Group 7-day waking average?

10 on dexcom a figer prick says 8.1 I have found on higher and lower numbers there's sometimes a bit of difference with this sensor(I know it's still with the allowance). Although I'm still not convinced my new meter is as reliable as others in that situation so it may actually be that. Also think I need to be drinking more at the moment so that might be impacting it which im going to try stay on top of.
Good morning. 6.5. This cold weather is definitely affecting my BGs, ie making them higher than the norm for me, I’m having to wait almost an hour for breakfast and even then the number has hardly budged. I’m going to pre bolus for longer for all my other meals from today to see if it helps. I’ve raised my basal by a half unit morning and night and added on a half unit correction to my bolus doses. TIR is 92% which I know is perfectly acceptable but I’m usually nearer the 95/96%. Anyone else getting this?

Today it’s another cold day, -8! It’s going to be a nice day though so we’re going to get wrapped up and go for, hopefully, a decent length walk. The most I’ve walked is 3 miles these last few weeks, my back just hasn’t been up to anymore, but I have felt an improvement these last few days and I want to try it out. Mr Eggy is a bit reluctant but I’ve persuaded him to let me have a go at least, we won’t be going anywhere isolated, I’ll stick to local routes where if the worst came to the worst I could get a bus or a taxi! Now how do I play this with my insulin? It’ll be interesting to see if the walking makes a difference. Lots of snacks and hypo remedies will be packed.

Have a good day and keep warm folks.
Morning a 7.6 for me but a much later start as 2 of our dogs are having a little holiday and don’t get lie ins often.
Wonder if it is the cold that has got my levels up as the last 2-3 days have been noticeably higher and even went up to 12-13 which hardly ever happens.
My TIR range has dropped to 90% for last few days which again I know is very good but is normally 97/98%. In fairness I have been very relaxed and had some very carby meals and bolus after rather than before the meal so thought it was that but had not thought about effect of cold as first time experienced very low temperatures with it.
Every day a school day.
Mor ing

5.5 today. going to walk to my mums later, apparently it will still be -2 at lunchtime, so I’ll have plenty of layers on including 2 lots of leggings. This evening is yoga so hoping the hall is not too cold.
.... and snow that sticks to boot.......
Shouldn't that be "sticks to boots" :rofl:
A 4.9 for me today and minus the same °C outside with a light dusting of the white stuff.

Good morning. 6.6 - quite undeserved. Wretched diabetes.

Quite a sharp frost last night, very crisp underfoot this morning, no snow, sky overcast. Off to town to do big shop.

Tomorrow the surveyor cometh to assess house for renewable energy stuff - seems a shame to not use south facing roof but have my doubts about air source heat pumps -does anyone on here have experience? Boiler now 7 years old so will need replacing at some point so worthwhile considering the alternatives.

Have a happy day everyone.
Not personal experience but know a family very well who installed PV and heat pump quite a few years back. It was all dreadfully expensive and was beset with issues that took ages to fix. It’s all working fine now and ticks along with nary a thought entering their heads about it.

Their house was built in 1750 as the chapel to an adjoining manor house and has ceilings that make mine look low. It’s a huge house on an exposed site and it’s listed. I think last time we talked about it they said they’re net positive from utilities with PV, heat pump and even a small wind turbine.
Skimmed the posts from yesterday and second the suggestion that you get a planning consultant in order to challenge the proposed development behind your home @eggyg

But it can be expensive. And houses do have to be built somewhere. I sympathise with the loss of views however and it’ll be a massive disruption to have new houses and neighbours so nearby so I get it.
Weighed myself this morning. I’m heavier than I ought to be and lets leave it at that for today.

Clearly I need to find the impetus to boost physical activity and to re-engage my brain when I’m thinking about foods. I know low carb works but I can find a million reasons not to do it. Similarly I know exercise works but the excuses not to go to the gym are as plentiful as the stars in the night sky.

I did pack gym stuff on my bag today but unfortunately didn’t actually check what I’d packed and forgot shorts so I’ve put in my calendar a gym visit tomorrow.

For me it’s so entwined with mental health and with the trauma stuff. I have to push myself back into experiencing life rather than just existing but it’s not always easy. In fact it’s rarely easy.

Yesterday I met with my ISVA at 8am for a pre-meeting before heading off to see the new SOIT and OIC who are dealing with the case now it’s been reopened. In the afternoon I went to see my first Manon at the opera house. It was the final rehearsal as opening night was last night. I didn’t know the story or the music but knew it was one of the big ballets so wanted to see it.

It was visceral, emotional, intense, fantastic! I’ll do a CCC later probably.

The police meeting went well but the whole day took a toll emotionally that hit me this morning but I refuse to wallow so I was up and out at 7:30 for a walk through a frosty London Town. I’ve stopped for coffee (cappuccino) at Ole & Steen and although this is the view I’ve resisted having any of their delicious pastries.


I’m off to the National Gallery in a few minutes for the Frans Hals exhibition and I’m supposed to be seeing English National Ballet in my first Gisele this evening but the jury’s out on whether I’ll make that or not. If I do then fab. If I don’t then c’est la vie.

No idea what my readings were this morning but I expect they were a little elevated. When I see the GP tomorrow I’m going to correct a few errors I’ve spotted on my medical records (such as an error in my recorded ethnicity ffs) and ask for a referral to one of the plethora of diabetes shake based supported weight loss programs again.

I’m OK and muddling through but just wanted somewhere to vent and ramble my thoughts this morning and didn’t journal them so they’ve ended up here.
Morning all

There was a sharp frost last night and it is still -1.2c but lovely and sunny with no wind.

A 4.6 for me earlier this morning. Have a good rest of the day and keep warm.
Anyone else getting this?
Yes, my DSN was telling me the other week how the cold weather can cause some people to find the insulin slower to absorb and take effect. Certainly affects me that way at the moment.
A dismal (for me) 6.1 this cold, frosty morning.

Nothing on the cards today other than more WFH, just done a “Knowledge Transfer” session with some of the team all around pricing and promotions, so a big area. Some good questions, so it seems what I did was at the right level and they understood it all.

@ColinUK - that array of goodies in the coffee shop looks soooo tempting!

Have a good day everyone!
I’ve stopped for coffee (cappuccino) at Ole & Steen and although this is the view I’ve resisted having any of their delicious pastries.
Oooh, there’s an Ole and Steen in Oxford, and daughter and I always go there for lunch if we’re having a day out in Oxford. I usually go for the smoked salmon on rye bread open sandwich. So far I've resisted the pastries!
4.1 for me this morning and yet another night in the red. Had 2JBs after I got into bed to push levels up a bit and several before bed as levels were dropping then. No Levemir again last night but still needed 3 more JBs overnight., so I am clearly bucking the trend with this cold weather and needing less insulin! It is costing me a fortune in JBs at the moment.... but saving the NHS on insulin! Going to reduce my morning Levemir dose tomorrow as morning levels have been pretty low too but then afternoon they have been going up and needing the odd correction. Hopefully a reduction in morning Levemir will help prevent the nocturnal hypos as nothing much else I can do now. It doesn't bother me and I get straight back to sleep within a minute or two but it isn't ideal. I really do think the Amitriptyline is the main cause. Maybe it is because it is relaxing me and reducing stress and that is meaning my liver is easing off on it's output.
I turned it in to a Haiku 🙂

Sprinkle of snow like
icing sugar on mince pies
Air still, sky blue, cold.

What do you think of changing the first line to:

Sprinkle of snow icing

(Like sugar etc)