Group 7-day waking average?

Well Friday was quite a day.

Ooh 6.6

GP surgery called about half an hour before my double appointment asking if I still wanted it. I did. It went well.

Referral to dermatology for Sid not Sid had been made and in fact I was called by derm a little later yesterday but couldn’t take the call.
GP answered all the medical record related questions that the police raised and they’re compiling what’s needed and will send it over to me when it’s ready. And she’s corrected the error on my NHS record where my ethnicity was logged as Black, Other.

Was going to head down to the coast for a bracing walk in the afternoon but instead spent the rest of the day at the London Hospital.

Dad tripped over a bollard in Tesco car park and lost his footing. He broke his fall with his head and was taken to the hospital. My brother called me to let me know so I went to sit with him and mum. Nothing I could really do but at times like this my job is to be a rational adult, comfort both of them, supply a liberal dose of sarcastic humour.

Upshot of the multiple scans etc is that dad’s broken his skull (back and side). No damage to vertebrae which is good. Also broken the eye socket which is one huge bruise. Luckily it’s the eye that he has almost no sight in anyway rather than the good one.

Unlikely to need anything more than time to heal the skull fractures but they’re not entirely sure that he won’t need a plate fitted. He suggested a jug or bowl would be more useful so you can see where I get my sense of humour from.

He’s being kept in for neuro observation for at least 48 hours (but I’m thinking it’ll be longer) as there are bleeds on the brain and bruising to the brain in the temporal lobe mainly so they want to monitor those closely.

I put mum in an Uber home last night and I came home about 11pm.

I have just called the hospital and he’s still in the resus room rather than the neuro ward. I’ll head down there now and take him a book.

So yeah, quite the day yesterday.
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Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

It sounds windy out there, feels cold in here. I was hoping to get out for a walk early this morning but I am not so sure in the cold. Mind you I managed it yesterday.

Oh oh, just looked outside and it is raining. I won't go out walking if it is cold, windy and raining. Fastest way to get a chill. Antonin Dvorak (one of my favourite composers) died of a chill after a cold walk! Mind you, it may sttop raining later on...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Sorry to hear about your dad. That must be a huge shock. Good luck with him getting better.
Thank you.

I’ve not really had time to let the shock do its thing yet. I’ve been too busy holding mum together.
Good morning! A 6.1 from me today!

Need too sort out my laptop this mornuing . For some bizarre reason it has opened multiple windows and tabs on both Edge and Firefox browsers. It then crashed. I am getting increasingly P'd off with Windows 11 and Android 14. They really do not seem to have been tested well! :( :( :(
7.8 for me this morning, down from 9.3 about 2am when I woke up feeling horribly sick and shaking and needing the loo. It was like one of my migraine attacks but minus the headache and 2 paracetamol eventually sorted it thankfully but no idea what triggered it.
Anyway, as a result of levels being higher through the night and this morning I scrapped the plan o reduce my morning Levemir and that seems to have been the right decision. I am rather enjoying only needing Levemir once a day at the moment.

Got my car back and it is running much better I think. James said that the oil filter hadn't been changed for a lot of years and it was seized solid so he had to take the engine compartment apart to be able to get at it with enough leverage to get the old one off, which took a lot of extra time and it ended up a 2.5 hour frustrating job and not cheap as a result, but I am sure it would have been a lot more expensive at a Landrover dealership. It needs some rear brake pads but he has fixed the CV gaiter that was leaking grease and freed up the N/S rear brake that was trailing and will hopefully replace the pads next week when I get some new ones. Feel happier now that it has had the work done on it. There is still the issue with the start button that I will likely need to see an auto electrician to sort, but that can wait a bit longer, till my finances have recovered!

What model of LR was it. Until they ceased production of the Discovery 2 in 2006 they were fairly simple |DIY wise. I used to do all my own maintenance including engine and gearbox rebuilds until about 20 years ago when I had a Vauxhall Onega that forever had electrical issues. I gave up on the main dealer as I felt I was subsidising an overstaffed sales team! Mind you I developed a dislike of motorcycle and car salesmen early in life. I then encountered a lower life form called estate agents and then an even lower one called IFAs. Mind you there are lower ones working in Adult (Don't) Care!
Morning all, 4.8 here, despite my recently lowered basal. Add a glass of red wine into the mix and I should have lowered it further.
Sorry to hear about your Dad, @ColinUK , I hope he goes on to make a good recovery, such a worry for your Mum, and then you, worrying about both of them.
Morning all. 5.4 and glad its the weekend. Its been a very long, hard, stressful week. Cleaning to do then off to see mum in the hospital.

@ColinUK sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he recovers soon. How worrying for your mum, you and brother. Take care of each other.
9.8 change 10.2 I did with a couple of pricks because of dexcom playing up at alot lass night and showing much higher numbers even in range and they were 7.5 and 8.1(thought it had srtled down at 3am) . but I ended correcting anyway. I've gotten a bit wararry of double checking because I'm when I think I'm better. Because of reasons I mettioned in the before tea thread(but I used quiteba few last night) i wonder if its the praticlsr place it isbon mynstomach causing the issues. Although I know if I had the app I could calibrate it but only have the receiver(then again I'm still 100% sure of my meter but u had some fressylte option strips as I got a replacement meter for thstbas I use for ketones and one of the times that read the same as this meter at one point and i thought well two meters cant be wrong at the same time). I did hacdenitl open the plastic bit quite a few days before I put this sensor in. I would try one on the arm if I thought I could handle the transmitter because maybe thr stomach is no longer a good place for it but it was fine before. (Do still need to try and work on my drinking though)

I did end up filling a product support request last night. Although probably best no t to change until I here back from them.

