Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all.5.3 for me this morning.after a couple of low alarms going off 4.2:.I'm another person in a cold 110!year old house .Front room that's gets most of the sun is a lot warmer.In dining room now and Alexa says 0 good job I don't feel the cold ❄️ Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks Stay warm
Mum and dad live in a bog standard suburban London 4 bed detached house. Built between the wars.
It’s a cold house. In summer it’s a blessing but in winter it’s always cold.
It’s built over a stream and that’s what keeps it cool. Thankfully the steam never floods but their heating bill (gas) is now running at roughly £3,000 a quarter. It’s bonkers.
Have you thought of heated throws - they work like a treat. 3Kpm 3K per quarter is insane (oops)
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Only two places I can find that will make them to order. John Lewis wanted almost £5k for a full set of heavy floor-to-ceiling drapes. No fancy swags and stuff but it’s an awful lot of material.
They’re far too tall to take ones from IKEA unfortunately.
John Lewis! EEK! Fabric is dear but good fabric lasts so chat up your local charity shop or try ebay for second hand. Every time somebody moves house they can be sure their old curtains will not fit, if they leave them the new owners will not like them so plenty of choice of colour and pattern. My 8ft lined bedroom curtains are so heavy they would protect from an attack by hydrogen bombs, very beautiful and came free...
Morning all - nice sunny day +6 C

8.8 when I woke at 9am after a long night awake from 4:38. I'd just dropped back to sleep about 7am when my low alarm went off 3.9. Had a Dextro tablet and half a stem ginger cookie. Just dropped off again when hubby's alarm went off. Sigh! Neither of us full of joy today.

I grew up in houses with coal fires and single glazing (unheated bedrooms, unless you were ill, then a fire was lit in the bedroom fireplace). Ice on the inside of the windows in the mornings. My first property was a flat that had storage heaters, which were OK as long as they'd been on over 24 hours, but as I was airline crew the first day home from a long trip was perishing unless I'd got one of the neighbours to turn them on whilst I was away. My first house had hot air central heating, which caused lots of dust. From then on it's been central heating. The last house was a 3 floor Victorian with 18 radiators and a tower that leached the heat out. It was expensive back then, but I'd hate to be footing the bills now! Fortunately this house is only 6 years old and so well insulated the boiler only comes on occasionally.

Good curtains are expensive, there's a lot of work goes into them. Fortunately I'm qualified to make my own and had my own business doing it at one time. In the Victorian house, where we had huge square bays with single glazing, they were all full length lined and interlined to keep the heat in, hand headed and some swags and tails. But I got the fabric from a factory in Brick Lane, some for as little as £2.99 a metre. @ColinUK have a look at the Curtain Exchange , they do very good quality second hand curtains at some superb prices. They have a branch in Essex as well as Bath and Newmarket.

@Barrowman good luck with your angio.

@Grannylorraine I was wondering about @Michael12421 the other day too. I hope he's OK and the same for @Lanny

Have a good day all.
Good morning. 6.6 - ate far too many carbs for dinner, slept late, must try harder.

I too spent my youth in cold houses heated only by the kitchen range or rarely by an additional coal fire. Miserable. Not sure how we survived it.

Current house built in 1921 with huge windows and a massive glazed front door plus 6ft of additional side glazing (which even thinking of replacing with new gives me the horrors as it is arched). So out with the old Singer, on to Ebay for fabric, and -voila - another pair of heavy, lined, curtains.

Parsimony, inherited from parents (well, they had to leave me something useful), keeps the oil powered CH thermostat down to max 15 degrees at night and 19 during the day. Power cuts, the need to make a casserole, or just feeling like a fire on frosty evenings, sees the wood burner in the kitchen brought into play - heats the whole house. Mind you I did insulate every outside wall when I bought the place as 2ft of solid stone has the heat retentive qualities of a wet shirt.

Grey sort of day with 90% cloud cover, but only a light frost and a very light sprinkle of snow this morning. Need to go chuck Peachy out for a few hours now it has thawed off.

Keep warm everyone.
Good day everyone! 7'3, higher than I'd like but not unusual this days.

