Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - just grey today. Looks very blustery out there. Storm Isha is scheduled for tomorrow night.

4.2 first thing. I was woken by the low alarm. Now 5.2 but that hardly counts as I've been up an hour and 40 minutes. So unpredictable this diabetes. I had materially the same amount of carbs last night as the previous night, oxtail stew as opposed to venison stew, green veg and celeriac mash both nights, but no spike unlike the previous night..

Meeting friends in town this afternoon and home for steak and jacket potatoes for dinner.

So very sorry to hear about your Dad @ColinUK and hoping he recovers quickly. It's scary how a few seconds can change your life - at least for the near future. Hoping your mum isn't taking it too badly, though how can she not worry?

Have a good Saturday everyone, stay safe and well.
Morning all and s bit of s rubbish 8.2 for me.

Levels seem to be doing their own thing at the moment. Not 100% sure what's happening and why. I'm sure I'll get it sorted in the end.

A bit damp and blustery out there but at least the big coat won't be needed.

Have a good day everyone.
4.7 for me much earlier and 1JB required to keep me out of the red. Have dropped my morning Levemir by 1 unit and so far I am not seeing any problem.

@MikeyBikey. I used to do a lot of my own work on my cars when I had Fiestas and Micras, but cars are too awkward and complicated now and I don't have the spare time to meddle with them and if it took James 2.5 hours to get the oil filter off, it would have likely taken me 2.5 days! It is a Freelander 2 that I currently have. I loved my Freelander 1 but the chassis was starting to rot, so I had to scrap it and got this one which is a 2010 model so much newer than the old bangers I am used to, but has very high mileage. I do very few miles so it was more important to have sound body work and chassis and the engine is sweet as a nut (even sweeter now after a much needed oil change 🙄 ) and it accelerates like a rally car, even when towing, which is really weird for a diesel!

@ColinUK So sorry to hear about your Dad's fall, but reassuring that he can crack jokes about his treatment. Sending (((HUGS))) to you all and very best wishes to him for a full and speedy recovery.

Congrats to @Eternal422 on your House Special this morning.
I’m still at the hospital with dad. Mum’s on the way. My brother popped in for a bit.

Dad’s dozing on and off but is sarcastic as usual if a little bit moody. That’s an effect of the fall we’ve been told to expect: a temporary change in mood/personality.

I’ve also discovered that in the last two weeks he’s had two falls at home that they’d not told me or my brother about. He’s saying that he doesn’t want the team here to know as “it’s unrelated”. Sod that. I’m telling them.

Rather more worryingly he was saying about getting papers together and gathering everything my brother and I will need as executors and “moving on”. I wasn’t allowing that seed to take root either.

He’s eaten and he’s ordered his preferred meal for dinner (soup, chili, chocolate lava cake) and he’s snoring away.

I’ll head home some point this afternoon after mum’s arrived but probably not for a few hours or so yet.
Dad’s dozing on and off but is sarcastic as usual if a little bit moody. That’s an effect of the fall we’ve been told to expect: a temporary change in mood/personality.
You can say that again! I had to take daughter to A & E a couple,of years ago afterr a bang on the head falling off a horse, Doctor diagnosed mild concussion and sent her home. On the way out, she exploded that she'd completely wasted the NHS's time, and then ripped up the leaflet on head injuries they’d given her into shreds and dumped it in a bin in the car park. All totally out of character. A day later she was fine, and it was only when I read up on line about mood changes after a bang on the head that I realised why she’d done it.
Hope your Dad is soon back to his usual quirky self!
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.7 excellent

We seem to have a taxii that has been very nearby running their engine sine 4am. Not very environmentally friendly but I guess they have to keep warm.

It did stop raining by 10am yesterday so I did force myself out for a long cold walk. It all seemed fine until I turned round to go home and the freezing gale against me made the return journey a bit unpleasant and difficult. Still, any exercise is good exercise.

Today, church, exercise, mince/carrots/potatoes (all mashed together- just how I like it) for tea. A good day.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Hey all. Hope everyones doing well.

6.6 for me today with a super flat line overnight :D

Not much going on here of late. Icy weather is preventing my daughter (and therefore me too) from going out much and I'm desperate to leave the house Got excited that there's storm warnings vs ice and snow this week so will make it into town I think at least. :rofl:

I'm plodding on and still waiting for results on tummy stuff to see where we go from here. They should have been here by the new year given the timeline they advised but I am not surprised at all that I am still waiting.
Still symptomatic with multiple twinges and stabbing pain in roughly the same areas everyday. Meh, its sorta becoming the new normal.
I'm 5 week into the drs super dose of folic acid and a loading dose of vit D and still not feeling like I have any energy but I am having less naps and just shorter days instead. I guess its an improvement 😉

Today is going to be a fun day of housework and washing. Our washing machine bit the dust so we were without one for a week so playing catch up on all that while I cry over the cost to replace it. At least this one should be more energy efficient so I'm telling myself it will pay for itself at some point.

Right coffee awaits! its too early to be making noise doing housework so will have a cup in peace

I am not religious but there are times when I’m envious of those with a strong sense of faith. This is one of them.
10.2. the sesonor may have settled down now(I did end double checking and it said 11 so close enough) athough I have been using the freestyle strips that came in box so it's still possible that before it was my meter(athough I also was taking painkillers and other medication that could have messed up the sesonor I wonder if these things could potentially interafire with blood readings too). But looks like I can go by dexcom again.
Morning everyone.

A 6.2 for me today.

So much warmer walking the hound. No scarf, hat or gloves require. Bit soggy though after a lot of rain last night.
10.2. the sesonor may have settled down now(I did end double checking and it said 11 so close enough) athough I have been using the freestyle strips that came in box so it's still possible that before it was my meter(athough I also was taking painkillers and other medication that could have messed up the sesonor I wonder if these things could potentially interafire with blood readings too). But looks like I can go by dexcom again.

Oh I usually say what my weekly time in range is on a Sunday. It's 75%