Group 7-day waking average?

It did. I shouldn’t call it coal as it isn’t, it’s now “eggs” or “nuggets” made from molasses. Not allowed to sell or buy coal anymore. It’s not the same, doesn’t make a roaring fire, but it does last a long time. So it should as it’s twice the price we used to pay for proper coal!
Molasses? Do you have to bolus for it?!

Walking barefoot on this carpet is a joy!
Morning all. 🙂 8.7 here. I haven’t quite nailed eating after 9pm when I work late. Another project!

A bit parky here this morning, and that’s with the heating going full blast. Our first house had a Rayburn in the kitchen that heated radiators and water - it was always toastie. Can’t remember how much coal cost back in the early noughties, but it was definitely cheaper than the bills we’ve been paying lately. Roll on the next heatwave!
A bit late to the game, but saw the pictures of your flat - looks wonderful, I love those full length windows
Those windows are bloody freezing in winter and impossible to curtain though they’re fab in summer!
Those windows are bloody freezing in winter and impossible to curtain though they’re fab in summer!

Our house (20 years old) was one of three built on what was apparently an old bomb site from WW2... the builder who did them liked to experiment with designs, so they made the whole lower floor of the back of the house glass (Spans the living room and dining room), with a huge sliding door that opens up the whole back in summer. Which is great. Getting curtains was a nightmare (We had to have them specially made) and in winter it's FREEZING!
Good cold, chilly, dusting of snow, morning everyone. Soon be spring.

BG 5.3 close

I was wandering around the interthing yesterday and discovered that every nutrition site that I visited and every online grocery shop had different nutrition values for exactly the same products. Some were close but some were very different. Ok, different testing methods, tolerances, approximations, etc but it surprised me how variable values were for exactly the same products.

I was surprised by how high the 'simple sugar' value was for bananas!!! One of my favourite foods.

So now my daily 'game' (serious really) of balancing normal nutrition stuff along with vitamin and mineral stuff, along with complex/simple sugars stuff, along with ensuring the calories add up to sensible numbers, along with ensuring my diet is still interesting and enjoyable... has become really quite tricky, but possible. Keeps me interested.

I also noticed that the 'advice' out there regarding simple sugars was very different in different places. NHS recommend <30g a day of simple sugars. Other sites recommend <10% of the days calories . Diabetes own site recommended <70g. Which is right? Does it really matter?

Of couse 'sugars' as refered to by many sites (including Goverment and NHS sites) may refer to table sugar and not 'simple sugars' in general or are they the same thing.


Whatever, time for breakfast!!!

Today I have to update my app to check the 'shopping' bits of it. Not really used that part so far but my wife is now interested as food prices have rocketed and money hasn't!!!

I want to try to get out for a walk but a bit wary of ice/snow

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
3.9 on waking today.

BP 122/77, oddly it seems to be settling back down again after the weekend. Going to continue taking readings this week and see what the average is. At this rate my average is 133/81 against the NICE target for T1s of 130/80, so I guess I shouldn’t worry about my readings. Of course, my health anxiety brain is telling me the twinges in my upper right chest are BP/heart related. I know they’re not and probably from twisting awkwardly or something.

Eye screening was nice and efficient yesterday, although looking back at my records I was due the 2023 screening back in October, so it’s slipped by 2 months into 2024. The screener was a really nice guy who told me everything looked ok, nothing major a problem even though officially he isn’t meant to say anything. Will keep a lookout for the results now and keep my fingers crossed for either a “background retinopathy“ or better still and all clear. The screener did say that often people get background retinopathy one year, it resolves and the next year they get another background retinopathy result from something new, but nothing to worry about.

@ColinUK - love the look of your flat - from your previous posts it’s pretty much how I imagined it would be - looks a lovely place and I bet it feels really luxurious with the new carpets!

@eggyg - my parents still have storage heaters which are indeed useless and nowhere as good as central heating. Plus they are costing around £500 per month to run (they are in an all electric house, no gas at all). But at their age it is not worth changing now.

Have a good day everyone and stay warm!
Our house (20 years old) was one of three built on what was apparently an old bomb site from WW2... the builder who did them liked to experiment with designs, so they made the whole lower floor of the back of the house glass (Spans the living room and dining room), with a huge sliding door that opens up the whole back in summer. Which is great. Getting curtains was a nightmare (We had to have them specially made) and in winter it's FREEZING!
I’ve looked into getting curtains made and I said I wouldn’t bother when the quote was mid-four figures.
Your house sounds lovely with that glass wall. Now it would be triple or quad glazed with thermal gain coatings etc but I’m assuming that twenty years ago it’s more likely just double glazed?
4.5 on the finger and 1°C in the garden this morning. 🙂

3.9 on waking today.

