Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning my good folks. I’m a Len and a bit 7.1! Rice and chapatis last night. Oops!

It’s our favourite grandson’s birthday today, 17! ( He’s our only grandson amongst soon to be five granddaughters, before someone’s thinks I’m heartless!). Apparently the hordes are descending on us at 6pm, we have the biggest table, the most chairs and a plethora of crockery and cutlery! This was decided amongst themselves yesterday. But, drumroll please, we don’t need to do anything! They are bringing, pizza, pop and potato products. Sort of like an American supper without the pumpkin pies and corn dogs! Will they do the washing up though and the hoovering of the crumbs? Nah, I wouldn’t have thought so, but baby steps! 😉

Have a super Sunday.
Good morning everyone. Been up all night. Restless. Wondering about my daughter.

Still BG 5.4

I've been having some fun (yes really) with the 'of which sugars' stuff. Totally irrelevant until yesterday when I 'discovered' that too much simple sugars (Hmmm, or alcohol) can cause or contribute to a fatty liver. So, being interested I have weaved 'simple sugars' into my App along side 'total carbs'. A nightmare of an update. Not sure if it will be any use either. The 'reference doctor' on Utube was suggesting that <10% cals from SS should be the limit. Is it true, sensible, useful or just so much rubbish? No idea. Interestingly I was just under the 'limit' yesterday without trying.

Any thoughts?

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning all. 6.5 here.

It’s foggy out there - a sea fret, according to my Yorkshire mum. Good thing I bought some warm and waterproof ski pants yesterday for winter dog-walking - half price, woohoo!
A 4.7 for me today. 🙂
Brain exercising later with the cryptic crossword.

5.6 for me on another grey and overcast Berkshire morning, but no frost. Managed to get the mist coat on our dining room ceiling yesterday and as expected it was a messy business with the emulsion having been watered down. Room's been cleared and the carpet's well-protected, so didn't get paint anywhere except on the ceiling and on me. Once breakfast is out of the way it should be light enough to crack on and get painting.

Just me and our youngest here at the moment, and he'll be up shortly as he has to be at work for 10. Our eldest's futsal KO at Loughborough Uni isn't until 6 o'clock, so don't expect to see him home until late tonight. I'll be able to watch the match as it's being live-streamed on YouTube. He was gutted that Swans conceded in added time yesterday and came away with a point rather than all three. Wife's spent the night at her sister's up in Bedford so she'll be home later, but when I don't know. Best if I'm home alone if there's painting to be done anyway.

It's that time of the year again - Australian Open tennis, which means the TV goes on as soon as I'm up and it's breakfast on the sofa.

Have a good Sunday.
Morning all. 3.7 when i woke. Oops! Now 4.3 and i'm off to get breakfast.
Morning all. A 5.8 for me this morning. Sensor died at about midnight so I had to put a new one in. Thankfully it started up fine while I slumbered and Control IQ took the reins from the early hours.

I fancy is wasn’t as chilly on the dog walk this morning. But still a very grey start. And the mornings seem darker and slower to lighten than ever!
Morning all. 6.5 here.

It’s foggy out there - a sea fret, according to my Yorkshire mum. Good thing I bought some warm and waterproof ski pants yesterday for winter dog-walking - half price, woohoo!
You’ve bought ski pants? Well it’s all downhill from here!
7.7 Is that a Double Len maybe?

Yesterday was a tough day. Got all emotional about the reopened case; dad wanting to get ready for death; having the upheaval of new carpet being fitted tomorrow; general overwhelm etc. Participated in a Survivors UK zoom call in the afternoon and wept but felt supported and it was cathartic.
Watched the reboot of Gladiators and then basically went to bed with a book (well actually the kindle app on my iPad) by Marko Kloos ‘Angles of Attack’ which is excellent.
I’d not even heard of him into a few weeks ago when he popped up on a recommendation page on kindle and thought I’d take a punt. So far I’ve read three of his back to back (they’re a series) and they’re no nonsense good old sci-fi but they remind me so much of naval battle novels by the chap who wrote Master and Commander just that these are set in an alternate future.

Anyway… time to get up and crack on as I’ve got to breakfast and then shower and move stuff into the kitchen and bathroom to make space for the carpet fitters tomorrow.

