Group 7-day waking average?

4.3 for me this morning and unfortunately I blotted my copy book with another trip into the red last night which was probably my own fault. I wasn't as physically active yesterday so I had decided to go to bed without evening Levemir again but with BG in the 5s rather than the 9s like the previous night) which I did, but 11.51pm my high alarm went off and I was 9.3 with a vertical upwards arrow, so I jabbed 2 units of Fiasp and went back to sleep but at 2am I woke up hypo on 3.1. No idea what happened to my low alarm which should have gone off at 4.2. I had 2 JBs and went back to sleep and that spiked my levels up to about 6 but then they slid right back down again, despite only the tail end of my previous morning Levemir being active. It really is weird how my levels drop when I sleep!

On foot for the next few days as Freelander in for some work/service, so I don't think I will be needing my evening Levemir for the next few days and will be aiming for 9-10 at bedtime and resisting doing any corrections at bedtime. Slap my wrists if I go against this strategy will you! I am just too trigger happy with the Fiasp at the moment!.... Think it is because I want these horrid disposable pens used up, so that I can get back to my lovely Novopen Echo and have half units again.
Good morning. 6.6 - quite undeserved. Wretched diabetes.

Quite a sharp frost last night, very crisp underfoot this morning, no snow, sky overcast. Off to town to do big shop.

Tomorrow the surveyor cometh to assess house for renewable energy stuff - seems a shame to not use south facing roof but have my doubts about air source heat pumps -does anyone on here have experience? Boiler now 7 years old so will need replacing at some point so worthwhile considering the alternatives.

Have a happy day everyone.
We have one which heats our detached garage which we use as a workshop and are pleased with it very economical however we have looked at the possibility for the house but if you want to run a central heating system plus hot water you need a large capacity tank which we really haven't got anywhere for it to go. Plus likely all the radiators would need changing. For just heating individual rooms then all you need is an external unit about 2ft x 2ft by 1ft and the internal unit which is a bit like a big fan heater, the size will depend on the size of the room.
Morning all and 5.8 for me.

A bit icy out there but a bit of warmth from the sunshine .

My nose was doing a passable impression of a tap last night but seems to have slowed a bit now.

Got to rework a song which I sent to our singer who likes the bass line. Totally improvised on my part and turned out to be some none rock n roll time signatures. Must be my inner prog rock influences coming out

Have a good day everyone.
They keep trying to develop an old brown belt factory site up the road from me with a large estate of houses. There are many problems with the site as it will be a satellite development a mile from the 2 nearest villages, but my concern is that the sewage treatment system will not cope with that increased volume as well as the surface water causing increased risk of flooding down the valley. The sewage will join the system on my land, at the end of my lane even though the development is half a mile away and any overflow which is already an issue from the village sewage system will run into the stream on my land and flow past my house adding both to health concerns but also flooding concerns. The worst of it is that it costs me a fortune for a sewage treatment plant for my own waste because I am below the mains and too far from it, but then I have to put up with everyone else's waste when we have flood conditions. They would happily prosecute me if my system wasn't working properly and discharged into the stream, but Northumbrian water get away with it. The environment agency seems happy to accept that overflow happens occasionally from the mains, but I had to jump through hoops to prevent any contamination from my very small scale private system.

I am in favour of development of brown belt sites and if they put in their own treatment system for the development and had to meet the rigorous restrictions that I have to for my small system, then I wouldn't mind so much, but it is always the same, make the little people follow the rules then allow big corporations/developments to get away with murder.
@eggyg - good luck with your objecting but your pragmatism is probably well founded especially if a "big" builder is involved. Currently working with my brother on objections to a small development at the rear of his house. The original plan was objected to by all and sundry locally but got passed by the district planners after the builder promised to do stuff. The builder has now put in an S73 application and has been given permission (despite objections by all and sundry locally) to ignore the stuff he agreed to to get the initial planning permission and do what he wanted to do in the first place.

It seems to me that planning departments are another function of local government that has been cut to the point where it cannot provide what we the public expect of it and this is exploited by the developers.
The developers have hired as many good private planning experts as they can - guess where they were trained and what quality has been left behind as a result of the cutbacks? The exodus has been extreme but few really competent, pubic spirited, experts can afford to be left behind in this time of high costs.
Morning all - just! +5C today and grey. There's a yellow warning of ice and snow, but I can't see it happening.

9.4 with a vertically upward arrow. No idea where that came from as it was jogging along more or less level all night then suddenly jumped up around 9am (I overslept until 10 am). I did a correction of 1.25u calculated by the PDM and it's now 6.0. It usually drops a bit in the mornings, not goes up.

