Group 7-day waking average?


5.9 and aching from yoga, apart from work nothing planned for today.

Still cold here with a heavy frost.
Well, I got out at 8am. Walked down the beach. It was cold, breezy, but I really enjoyed it. 83 minutes all in. I will be going out again at 11 am too.

Only one other person on the beach
Morning All. 8.0 for me this morning when I woke up in my snuggly warm bed. We're in the spare room at the moment and its got an incredibly comfortable thick feathery mattress topper on it - I have a feeling it might be coming back to our bed when we move back in. I've been out feeding the birds & squirrels out this morning and have put some water out for them but not sure if they'll take it (the squirrels). A really wintery wind out there. I might go for a walk but it won't be 7 miles (well done @eggyg). Have a good day everyone and stay warm x
Morning all - lovely clear blue sky and no wind. There was a frost on the ground first thing. No idea of the temp - waste of time having the outside thermometer as we can never bring ourselves to go outside first thing to read it.

6.3 this morning. Did have a bit of a spike after dinner last night and can't think why as it wasn't very carby (venison stew, Leeks in cheese sauce, celeriac mash and peas). Came gently down overnight though.

A lovely afternoon typing up the proper minutes from the meeting yesterday and a bit of housework. Might go out to meet friends late afternoon. Might not.

Have a good day all and stay well wrapped up.
Morning all

On another cold and frosty morning (1.3c) it's a 6.1 for me.

Stay warm everyone and prepare yourselves for storm Isha to hit the UK this weekend
7.8 for me this morning, down from 9.3 about 2am when I woke up feeling horribly sick and shaking and needing the loo. It was like one of my migraine attacks but minus the headache and 2 paracetamol eventually sorted it thankfully but no idea what triggered it.
Anyway, as a result of levels being higher through the night and this morning I scrapped the plan o reduce my morning Levemir and that seems to have been the right decision. I am rather enjoying only needing Levemir once a day at the moment.

Got my car back and it is running much better I think. James said that the oil filter hadn't been changed for a lot of years and it was seized solid so he had to take the engine compartment apart to be able to get at it with enough leverage to get the old one off, which took a lot of extra time and it ended up a 2.5 hour frustrating job and not cheap as a result, but I am sure it would have been a lot more expensive at a Landrover dealership. It needs some rear brake pads but he has fixed the CV gaiter that was leaking grease and freed up the N/S rear brake that was trailing and will hopefully replace the pads next week when I get some new ones. Feel happier now that it has had the work done on it. There is still the issue with the start button that I will likely need to see an auto electrician to sort, but that can wait a bit longer, till my finances have recovered!
5.3 this morning for me, happy with that. BP 132/76, my week’s average is 130/80, so a bit higher than it was last August at 120/70. Not sure the GP will do anything about that as it’s still at the top of the NICE “target” but I may just do an eConsult next week to get some advice.

Been a busy day at work but finished with a lovely chat with an old colleague about touring around Northumberland and the Scottish Highlands in a motorhome, something we were talking about giving a go sometime, especially once we are retired😉

Take care everyone.
Well I managed 5.5 miles and it was gorgeous. Still can’t believe I can get here from my front door Just about to order my next Libre sensor as just replaced mine, and saw the Libre 3 - what’s the difference?


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Just about to order my next Libre sensor as just replaced mine, and saw the Libre 3 - what’s the difference?

What difference used to be libre 3 was a cgm when the libre 2 wasn't but now the libre is a cgm I don't know.
@zippyjojo Libre 3 is a lot smaller than Libre 2. It was the first Libre that was actually a CGM rather than Flash, before they upgraded the tech on Libre 2.
Well I managed 5.5 miles and it was gorgeous. Still can’t believe I can get here from my front door Just about to order my next Libre sensor as just replaced mine, and saw the Libre 3 - what’s the difference?
Where’s that Jo? If I was to guess I’d say Barton Fell. Still a lot of snow lying about. You’ll be glad you went out today, wet and windy all weekend, that’s why we got out yesterday.
PS loving the hat, very glamorous.
PPS I think only hospitals can prescribe Libre 3 but as others have said it’s smaller.