Group 7-day waking average?

5.6 on this bright, sunny but bitterly cold Berkshire morning. Still below freezing - minus 3.4 on our garden weather station at the moment. Wife and I haven't done our usual pre-breakfast walk to get a newspaper. I wonder why?

Gave our dining room ceiling 2 coats of paint yesterday and it looks, well - awful I have to say. Very patchy, so will be putting a third coat on when I get the chance.

Watched our eldest's futsal team (Maidenhead Utd) lose 3-2 yesterday evening, live-streamed on YouTube. They started with three wins and a draw after being promoted to the top tier last season but are now languishing mid-table after losing their last four. Next week is a must-win, away at Derby.

Full house today as my wife and our eldest will be WFH and our youngest doesn't work Mondays, which will be nice after being on me tod for most of the weekend.

Have a good start to the week.
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A shocking 8.4 this morning, didn’t try the other hand. Other than work nothing much planned, still achy, would like to go running tonight as it is one of our leaders last run tonight before she moves to Norfolk next week, but not sure about going out in the predicted -4 this evening with an already aching back.

Stay warm everyone
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1

Yesterday was tough as I got zero sleep Saturday night (family upset continuing). Still, I slept well last night thankfully.

Early Walk planned at 11am with my friend who will be coming to tea later on. One of my favourite teas too, M&S Cod in beer batter. (You get 2 huge pices for just over £5 a bargain and delicious). Other than that nothing planned.

I may not have slept Saturday night but I put the time to good use by updating the whole of my App and databases (no mean feat) to include 'simple sugars' as a separate entity.


Now doesn't that look good! 🙄
Good morning. 6.6

Yesterday 3 ruddy hours sorting out legal problems - when will they realise that I didn't retire so that I could work for nothing?

Today lovely and sunny - no visitors expected.

Wishing the workers amongst us a tolerable week.
Morning all - 7.9 this morning. I wonder whether I need to up my Lantus a bit as only on 13 units and whilst I do spend quite a bit of time in range it's in the higher side. A full day of Pickleball yesterday with two friends from along the fell and then my Mum & brother in the afternoon - I laughed solidly for about 3 hours which I'm sure must have done me good as well as the exercise. Gorgeous morning here - fed the birds and squirrels and will now waste quite a bit of time watching them out of the kitchen window. I've just got a new bird feed with bits of suet in that won't fit in my feeder so I'm putting it on the bird table and the exciting thing is that the nut hatches are now coming right up to the kitchen to eat it. Have a great day everyone x
3.4 for me this morning despite no evening Levemir and a JB at 5am for a 3.2 hypo that I had ignored at 3.28am when the low alarm went off on 4.1, but since no insulin in my system I assumed it would come back up itself with a bit of DP ..... wrong decision. 🙄 Last Fiasp was at 7.40pm when I had 2 units for a cup of milky coffee and a dark choc ginger biscuit (15g) but I had another 20g carbs after that because levels were dropping and went to bed at 11pm with a reading of 7.6 and rising. My overnight levels really are tricky sometimes! :confused:
Loving the clear sky, crisp ground and frost this morning.
No idea what my levels were this morning as I didn't pack my testing kit for my overnight sojourn. Carpet fitters have just arrived and I'm back in the hotel room where it's warm, has tea and coffee on tap, sufficient sockets to charge everything and I'm out of their way.

I'm sure the supper last night of chicken shish salad was fine and that the cheeky Magnum was ok too. Honestly guv'!
Morning all and 6.1 for me.

Bright and chilly here. Need to repair/replace handle on sax case as 40 year old temp fix has finally failed, or should I bite the bullet and get a new case?

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - 7.9 this morning. I wonder whether I need to up my Lantus a bit as only on 13 units and whilst I do spend quite a bit of time in range it's in the higher side. A full day of Pickleball yesterday with two friends from along the fell and then my Mum & brother in the afternoon - I laughed solidly for about 3 hours which I'm sure must have done me good as well as the exercise. Gorgeous morning here - fed the birds and squirrels and will now waste quite a bit of time watching them out of the kitchen window. I've just got a new bird feed with bits of suet in that won't fit in my feeder so I'm putting it on the bird table and the exciting thing is that the nut hatches are now coming right up to the kitchen to eat it. Have a great day everyone x
We have nuthatches too, not everyday but quite regularly. A couple of years ago we had a pair and they were like a tag team on the feeders. Fascinating to watch. I too spend an inordinate amount of time staring out of the window looking at the birds. Zara does too, she’s got her own pink binoculars and a bird book. She can identify robins, of course, blackbirds and pigeons! :rofl:
A bright sunny morning here and a 5.6 for me today.

Stay safe and keep warm today folks.
It was 10.1 for me today due to a situation I've found myself with a different meter now because my hospital arnt given the wavesense jazz anymore I think I heatd them saying that Thier sawping everyone over as well but i might have miss understood that. So now got the guco Rx my ccg are becoming even more stringy and want every one on the cheapest meter possible. And this is that.
It was 10.1 for me today due to a situation I've found myself with a different meter now because my hospital arnt given the wavesense jazz anymore I think I heatd them saying that Thier sawping everyone over as well but i might have miss understood that. So now got the guco Rx my ccg are becoming even more stringy and want every one on the cheapest meter possible. And this is that.
I rather liked my Gluco Rx meter, but it doesn't read ketone strips so I had to swap it for the Caresens Duo Pro which I hate. The worst of it is that I have failed to get Ketone blood test strips put on prescription for it, so all I have is the Ketostix to dip in urine to test for ketones and still stuck with a BG meter that I hate, because it won't work in anything short of tropical conditions! Grr! Thank goodness that Libre is reliable and trustworthy for me so that the Caresens doesn't need to be taken out of it's case and do some work very often.
We have nuthatches too, not everyday but quite regularly. A couple of years ago we had a pair and they were like a tag team on the feeders. Fascinating to watch. I too spend an inordinate amount of time staring out of the window looking at the birds. Zara does too, she’s got her own pink binoculars and a bird book. She can identify robins, of course, blackbirds and pigeons! :rofl:
I hope it’s an I-Spy book!
Carpet is done. Compared to the hideous purple thing that was here before it’s a huge improvement.
They only broke one stone floor (in the bathroom at the hall/bathroom junction) as they tried to lift the bathroom floor a bit. But it’s fine as the whole thing will be redone in maybe five years anyway when the flat’s gutted.

This is the old one… with essential photo of how one smart extension lead was arranged so that it’s easy to get everything back up and running again. Of course I can’t remember which extension lead that was.