They are building 150 houses on what was a field 2 roads away from us. Oh what a surprise they had when they started to dig the foundations.... the water table is incredibly high and they are having to sink piles. It was no surprise to the locals as it's on the edge of Marazion marsh - that should give a clue? So the pile driver has been going for months from 8 am to 5pm. Would you buy one of those houses? I'm going to a resident's meeting this evening which will be attended by representatives of the builders. There are no schools in the village and no Doctors. There are 2 bus routes that pass one of the nearer primary schools, but I understand that school is bursting at the seams - ditto the one in the other direction that is only accessible by car. To get to a Dr you have to go into Penzance, or in the other direction to the other side of the next village. Infrequent buses to either and the surgeries are overwhelmed. I've had to wait from Christmas until 1 Feb for a Dr's appointment. I really am a nimby I guess! Especially as our house is only 6 years old and built on what used to be factory land.

Have a good day all.
Hi everyone! 7 this morning.

Before my holiday I left the fridge almost empty. I'm talking half a bottle of soy sauce, a jar of chutney and two cartridges of insulin. So I thought it was a perfect time to unplug it and do a proper clean! When did I become this woman?? 😱 I did that earlier, now the fridge-freezer is back on, waiting to reach its proper temperature, and the shelves drying. I've put off the food shop until tomorrow. So, what should I have for dinner? I think I deserve a treat in the form of takeaway...but also should use up the few bits I got yesterday and are sitting in a lunch bag with a little ice pack. So, random snacky meal it is :D
seems a shame to not use south facing roof
Definitely worth getting some solar panels, although the payback period may well be 7 to 10 years, depending on electricity prices and of course what the cloud cover is like! We had solar panels on our south facing roof and battery installed last May and from then through to the end of September we had virtually free electricity for all our needs. Obviously with the shorter and cloudier days in the winter months we are only covering our base load for part of each day.
Good morning everyone.

BG a consistent near HS of 5.1

It looks cold and dark out there. Thank goodness for central heating. 🙂

Today nothing really planned maybe some exercise if it is not too cold.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 5.9
Our heating came on automatically today
which was a relief

have a fabulous day everybody 😎
Good morning - 6.8 at 6:00

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning. 6.5. This cold weather is definitely affecting my BGs, ie making them higher than the norm for me, I’m having to wait almost an hour for breakfast and even then the number has hardly budged. I’m going to pre bolus for longer for all my other meals from today to see if it helps. I’ve raised my basal by a half unit morning and night and added on a half unit correction to my bolus doses. TIR is 92% which I know is perfectly acceptable but I’m usually nearer the 95/96%. Anyone else getting this?

Today it’s another cold day, -8! It’s going to be a nice day though so we’re going to get wrapped up and go for, hopefully, a decent length walk. The most I’ve walked is 3 miles these last few weeks, my back just hasn’t been up to anymore, but I have felt an improvement these last few days and I want to try it out. Mr Eggy is a bit reluctant but I’ve persuaded him to let me have a go at least, we won’t be going anywhere isolated, I’ll stick to local routes where if the worst came to the worst I could get a bus or a taxi! Now how do I play this with my insulin? It’ll be interesting to see if the walking makes a difference. Lots of snacks and hypo remedies will be packed.

Have a good day and keep warm folks.
Morning all. 🙂 3.3 here, oops!

Well, it’s snowed overnight! It’s very rare that we get snow, and snow that sticks to boot. Thursday’s my day when I do the most driving - on main roads, so hopefully the gritters have been out. Best put a sleeping bag in the car, just in case. Gwen thinks it’s ice-cream of course and has been running round the garden eating it. 😛
Good morning. 6.5. This cold weather is definitely affecting my BGs, ie making them higher than the norm for me, I’m having to wait almost an hour for breakfast and even then the number has hardly budged. I’m going to pre bolus for longer for all my other meals from today to see if it helps. I’ve raised my basal by a half unit morning and night and added on a half unit correction to my bolus doses. TIR is 92% which I know is perfectly acceptable but I’m usually nearer the 95/96%. Anyone else getting this?

Today it’s another cold day, -8! It’s going to be a nice day though so we’re going to get wrapped up and go for, hopefully, a decent length walk. The most I’ve walked is 3 miles these last few weeks, my back just hasn’t been up to anymore, but I have felt an improvement these last few days and I want to try it out. Mr Eggy is a bit reluctant but I’ve persuaded him to let me have a go at least, we won’t be going anywhere isolated, I’ll stick to local routes where if the worst came to the worst I could get a bus or a taxi! Now how do I play this with my insulin? It’ll be interesting to see if the walking makes a difference. Lots of snacks and hypo remedies will be packed.

Have a good day and keep warm folks.
Good luck with walk - good day for it - at least here