Group 7-day waking average?

Nice garden. If that was London, they would have built on it by now!
Don’t even joke about it. There’s a planning application in to build houses right behind us. And I mean within a few meters of our back fence. We’re livid, we’re a Grade 2 listed building and mentioned in the planning as such and special consideration has to be taken, but the applicants have noted our two big sheds so they think that’s fine we won’t see the houses. Unfortunately the field rises quite significantly so we will definitely see them. We’ve lived here 37 years and had hoped to see our days out here, never ever thought they’d build on there. It’s farmland and used as such. Lots of wildlife too. Fingers crossed it won’t be passed by the local council.
Don’t even joke about it. There’s a planning application in to build houses right behind us. And I mean within a few meters of our back fence. We’re livid, we’re a Grade 2 listed building and mentioned in the planning as such and special consideration has to be taken, but the applicants have noted our two big sheds so they think that’s fine we won’t see the houses. Unfortunately the field rises quite significantly so we will definitely see them. We’ve lived here 37 years and had hoped to see our days out here, never ever thought they’d build on there. It’s farmland and used as such. Lots of wildlife too. Fingers crossed it won’t be passed by the local council.
I guess you will have to challenge it. It sounds like the shed argument may be grasping at straws, if that is all they have got.
I guess you will have to challenge it. It sounds like the shed argument may be grasping at straws, if that is all they have got.
We have submitted our objections. It’s being discussed next week at the parish council meeting of which Mr Eggy is a member, he’s not allowed to vote as it’s personal for him, he can sit in on the meeting but can’t be involved in the discussions. Fingers crossed.
Nice garden. If that was London, they would have built on it by now!
Or anywhere in Pembrokeshire - they love to squeeze ‘em in! Our garden had outline planning permission for a 3-bed house when we bought the place (expired by now) - you’d just about squeeze a side-to-side row of 4 Chelsea tractors onto the land. Tiny! Barratt Homes would get a housing estate out of it, I’m sure. o_O 😛

Morning all. 6.1 here.

Ooh, goodie, I’ve got time for a walk this morning, then lesson planning for this evening and tomorrow. Best check my work email too.
5.1 for me today. BP 127/77, still goes higher than I would like in the day, but let’s see the averages for this week.

Nothing planned today other than the usual WFH. The team are now starting to panic about me leaving and trying to absorb 30 years knowledge into a couple of week’s worth of daily 1 hour sessions! They are looking for a “what do I do when this goes wrong?” type of knowledge. Trouble is, problem solving and investigation can’t really be taught to people who don’t already have an aptitude for that, so I’m struggling to find things I can tell them.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning everyone - 8.7 here this morning but not a surprise as for some stupid reason I scoffed two dark choc ginger biscuits before bed last night. @eggyg I had exactly the same experience with a gold crest a few days ago - thought it was a wren and then saw the beautiful colours on it's head and then when I came inside noticed that it features on the front of my RSPB pocket guide to British Birds - very exciting. Off to my horticultural course in a bit which is going to be FREEZING - I'm quite worried about driving down the hill as it looks very cold and icy out there - one poor chap cycles about 4 miles through the country lanes (he's basically a teenager so very capable). We've got a plant ID test and have to show our plant portfolio progress so we've all been panicking and cutting and pasting like mad. Have a great day everyone x
A 4.2 for me today. And it's -3°C outside 😱
Stay warm and safe everybody.

Morning everyone - 8.7 here this morning but not a surprise as for some stupid reason I scoffed two dark choc ginger biscuits before bed last night. @eggyg I had exactly the same experience with a gold crest a few days ago - thought it was a wren and then saw the beautiful colours on it's head and then when I came inside noticed that it features on the front of my RSPB pocket guide to British Birds - very exciting. Off to my horticultural course in a bit which is going to be FREEZING - I'm quite worried about driving down the hill as it looks very cold and icy out there - one poor chap cycles about 4 miles through the country lanes (he's basically a teenager so very capable). We've got a plant ID test and have to show our plant portfolio progress so we've all been panicking and cutting and pasting like mad. Have a great day everyone x
Drive carefully, it’s bad enough here on the A6!
Good morning everyone. Cold here but no snow.

