm with @rebrascora in "a disappointing Wow" . It is your right to describe yourself by writing as much or as little as YOU want. Personally I thought your former descriptor was helpful and it did explain to me when I first joined this forum why your answers could (just occasionally) seem abrupt or mildly aggressive. We are all different, not just in our D, but in so many ways and the onus is on each of us to be graceful about the differences in others.

The same rationale should apply to whether you want to describe yourself as 'Other Type' or not.
Well Lucy seems that there is a lot of support in your corner and that in itself should mean a lot as we know how “ isolated“ we can all feel when dealing with some of life’s challenges.
Hopefully we can all be ourselves on here and feel that we can be open and honest in a respectful to others way.
Well Lucy seems that there is a lot of support in your corner and that in itself should mean a lot as we know how “ isolated“ we can all feel when dealing with some of life’s challenges.
Hopefully we can all be ourselves on here and feel that we can be open and honest in a respectful to others way.
Yes thanks all for the support, as I was quite nervous about posting again
Good morning.

I’ve had a break from the forum for a while, had a really difficult few couple months with my ME/CFS and a combination of that and my autism kept getting me into trouble on the forum for being too blunt in my replies and upsetting people.

Undecided on whether to return regularly again but have been reading recently and there have been some interesting posts on diabetes type. I’ve also had an interesting conversation on that myself this week (if you remember many months ago I had cpeptide and antibody tests) so I thought I’d say hello

About 7 this morning but I’ve also started the tier 3 weight management programme 2 weeks ago and am following the diet so it’s off up with the porridge and banana spike currently.

Lovely to see you posting again @Lucyr - sorry to hear your CFS/ME has been making things extra difficult for you.

Welcome back!
Thanks Patti. No it wasn’t from admin, admin especially Mike have always been most helpful. I’ll reinstate it later on.
Yes, Mike is always helpful and supportive and he has known you for years, as have I.

Awwwww you two! Come ‘ere ((((((((huuuuuuuug))))))))

Please feel free to add the explanation back into your signature if you would like to. It’s not something you have ever ‘used as an excuse‘, it’s just some additional information that may help people understand and interpret your occasionally direct and pragmatic posting style. If people choose to ignore that and misinterpret your posts, that’s their doing, not yours. It also saves you having to mention it every time you worry about how a post may have come across. 🙂
Well, last night I went to a Cuban restaurant, had a load of tapas, quite a few pints of beer (Beware the carbs!) and have spent most of the day feeling very ill and, ahem, talking in the big white telephone.

Despite that, I was at 5.2 when I got up at 10:30!

First time I've been that drunk for a decade, and I don't think I'll rush to do it again.

I've also been a bit naughty and can't remember the last time I had any Metformin. I seem to be building up boxes of it in the cupboard - maybe I should bite the bullet and stop it and see what difference it has on hba1c (Going from 1000mg to 500mg had no effect.)
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A nice 4.1 this morning at 6am when the grandchildren came in to wake us up - we said don’t come in before 6 and that was the time on the dot that they woke us! They were so well behaved all weekend and played well together which was lovely. We had a movie night last night which they seemed to really enjoy. Today was a walk down to the little park on our estate then back for baking cupcakes. My daughter picked them both up around lunchtime so we managed to get across to see my parents, now safely back home.

@ColinUK - hope your dad is ok today.

Welcome back @Lucyr - I remember you posting when I first joined the forum. So good to see loads of support on here for you, we are indeed all different and it is one of the best qualities of human nature to share and support each other regardless of who or how we are.

Stay safe everyone with storm Isha!
I've just found my wavesense jazz meter(I'm not sure there argee to switch back after I told them to take strips off) if I only I had found it before I asked my hospital for a new meter)