I'm back to England and to the forum 🙂 I had a nice holiday, quite busy, I enjoyed it but not much time to relax at home! I sorted some Adult Stuff, aka going to the bank and to the dentist. I also collected my official university diploma, years after graduating. In my defence, they took two whole years to get the document ready and by then I was already living abroad and when I came on holiday it wasn't convenient to get to the campus (which is not in my hometown) on a weekday, during their office opening hours... Anyway, now it's done and I am proud!

Regarding my diabetes, it took more work than normally. I'm not sure if it was only the change in habits or my immune system decided it was time to attack some beta cells, but levels kept going over range. Usually when I'm on holiday I take a little Novorapid here and there, only when levels have gone up. This trip I changed the strategy after a couple days to prevent the rises instead, and did a sort of bolus for some meals. By the end of the holiday I was bolusing for almost every meal and re-introduced a small dose of Levemir as well because I was struggling to keep a lid on things. Basically I was taking a regular type 1 treatment for the first time. Which I shouldn't complain about, but it was a bit frustrating going from 90-95% time in range with no insulin, to 72% in range (the other 28% all above range) when "putting in the work". I know I was quite conservative with the doses and I chose them a bit at random, I did not attempt to do proper carb counting. But I don't have any ratios yet and honestly didn't want to focus on that when I was on holiday. Is hard to take your mind off the diabetes tho, when food was such an important part in my social life :(

Now back to routine, and interested to see what my BGs do now. If I keep needing basal-bolus it should be a bit easier to work it out here, where the food is prepped by me instead of mum, granny or a restaurant.
Delighted to report a 6.4 for me this morning and no JBs required overnight. First night in the past 7 that I haven't hit the red!! Zero evening Levemir again and Libre said 9.3 and an upward sloping arrow when I went to bed (was so tempted to do a correction but resisted) and it levelled out and dropped slightly as soon as I went to sleep and settled in the mid 6s all night so I am taking that as a big victory!

No snow here yet but a lovely hard ground frost although the air doesn't feel that cold. I am going to be the lone voice for storage heaters. I had a limited choice when Dad and I converted this house as no gas anywhere near. Most of the neighbours have oil but I opted for electric. I like that the house is warm all the time, which was great when I was working rotating shifts. I do have an open fire in the living room if I need a top up of heat in the evening or have visitors, which mostly uses logs although I have a very small stash of real coal that I use a tiny bit of every now and then to supplement and in case of emergency like power cuts although to be fair the storage heaters tend to buffer the effects of short power cuts. The storage heaters have become more expensive in recent years but so have other fuels. I also like the fact that if one storage heater dies, I can replace it myself and I don't need boiler maintenance or be out of heat and water for the whole house and of course no risks of leaking pipes. We did incorporate as much insulation into the house when we converted it as we could manage and the windows are small which keeps it warmer in winter and cooler in summer.

My parents had a coke boiler when I was llttle, so we had central heating as well as an open fire in the living room and one of the great things about the boiler was that it acted as a waste bin for household waste, incinerating our rubbish. Of course there were no real plastics in those days, so much less toxic waste. My parents were also some of the first people to get secondary glazing (before double glazing was developed) and it is still functional in their house next door 50 odd years later and doesn't look overly out of place.
My parents didn't have much money when we were growing up but they spent it wisely.
5.2 this morning
Congratulations on the HS!
Delighted to report a 6.4 for me this morning and no JBs required overnight. First night in the past 7 that I haven't hit the red!! Zero evening Levemir again and Libre said 9.3 and an upward sloping arrow when I went to bed (was so tempted to do a correction but resisted) and it levelled out and dropped slightly as soon as I went to sleep and settled in the mid 6s all night so I am taking that as a big victory!