BG 5.1 skipping arount THAT number

We have used heated throws for 2 years in winter now. They work a treat and enable us to keep the cetral heating down to 16.5. Still all costs way too much tho.

My App update has gone well and has thrown up no new surprises. What shall I do next?

We had a surprise visit from a nurse from the surgery yesterday. They came to see my wife, take some bloods, and do a general review. However my wife refused and was quite awkward with them. She refuses to have anything to do with doctors, nurses, specialists. It is a worry to me that they might stop her repeat prescriptions (anti psychotic meds) as she refuses any reviews of any sort. It is a worry to me if she will ever really need medical help in the future.

What a mess my family has turned out to be. Can I go back and start again please?

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Don’t even joke about it. There’s a planning application in to build houses right behind us. And I mean within a few meters of our back fence. We’re livid, we’re a Grade 2 listed building and mentioned in the planning as such and special consideration has to be taken, but the applicants have noted our two big sheds so they think that’s fine we won’t see the houses. Unfortunately the field rises quite significantly so we will definitely see them. We’ve lived here 37 years and had hoped to see our days out here, never ever thought they’d build on there. It’s farmland and used as such. Lots of wildlife too. Fingers crossed it won’t be passed by the local council.
Sadly in planning you do not have a right to a view and there is a housing shortage which, of course, encourages new housing development.

Grade 2 isn't of itself much protection usually for anything but the fabric of the house. Have a look at your listing and see if the views, particularly in that direction, or the house's isolation, contribution to settlement character are mentioned as important. Maybe the house has been painted by a great artist/mentioned in a poem/has something which notes that view as being intrinsic to its character/bult by, for, inhabited by great person to whom its isolation/view would ahve been important etc?

Also look at the development plan of your area and see if it or any conservation documents associated with it suggest that your house is a valauble constituent of your surrounding settlement's character or important in establishing its character. Are you in a Conservation area? If so look at the local guidance documents on that - the new development may be vulnerable to attack on some elemment of that. All this stuff will be on your planning authority's website (i.e Council).

Also worth considering are such matters as lack of local sewer capacity, highway risks, absence of necessities such as school places/Drs surgeries/shopping faciltities/alternative to car transport etc in settlement - the word "unsustainable" is always a help in need.

Only object on planning grounds with no hint of "poor me". The first is relevant the latter marks you are a nimby. If you fear you may not be able to write a strong objection consider hiring a planning consultant to write it for you. Make sure you get a good one - RTPI qualifed to start with, then find out whether his work is well regarded (some are idiots). A run through a few recent refusals of housing developments (read the committee reports and check the objection letters) may help.

Good luck to you (but prepare for minimising disappointment by planning tree planting to obscure view of houses if you fail).
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Good morning. 6.6 - quite undeserved. Wretched diabetes.

Quite a sharp frost last night, very crisp underfoot this morning, no snow, sky overcast. Off to town to do big shop.

Tomorrow the surveyor cometh to assess house for renewable energy stuff - seems a shame to not use south facing roof but have my doubts about air source heat pumps -does anyone on here have experience? Boiler now 7 years old so will need replacing at some point so worthwhile considering the alternatives.

Have a happy day everyone.
Morning all
Well it’s back to happy numbers today after my hypo at the hospital yesterday when they gave me a tube full of some gungy stuff to raise my BG up - it worked, it was 15.1 at bedtime.

So this morning it’s a nice round 5.0 and I’m ready for a nice bowl of porridge so have a good day everyone and stay well.

5.7 today, dry grey hereand chilly here but not too much frost. Not going out until this evening then no running as we are having a meal to say goodbye to our run leader as she moves to Norfolk on Monday.
Good morning 7.5 today

We woke up to a cold house this morning as for some reason the hive thermostat had lost connection to the boiler, the app where we usually control the heating from even thought it was 20c but heating wasn’t on and most definitely wasn’t anywhere near
so after running my wife to work, have been in the eaves loft and reset it all, so fingers crossed it will work tonight and tomorro, just been to see podiatrist (Im lucky enough to be seen every 6 month) since the previous foot problems I’ve had.

off to work now

have a great day everyone 😎
Sadly in planning you do not have a right to a view and there is a housing shortage which, of course, encourages new housing development.

