Group 7-day waking average?

Carpet is done. Compared to the hideous purple thing that was here before it’s a huge improvement.
They only broke one stone floor (in the bathroom at the hall/bathroom junction) as they tried to lift the bathroom floor a bit. But it’s fine as the whole thing will be redone in maybe five years anyway when the flat’s gutted.
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This is the old one… with essential photo of how one smart extension lead was arranged so that it’s easy to get everything back up and running again. Of course I can’t remember which extension lead that was.

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Love the ceiling moulding, shuttters and fireplace - Oh and the carpet looks OK too.
I rather liked my Gluco Rx meter, but it doesn't read ketone strips so I had to swap it for the Caresens Duo Pro which I hate. The worst of it is that I have failed to get Ketone blood test strips put on prescription for it, so all I have is the Ketostix to dip in urine to test for ketones and still stuck with a BG meter that I hate, because it won't work in anything short of tropical conditions! Grr! Thank goodness that Libre is reliable and trustworthy for me so that the Caresens doesn't need to be taken out of it's case and do some work very often.
Surely you should be prescribed ketone strips I still use freestyle optitim to check for ketones. My wavesense jazz also a pain in the cold but I think was actually really accurate it offen really closely match to my dexcom onhigher numbers. I'm not completely convinced about the new meter yet.
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We have nuthatches too, not everyday but quite regularly. A couple of years ago we had a pair and they were like a tag team on the feeders. Fascinating to watch. I too spend an inordinate amount of time staring out of the window looking at the birds. Zara does too, she’s got her own pink binoculars and a bird book. She can identify robins, of course, blackbirds and pigeons! :rofl:
On a different subject.....did your coal arrive?
Afternoon all. Been a rather nice day, but not been outdoors at all.

6.9 this morning. Only just realised that I hadn't posted. Overslept this morning, didn't wake up until 10 am. Shocking! Possibly because I stayed up watching 2 episodes of Truelove, after @eggyg said how good it was. Enjoying it. I then took some painkillers for my leg which was playing up after being on it for hours yesterday (making 17 jars of Seville orange marmalade) and I think they contributed to knocking me out.

A friend came round this afternoon and we had intended to go down to the local for coffee, but in the end just had coffee here. I've not seen her since we were all on holiday in the same place last June, so we had lots to catch up on.
On a different subject.....did your coal arrive?
It did. I shouldn’t call it coal as it isn’t, it’s now “eggs” or “nuggets” made from molasses. Not allowed to sell or buy coal anymore. It’s not the same, doesn’t make a roaring fire, but it does last a long time. So it should as it’s twice the price we used to pay for proper coal!
Carpet is done. Compared to the hideous purple thing that was here before it’s a huge improvement.
They only broke one stone floor (in the bathroom at the hall/bathroom junction) as they tried to lift the bathroom floor a bit. But it’s fine as the whole thing will be redone in maybe five years anyway when the flat’s gutted.
View attachment 28882

This is the old one… with essential photo of how one smart extension lead was arranged so that it’s easy to get everything back up and running again. Of course I can’t remember which extension lead that was.

View attachment 28883
Looks lovely @ColinUK. I love the floor to ceiling windows and shutters too.
Afternoon all. Been a rather nice day, but not been outdoors at all.

6.9 this morning. Only just realised that I hadn't posted. Overslept this morning, didn't wake up until 10 am. Shocking! Possibly because I stayed up watching 2 episodes of Truelove, after @eggyg said how good it was. Enjoying it. I then took some painkillers for my leg which was playing up after being on it for hours yesterday (making 17 jars of Seville orange marmalade) and I think they contributed to knocking me out.

A friend came round this afternoon and we had intended to go down to the local for coffee, but in the end just had coffee here. I've not seen her since we were all on holiday in the same place last June, so we had lots to catch up on.
We’ve really enjoyed the whole series even if at times it could have been quite depressing, but great acting by all. I’m a great advocate of euthanasia, if I could afford it I’d definitely look at going to Switzerland if it ever got to that stage.
It did. I shouldn’t call it coal as it isn’t, it’s now “eggs” or “nuggets” made from molasses. Not allowed to sell or buy coal anymore. It’s not the same, doesn’t make a roaring fire, but it does last a long time. So it should as it’s twice the price we used to pay for proper coal!
When I grew up, we had an Anthracite boiler - also coal fires. I remember the Charrington coal man coming to deliver it.
(it sounds Victorian, but it was the 70s!)
It was 7.9 according to dex. Woke up a lite bit earlier then intended
Morning all. 8.8

also coal fires
I remember our coal fires in the 70s. It always felt cosy. Toast made over the fire was lovely. Mind you, the waiting for the room to heat up on a cold morning wasn't as nice.
Surely you should be prescribed ketone strips I still use freestyle optitim to check for ketones. My wavesense jazz also a pain in the cold but I think was actually really accurate it offen really closely match to my dexcom onhigher numbers. I'm not completely convinced about the new meter yet.
I've also noticed that it itcit a really really cheap meter this particular one costs the gluco rx q costs 5.95 on thiie website that along with some other things makes me weary.(I think it might useca higher range if the 15% precent and on higher numbers that can get a bit awkward epsailly if you're using it to back up dexcom in those situations)
When I grew up, we had an Anthracite boiler - also coal fires. I remember the Charrington coal man coming to deliver it.
(it sounds Victorian, but it was the 70s!)
Morning a 7.9 for me and been a bit too relaxed the last few days.As my dad was a miner we got free coal back in the day and we used to earn money by shovelling the coal from the street to the coal hole.
Used to earn the pocket money by doing it for others and earned a bit more than rosehip picking during blackberry week.
The bit about childhood that really stands out for me compared to today is just how much physical activity we did.I reckon conservatively must have done about 10 miles a day plus several hours just playing sport etc
Sure I am not alone and just what we did.
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Morning all. A very nice 5.8 after a run of 7 somethings. It may be coincidence but I injected an extra half unit of Levemir last night.

A slight dusting of snow today, barely enough to make a snowball, never mind a whole snowman! 😉But we’re nice and cosy as as well as two coal fires we’ve gone all modern and installed central heating also! I grow up in council houses with coal fires and nothing else and like @freesia it took ages until the house was warm, unless you had an overnight burner. My mam used to light the four gas rings on the cooker for us to huddle round on a cold winter’s morning before getting ready for school. When we bought this house in 1986, it’s a 300 year old former farm house, the only heating apart from two coal fires, was storage heaters. As much use as a chocolate kettle on the whole, so we used the fires until we could afford to install gas central heating 20 years ago. But we kept the open fires and during a cold spell it’s very cosy, and especially now the gas and electricity prices have sky rocketed we can turn the thermostat down. It’s amazing how many people love it when we light the fire when they visit. It’s nostalgic for them, but most folks say they couldn’t be bothered with the cleaning the grate out etc, but it doesn’t bother us, it’s just another chore needs done. My Eggy is rattling the grate through as we speak, he loves it.

Quiet day today, just chores that I can’t get done when Zara is here, change the bed, iron, make cheese and onion pasties for tomorrow’s tea, put the dining room back together after the hordes visited on Sunday. Such excitement. Not long until our Grandparentnity Leave kicks in, then we might have time to do more exciting things. I might Hoover under the beds! :rofl:

Have a good day and keep warm.