BP 122/77, oddly it seems to be settling back down again after the weekend. Going to continue taking readings this week and see what the average is. At this rate my average is 133/81 against the NICE target for T1s of 130/80, so I guess I shouldn’t worry about my readings. Of course, my health anxiety brain is telling me the twinges in my upper right chest are BP/heart related. I know they’re not and probably from twisting awkwardly or something.

Eye screening was nice and efficient yesterday, although looking back at my records I was due the 2023 screening back in October, so it’s slipped by 2 months into 2024. The screener was a really nice guy who told me everything looked ok, nothing major a problem even though officially he isn’t meant to say anything. Will keep a lookout for the results now and keep my fingers crossed for either a “background retinopathy“ or better still and all clear. The screener did say that often people get background retinopathy one year, it resolves and the next year they get another background retinopathy result from something new, but nothing to worry about.

@ColinUK - love the look of your flat - from your previous posts it’s pretty much how I imagined it would be - looks a lovely place and I bet it feels really luxurious with the new carpets!

@eggyg - my parents still have storage heaters which are indeed useless and nowhere as good as central heating. Plus they are costing around £500 per month to run (they are in an all electric house, no gas at all). But at their age it is not worth changing now.

Have a good day everyone and stay warm!
Blimey, £500 a month. I can believe it.
Molasses? Do you have to bolus for it?!
Luckily, I’m not a fan of molasses myself but it could come in handy when I’ve ran out of brown sugar or treacle when I’m making ginger bread. Do you think black gingerbread could catch on? 😛
Or if either of my pregnant daughters had a coal craving ( it is a thing apparently, pica
it’s called) it could be more palatable than real coal!
I’ve looked into getting curtains made and I said I wouldn’t bother when the quote was mid-four figures.
Your house sounds lovely with that glass wall. Now it would be triple or quad glazed with thermal gain coatings etc but I’m assuming that twenty years ago it’s more likely just double glazed?
What! Our windows are teeny tiny, a quick trip to IKEA and I can curtain my entire house for £20! :rofl:
What! Our windows are teeny tiny, a quick trip to IKEA and I can curtain my entire house for £20! :rofl:
Only two places I can find that will make them to order. John Lewis wanted almost £5k for a full set of heavy floor-to-ceiling drapes. No fancy swags and stuff but it’s an awful lot of material.
They’re far too tall to take ones from IKEA unfortunately.
Blimey, £500 a month. I can believe it.
Mum and dad live in a bog standard suburban London 4 bed detached house. Built between the wars.
It’s a cold house. In summer it’s a blessing but in winter it’s always cold.
It’s built over a stream and that’s what keeps it cool. Thankfully the steam never floods but their heating bill (gas) is now running at roughly £3,000 a quarter. It’s bonkers.

5.6 today, my house is cold as we have an all electric house and totally agree the storage heaters are rubbish, previous winters we have had put electric fire on all day, but due to the costs now only have it on for an hour or so, as our house is open plan we now leave the oven door open after cooking so the heat come into the room.

@ColinUK - agree the feature's in your flat look amazing and love the windows, but wouldn’t ,like the cost of curtains.

we seem to be missing @Lanny again, hope she is doing ok, and does any one keep in touch with @Michael12421 since he was admitted to hospital.
Morning all

A happy 5.8 for me today. The overnight frost has disappeared already I'm pleased to say as I have to
drive to the hospital soon for an angiogram and I don't particularly appreciate scraping windows.

Have a good day all and stay warm and cosy...... 🙂
5.1 for me on another freezing morning. Our garden weather station says it dropped to minus 6.5 overnight and it's still minus 4.1 outside as I type. Heidi, the avatar on the display, has her big coat on this morning (her outfit changes according to the temperature, ranging from bikini through to big coat).

All the talk about coal fires and storage heaters brings back memories. I grew up in houses with coal fires and have lived in houses with warm air central heating, with gas central heating and in a flat with storage heaters which were so inefficient we had to add a calor gas heater in the lounge to keep it warm.

Looking forward to my usual Tuesday swim before lunch and thankfully I have a car available. Don't fancy waiting at bus stops when it's this cold. It's still a 5-minute walk from where I park but I can cope with that.

Hope the weather isn't causing a problem for anyone, especially those up north.
I’ve looked into getting curtains made and I said I wouldn’t bother when the quote was mid-four figures.
Your house sounds lovely with that glass wall. Now it would be triple or quad glazed with thermal gain coatings etc but I’m assuming that twenty years ago it’s more likely just double glazed?

I think it's just double glazed, but not entirely sure!