Grade 2 isn't of itself much protection usually for anything but the fabric of the house. Have a look at your listing and see if the views, particularly in that direction, or the house's isolation, contribution to settlement character are mentioned as important. Maybe the house has been painted by a great artist/mentioned in a poem/has something which notes that view as being intrinsic to its character/bult by, for, inhabited by great person to whom its isolation/view would ahve been important etc?

Also look at the development plan of your area and see if it or any conservation documents associated with it suggest that your house is a valauble constituent of your surrounding settlement's character or important in establishing its character. Are you in a Conservation area? If so look at the local guidance documents on that - the new development may be vulnerable to attack on some elemment of that. All this stuff will be on your planning authorities website (i.e Council).

Also worth considering are such matters as lack of local sewer capacity, highway risks, absence of necessities such as school places/Drs surgeries/shopping faciltities/alternative to car transport etc in settlement - the word "unsustainable" is always a help in need.

Only object on planning grounds with no hint of "poor me". The first is relevant the latter marks you are a nimby. If you fear you may not be able to write a strong objection consider hiring a planning consultant to write it for you. Make sure you get a good one - RTPI qualifed to start with, then find out whether his work is well regarded (some are idiots). A run through a few recent refusals of housing developments (read the committee reports and check the objection letters) may help.

Good luck to you (but prepare for minimising disappointment by planning tree planting to obscure view of houses if you fail).
Thanks Tina. It’s too late for any more objections. Mr Eggy was at a meeting about it earlier this week and we know they won’t not pass it because of us, the schools and transport are the biggest problems, we have one bus a day at 8.20am, the village school closed years ago, the surrounding village schools are bursting at the seams. The main objection appears to be they are going off plan, this is part of a huge development which lots of new infrastructure, a bypass, new bridges and lots of houses and school. This will take many, many years and we’ve been to the consultations about it. This new bit behind us was never in the original Garden Village scheme, it’s an afterthought from what we can gather and a bit apart from it.
Unfortunately, our house was a drive by listing in 1984, two years before we bought it and we only found out 15 years after that. No famous people lived here, although it was the PO in the 1950s! It’s a bloody nuisance being listed if truth be told. I think we’re resigned to the fact it’ll happen but disappointing none the less. The best we can hope for is the houses won’t be right next to our back fence, which is the original plan. Thanks for your input, and yes I am a bit of a NIMBY! :rofl:
Thanks Tina. It’s too late for any more objections. Mr Eggy was at a meeting about it earlier this week and we know they won’t not pass it because of us, the schools and transport are the biggest problems, we have one bus a day at 8.20am, the village school closed years ago, the surrounding village schools are bursting at the seams. The main objection appears to be they are going off plan, this is part of a huge development which lots of new infrastructure, a bypass, new bridges and lots of houses and school. This will take many, many years and we’ve been to the consultations about it. This new bit behind us was never in the original Garden Village scheme, it’s an afterthought from what we can gather and a bit apart from it.
Unfortunately, our house was a drive by listing in 1984, two years before we bought it and we only found out 15 years after that. No famous people lived here, although it was the PO in the 1950s! It’s a bloody nuisance being listed if truth be told. I think we’re resigned to the fact it’ll happen but disappointing none the less. The best we can hope for is the houses won’t be right next to our back fence, which is the original plan. Thanks for your input, and yes I am a bit of a NIMBY! :rofl:
Oh dear, fingers crossed then. Shh - we are all secret Nimbies so we are in good company.
@eggyg - good luck with your objecting but your pragmatism is probably well founded especially if a "big" builder is involved. Currently working with my brother on objections to a small development at the rear of his house. The original plan was objected to by all and sundry locally but got passed by the district planners after the builder promised to do stuff. The builder has now put in an S73 application and has been given permission (despite objections by all and sundry locally) to ignore the stuff he agreed to to get the initial planning permission and do what he wanted to do in the first place.

It seems to me that planning departments are another function of local government that has been cut to the point where it cannot provide what we the public expect of it and this is exploited by the developers.