No snow here yet but a lovely hard ground frost although the air doesn't feel that cold. I am going to be the lone voice for storage heaters. I had a limited choice when Dad and I converted this house as no gas anywhere near. Most of the neighbours have oil but I opted for electric. I like that the house is warm all the time, which was great when I was working rotating shifts. I do have an open fire in the living room if I need a top up of heat in the evening or have visitors, which mostly uses logs although I have a very small stash of real coal that I use a tiny bit of every now and then to supplement and in case of emergency like power cuts although to be fair the storage heaters tend to buffer the effects of short power cuts. The storage heaters have become more expensive in recent years but so have other fuels. I also like the fact that if one storage heater dies, I can replace it myself and I don't need boiler maintenance or be out of heat and water for the whole house and of course no risks of leaking pipes. We did incorporate as much insulation into the house when we converted it as we could manage and the windows are small which keeps it warmer in winter and cooler in summer.

My parents had a coke boiler when I was llttle, so we had central heating as well as an open fire in the living room and one of the great things about the boiler was that it acted as a waste bin for household waste, incinerating our rubbish. Of course there were no real plastics in those days, so much less toxic waste. My parents were also some of the first people to get secondary glazing (before double glazing was developed) and it is still functional in their house next door 50 odd years later and doesn't look overly out of place.
My parents didn't have much money when we were growing up but they spent it wisely.
I think that the storage heaters around these days are much different beasts than those of the 1970s! 🙂
Have you thought of heated throws - they work like a treat. 3Kpm 3K per quarter is insane (oops)
It’s their house not mine but I can’t imagine my folks sitting under heated throws for one minute. It’d be like their old folks sitting under a blanket!
Good evening (just) was 7.5 today
was a busy morning loads of things to catch up with at work, that was before I got on the road for a days work

joined Virgin active (going to swim & use the health spa then build up to some excercis)

goodnight 😎
I woke up a little bit bit ago with dexcom saying 3.6 and having been there for bit. The alerm alerm did also go off ealier at _ 5.5 and faljng because I forget to chirge alarm last night but thought it was fine as dawn phenomenon would sort the fall out. Anyway I checked 3.6 with a figer prick and it said 5.2 Ithen thought hang in I beter wash my hands and recheck and it said 4.5 and dex switched to 4.4 right after so changes are I could have been low but it was coming up.

Meeting the new SOIT and OIC this morning and then probably Manon rehearsals this afternoon.
Morning all. Clickety click, 6.6.

In the half hour I’ve been up my outdoor temperature thingy me bob has gone down from -4.8 to -5.1! Brrr! Yesterday we ended up having quite a heavy fall of snow, but it started to rain late afternoon and got milder and it was almost gone by teatime. I would imagine the roads may be a wee bit slippy this morning. Glad we’ll just be staying home looking after Zara. Luckily, she only lives a five minute drive away and it’s all main roads, then mummy goes 10 miles up the M6 to work which will have been gritted, doesn’t mean I won’t worry!

Have a great day and stay safe and warm if you can. We’ll be snuggled by the fire.

Edited to add my exciting news from yesterday. We had a goldcrest in our front garden on our snowy cherry tree. No photos as I was ironing and had no idea where my phone was. At first I thought it was a wren as it was so tiny but then I saw the colours. I was very excited. Then last night on Winterwatch on BBC2, they did a piece about them coming over from Scandinavia in the winter and swelling the numbers. Fascinating.


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Morning all. Clickety click, 6.6.

In the half hour I’ve been up my outdoor temperature thingy me bob has gone down from -4.8 to -5.1! Brrr! Yesterday we ended up having quite a heavy fall of snow, but it started to rain late afternoon and got milder and it was almost gone by teatime. I would imagine the roads may be a wee bit slippy this morning. Glad we’ll just be staying home looking after Zara. Luckily, she only lives a five minute drive away and it’s all main roads, then mummy goes 10 miles up the M6 to work which will have been gritted, doesn’t mean I won’t worry!

Have a great day and stay safe and warm if you can. We’ll be snuggled by the fire.

Edited to add my exciting news from yesterday. We had a goldcrest in our front garden on our snowy cherry tree. No photos as I was ironing and had no idea where my phone was. At first I thought it was a wren as it was so tiny but then I saw the colours. I was very excited. Then last night on Winterwatch on BBC2, they did a piece about them coming over from Scandinavia in the winter and swelling the numbers. Fascinating.
Nice garden. If that was London, they would have built on it by now!