I did a indecit with reciver and water the other day and blteled of water had gone all over it and it was while until I noticed but I thought if that had made it stop working it would have just made it not read anything. But wondering if it can mess conumcation and report wrong

Another thing was I opened plastic cover the sensor was in quite a few days before I needed the sesonor without thinking.

If a wavesense jazz does every reappear I might see how this new meter compares. I looked up what my cgg did and yes they has been a change(so I might have been charged over eventaully anyway)Although they are a more meters that the one that was given to me but mostly gluco rx. Techilly under their guidelines I should gluco Rx HCT as that has done ketones but I guess this one was given to me as it was thier equvlent it the wavesense. Although if offed the choice I would probably prefer HCT so I might mettion it when I'm next seen(although I'm not sure he ow good this companys meters are all together) but then I might have another confultle with tests strips and this one isn't fully sorted(well I'm not sure it Is). My meter actually requires more blood then most and takes longer(I know 0.7ml and 7 seconds is still not much but you do not notice small differences).

I read the whole document and it said if none of these meters are suitable then presriced any meter that's less than £10 for 50 glucose strips and less then £9 for 10 ketone strips.

So things are all a cost cutting excise. But I sometimes wonder if presriceing cheaper meters is actually in the long run cut costs.(I nesarclly agree with my ccg changing everyone over)
5.1 for me this morning.
Sorry to hear the news about your dad @ColinUK, I hope he makes a speedy recovery.

Good morning folks. I had a lie in! 5.9, much better.

Weather mild, wet and windy. Amber warnings for tomorrow, Storm Isha is coming for us up here. Very, very gusty but 12c forecast! By the end of this week will have had, snow, -8c and dangerously icy, 12c, rain and a named storm! It gives us something to talk about though.

A nice quiet weekend thank goodness, having Zara three full days a week is killing us. I hope her other grandparents are enjoying their five week Caribbean cruise, no storms over there I bet! 😛

@ColinUK so sorry to hear about your dad, what a shock for you all, especially your mum. Wishing him a speedy recovery. Big hugs. Xx

Have a super Saturday all, whatever you’re up to, maybe put some pebbles in your pockets if you’re planning on going out doors, otherwise batten down the hatches.
Morning 6.7 here.
We usually have wood fired Pizza on a Friday night from an absolute lovely Mobile place and it is always so nice I always have an extra slice or two and they had a new flavour Red Pesto,Artichoke and Feta.
My wife made a nice comment on their F/B page after last weeks so this weeks had extra toppings hence I ordered an extra one to enjoy.
Usual Saturday go to a garden centre for lunch and some furniture shopping which is not usual.The Klondyke garden centres ( sorry for advert) have a scheme whereby you pay £12 a year and you get a free coffee every month at one of their Garden centres and we have a few locally.
Sunday usually go to a local place for Lunch where I go for the Cheese and Onion Toastie and my wife goes to browse the White Stuff range.- plus our daughter works there just to provide a break from the farm.
I love her to bits but especially when gives an extra dollop of Cheshire Farm ice cream.You can see I have a lot of hardship in my life.
PS sorry Colin have just edited my post to wish your father well and hope he gets better soon.
Where’s that Jo? If I was to guess I’d say Barton Fell. Still a lot of snow lying about. You’ll be glad you went out today, wet and windy all weekend, that’s why we got out yesterday.
PS loving the hat, very glamorous.
PPS I think only hospitals can prescribe Libre 3 but as others have said it’s smaller.
The Hause going up to Bampton Common towards High Street and back down Cawdale Beck - coming back down the valley was really magical and I kept going on about the fact that we'd walked there from home - maybe that's why Mark ended up going on ahead :rofl: I've had that had for over 25 years - no fear of losing me on the mountain! Oh yes - just checked and the Libre 3 is not available to buy 🙂

5.3 this morning, nothing much planned, I might go to knit and natter that starts back up today.

@ColinUK - what a shock for you all, good to read that even with this happening your dad could still be humourous, hope he recovers soon.

@zippyjojo - your photos are wonderful, love your doggy.
Morning all from very wet & wild Cumbria - what a difference a day makes! 7.2 this morning. Youngest son is home for the weekend so I'll take him up a cup of tea in a bit. It's definitely a day for being inside but I've got to go food shopping later (see above as fridge will be being emptied quicker!). Have a great day everyone. @ColinUK so sorry to hear about your Dad's fall - lovely that your Mum has you and your brother and sending lots of good wishes for his recovery xxx
Good morning - 4.9

Have a great day everyone.
Good start to my weekend! A lovely 5.2 and good steady overnight graph!


Lazy morning then off to Resorts World near Birmingham Airport to collect the grandchildren who are at a party there, we are having them overnight tonight and planning maybe a movie night with them. My daughter is coming over sometime tomorrow to pick them back up, so it should be a nice weekend for us all. Not sure when we will fit in a visit to my parents, possibly tomorrow, but we’ll see how the time goes. It’s not helped by us having to give advance warning of when we are coming so that they can get an “easy” meal and be tidied up before we get there. Dad says it’s because of Mum but I think it’s more him not being able to cope with anything unexpected.

@ColinUK - sorry to hear about your Dad’s fall, hope all goes well.

Stay safe everyone, hope this coming storm isn’t too bad.
Morning everyone
A happy 5.6 for me on the first frost free morning this week.
Have a good day everyone and stay safe.