Have a good day!
Morning Colin,
Hope the “ cracking on” is going well as seems you have a busy day after a very tough ” yesterday”.I do appreciate how you are very open about your travails and bear your soul as sure others who are currently facing challenges get comfort from knowing they are not alone.
I wish that politicians and many commentators of all persuasions would not simply peddle one side of the argument.
I remember at a job interview for a promotion I was asked whether I would make a “ judgement call” on a given situation.
I replied yes and make judgement calls many times a day rather than see things as black and white and would take responsibility for that decision.
Do you feel like me that nuanced discussion on a whole series of issues are much less evident and I just wish people were entirely open and speak from the heart like I think you do as I consider the world would be a much better place.
Woke with a 6.1 which is much more common than my 5.1 of yesterday and in contrast to you Colin I am having a lazy w/ end.
Stay warm guys
Good morning 5.9

Went to bed very early yesterday to avoid TV. So many channels, so much rubbish. Gave up on Pratchett - know almost every word of every book - so re-reading John Wyndham.

Grey broken cloud this morning, enough blue sky to let light through, and a tropical +4 degrees C on the outdoor thermometer.

Vague suggestion we might just get a bit of snow. I do hope so. I love the light, the beauty, and try not to geel guilty about the poor devils still having to drive to work...

@ColinUK Patrick O'Brian was who you had in mind - brilliant writer.

Very stiff achey legs on walking at the moment - GP says claudication - grumpily got my exercise bike out as exercise does, apparently help a bit. Had a look at the Botham recommended Revitive thing but thought roughly 300 quid was a bit on the high side for something which exercises your muscles by electric shock. Nah, I thought, I'll give will power a go!

Wishing everyone a peaceful Sunday.
Good morning all, 5.8 today for me.

The Our Future Health appointment was very efficient yesterday, height, weight, waist measurement, BP, fingerprick cholesterol test and 2 tubes of blood for further bio marker, genetic testing, etc. They gave me my readings on a form for my reference. Unfortunately my BP was 150 something over around 100 :( most likely due to rushing through traffic to get there on time! It was still 148/90 at bedtime though which got me worrying overnight. This morning on waking it was back to my normal of 120/75. Planning to do regular readings this week and see how it goes, possibly I need more Lisinopril or something else. Need to get this sorted before we go away in March.

We spent all evening sorting out booking campsites for the motorhome part of our holiday in Australia. So glad we did it as some were already full and we had to change where we were staying for a couple of nights along the Great Ocean Road. It hasn’t helped that we’ll be there in Easter week so the places are booked out. But, now sorted and everything booked. Phew!

@Gwynn - sorry to hear you had a restless night worrying about your daughter, I do hope she gets back in contact with you soon. Families are really precious and it’s such a shame when things like this happen.

@ColinUK - I hope today is less stressful/emotional today for you. Good luck moving the furniture ready for your new carpets!

Have a great day everyone!

6.3 today, no walk this morning as still feeling achy, and although I knew the walk would be good for me, I couldn’t face going out in the cold.

@ColinUK - sending you hugs,
3.8 for me this morning and been in the red most of the night again despite 3 JBs. Really not getting it right at the moment. Must try harder!
Morning all and 4.6 for me. A lot of red overnight
Not sure if it was compression lows or the two small bottles of beer last night.

Good gig last night. Lene Lovich was brilliant as were the Virgin Marys. I think we went down well too.. I can heartily recommend seeing Lene if you like your music to be quirky with a splash of insanity.

Overshadowing the music was seeing an ex colleague of mine who was severely depressed and agrophopic who has got divorced, moved towns and is now going to gigs regularly. She's looking 10 years younger than when I last saw her about 15 years ago.

Another friend was there with his autistic son who is really coming out of his shell since he got into music. It was good to see him bopping along to the band's.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. Lovely and bright here but I'm so cooooolllldddd! Agh. 7.4 @ 8.21am. Low carb working already. 🙂

Re television licence. I'm the only person I know that buys one! They just don't answer the door. If you look at YouTubes there doesn't seem to be much the PTB can do about it. I like the beeb despite all. I like no adverts and decent programmes.

Re stuff you don't know what to do with, ie old photographs and letters and stuff. I use one of my Aldi zippy cooler shopping bags, they're great for storage though they seem to have stopped selling them. :( I throw all in and chuck in the loft as insulation. Job done, no guilt. Stuff not thrown away but out of sight out of mind, let distant generations bin it all. 🙂
I buy a TV licence too. I really don’t think it’s a lot of money considering what we get for it. Especially when you compare what we pay for Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney +, Apple TV+, Paramount etc.
Most things are unplugged and cleared into the bathroom or kitchen. Just had to reorganise the bathroom so I can get to the loo!
Access to the fridge, kettle, sink has been maintained.
I’ve taken photos of the various sockets and smart extension leads etc so I should be able to put things back in their correct socket reasonably quickly afterwards.

Short break for coffee then the next phase…