Group 7-day waking average?

Good day all. Perished. 🙂 7.7 @ 6.18am still on low carb but BT have cut me off in my prime so I will see y'all anon. Stay warm.
Good afternoon everyone! 4'6 this morning, didn't see anything that low in a while! Might be a bit of compression but still an improvement today.

I went to Lidl, got a bit carried away in the cheese section, bought Deluxe cheesecakes "just for the glass ramekins" 😛 and found some ice cream sticks claiming to be ""high protein-low sugars" at 6ish grams of carbs each, which sounds okay to me. The brand was Leona Alive I think. Didn't pick them today tho. Anyone has tried them?

I also ordered insulin to complete the fridge re-stock.

It's cold but sunny today, so I want to go out again for a short walk. I'll take a book in case I feel like stopping and reading in a cafe. If not, I'll make my own tea and read at home when I'm back.
Afternoon all - woke up to 3" snow this morning - as my friend texted me "only the 2nd time it's snowed here in the 26 years I've lived here". It had gone on the roads by midday.

6.0 this morning with a flat line. Had to eat lunch at 11:30.

Went to a Patient Participation Group at our GP's surgery. I was taking the minutes. It occurred to me (with an inner giggle) that I could do an "alternate" set of minutes. This meeting was to choose a temporary chairman as so many people have resigned, including the previous chairman. There were two candidates, one couldn't attend as she had Covid, so they did it via "Teams".

"Item 1 - Admin staff getting the whole set up working. Getting rid of the echo. The prospective chairperson could not hear the members present.

Item 2 - admin staff discovering conference room microphone in a cupboard and setting it up.

Item 3 - Apologies.

Item 4 - Short discussion on communications. The other prospective candidate spent all this time trying to replace the battery in his hearing aid. He was asked what he thought on the subject of communications. He came up with something completely irrelevant about a different subject altogether.

The computer broke down. The meeting ended"

Farcical. Anyway then went to Lidl and spent far too much on French cheeses!

Take care all.
Afternoon all. 8.0 this morning but been nicely down since then apart from a quick peak after my breakfast. I've been wearing my NWAS hospital driving hat today (actually logo emblazoned fleece & high viz jacket) and did a trip from Carlisle (I waved @eggyg but not sure if you saw me :rofl: ) to Appleby which is a lovely town. Got out and bought my mum a coffee eclair (I'm such a feeder of others now that I feel I can't have things like that myself). Also went to a butcher and green grocer then dropped off said eclair on my way home. I've got winter tyres on my little Hyundai i10 now (smallest ambulance in Cumbria) and maybe it was psychological but I did feel safer going up our drive (we've salted it) and down the long fell road. Yoga in a bit although I'm sorely tempted to cry off and snuggle in front of a fire with the dogs - maybe I can use the excuse that the roads are icy (they don't know I've got winter tyres!). Have a good evening everyone xxx
I love that - better I think. But what would the second line be?

If I did it again, I think I might cheat a bit (but acceptable) and leave out the word *like* (4 syllables I know) on the first line.

I love Haiku
Dunno! And I realise I have too many syllables in my first line!
Afternoon all. 8.0 this morning but been nicely down since then apart from a quick peak after my breakfast. I've been wearing my NWAS hospital driving hat today (actually logo emblazoned fleece & high viz jacket) and did a trip from Carlisle (I waved @eggyg but not sure if you saw me :rofl: ) to Appleby which is a lovely town. Got out and bought my mum a coffee eclair (I'm such a feeder of others now that I feel I can't have things like that myself). Also went to a butcher and green grocer then dropped off said eclair on my way home. I've got winter tyres on my little Hyundai i10 now (smallest ambulance in Cumbria) and maybe it was psychological but I did feel safer going up our drive (we've salted it) and down the long fell road. Yoga in a bit although I'm sorely tempted to cry off and snuggle in front of a fire with the dogs - maybe I can use the excuse that the roads are icy (they don't know I've got winter tyres!). Have a good evening everyone xxx
I saw you! 😉 That high viz is very bright! :rofl:
Good morning all.

10.4 been naughty again.

I did get Barrier working in Ubuntu yesterday though. For those who are not familiar is a Linux distro. Barrier shares your mouse and keyboard with two or more computers. Similar to what you would do with a KVM switch but it's done over your Internet connection. As you drag your mouse to the right of your first computers monitor it appears on the monitor of your second computer. Pretty cool.

Have a good day all.
Good morning - 6.2

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. A, sort of, well deserved 9.5. I did well all day, BGs stayed steady, no veering off into the 10s after lunch as they have been. Had a slice of toast at bedtime, usually I can get away with it. Not this time, I’ve crawled just under the 10 line all night until about 5am and I crossed the line for a time! I was on track for a unicorn too. :(

A bit warmer today, 1c, but has obviously been below zero through the night as the cars are all frozen solid. I managed a 7 mile walk yesterday, it was hard work at times as a lot of the pavements were treacherous. Tuesday’s snow still lying in places and frozen solid making a bit of a city wide ice rink! Around the river was the same in places, looks beautiful but not much fun for walking on. We saw gosanders, whooper swans as well as dozens of mallards on the river and overhead we saw a huge flock of pochard and then goldeneyes. Very excited. Mr Eggy got photos of them all. Made the slipping and sliding all worth it in the end. Back handled it quite well, a bit of the odd twinge but overall I’m happy.

Have a fab Friday, and yet again, be careful and keep warm.

Here’s my photos just off my phone, I can’t wait to get a new camera for my birthday, three months today I’ve just realised! The walk skims a local golf course, no one was playing yesterday!


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Morning. 7.1

Physio yesterday was rescheduled to next Tuesday.
Went to the Frans Hals exhibition at the National Gallery and enjoyed it immensely.
They’d chosen some great examples of his work, some familiar, some not. All showed his remarkable ability to capture details in cloth as well as his ability to humanise his sitters.
Being that they were hung largely chronologically you could also see his personal style grow to the point where he’s veering into Impressionism two centuries before it became popular.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.4 hmmm a bit low for me but I am happy with that as long as it doesn't go lower. A bit odd tho. I wonder why it is so low. Not complaining!

Life has become rather quiet right now. Maybe it's because its winter, cold, and it is harder to get motivated to do things. So, to stop that rot I will try to get out and exercise at 8am in the dark!!! Before my walk with my friend at 11am.

I notice the squirrels are really happy with the squirrel feeder and the new squirrel food I got for them. I thought we had lost one of them but, thankfully, I was wrong. We have two. One is slightly larger than the other, maybe a male and female? Spring may be interesting. I will get the big camera out for that...

No real plans for today

Have a great day today whatever you are doing. Wish be luck on my early, cold exercise. I will let you know how it went.
Good morning. After dipping low three times yesterday (during/after physio) I was concerned that my BG was on a downward trend at bedtime so had 15gm CHO extra. My metabolism must have slowed as I woke to a barely acceptable 9.3!

Dropped to -6 overnight. Mixture sky...
Morning 9 my coschontitus really played up last night and I did actually get concerned what if it wasn't actually wasn't my coschontitus and something else. It seems to be playing up now as well
4.0 for me this morning. 🙂 It's a tad warmer than yesterday at 0°c.
