Group 7-day waking average?

4.8 after a lovely flat fish night.

Off to have a blood draw at our local Boots this morning as part of the Our Future Health, thought I’d do my bit for science. We’re then planning to visit Charlecote NT to practice some photography on new cameras so that we’re not fumbling around when out in Australia.

@freesia - really sorry to hear about your Mum, that must have been scary and upsetting. I hope she is on the mend now. After several falls we persuaded my parents to have alert pendants and watches which call a service (Care Line) if they fall or press them. There have been several false alarms but the call centres are used to this and have always responded fast. If they can’t contact my parents (via the base station in their house) then they will call us, if we don’t answer then they will call the ambulance service. Seems quite a good system and gives us a bit of peace of mind as we are around 40 minutes drive away from them.

@ColinUK - we have had those sort of conversations and luckily my Dad is very organised and already has a book detailing where everything is, accounts, etc. and now we have just put in place LPA for health decisions, just in case we need to represent either of them. It’s a hard topic to start talking about, but really important and hopefully will make things easier when emotions will be running high.

@Martin.A - I’ve also been hearing about snow hitting us but the forecasts are all sunny, albeit below freezing and no sign of any of the white stuff. Hopefully it will hold off until after Monday when I have my annual eye screening!

Have a good day everyone!
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Morning all. Just dull and dreary today and expecting more of the same.

5.7 with a lovely flat line and a unicorn.

Meeting friends in town this afternoon after a bit of shopping.

So sorry to hear about your Mum @freesia and hope she recovers quickly. It’s not very pleasant being in hospital. Hope you can persuade her to have one of the pendant/bracelet thingies. It’s a bit heavy to have a phone round your neck.

Have a good day all.
Morning everyone

A bright sunny morning here in Bedford and a happy 5.4 for me today. A lazy day for me today not doing a thing if I can get away with it.

Have a good day everyone….
@Eternal422 We grew up in a household where those types of conversations were pretty standard fare. My brother and I were encouraged to write our first Wills aged 18.
The folks have wills, and the various types of LPA are firmly in place but somehow dad’s just sort of starting to fret about the minutia of it all.
Granted it’s not helped by the fact that he’s got 30+ years of bank statements and various other financial paperwork in his office. I’ve suggested that he shreds everything up to the most recent statement for everything and file those in one binder.
Also I’ve suggested making a list and filling:
Birth certificates
Driving licence
NHS number
National insurance number
Where they hold accounts/investments

But it’s a daunting task.

I did find this earlier and it might help:
Good morning all. 6,3 on one hand and 7.9 on the other. Which one do I believe? Can't understand how that happens.
Take the average, or do a third test to find out which of the two is the 'rogue' result and average the other two. That's what I do.

If you tested all six fingers you'd most likely get six different results.
5.4 for me this morning and another slight dip into the red that I woke up for. I distinctly remember reaching for the pot of jelly babies on the bedside table but I must have rolled further across the bed than usual and they were beyond reach and for some reason I didn't roll back across to get them but just went back to sleep! 🙄 Thankfully it was just the very lowest slack in the washing line of my overnight graph which touched the red, so no big deal other than continuing to spoil my stats of course. I blame these Amitriptyline as they make it hard to wake up and stay awake. I dropped off during the 10 seconds I was injecting my Fiasp the other morning, literally with the needle in my tummy and woke with a jolt as I dropped the pen! I have reduced them to just one a night, but still finding it hard to wake up, even with multiple alarms set.

@freesia Really sorry to hear about your Mam's fall and hope she recovers fully. It must have been an awful shock for you, so even more amazing that you managed a unicorn and HS. Hope you can find a system which gives you both some peace of mind for the future.
Good evening all. 8.2 @ 8.10am and snow is definitely coming as I can't get warm. A sure sign. 🙂 Brrr.
Good morning! Woke to a mild hypo (4.1) and uncomfortable phantom pain (yet again for the pain). Lots of paperwork today including TV licence that I forgot to renew over Christmas. I got a letter yesterday - they are sending the boys round soon if I do not renew. It seems a lot of money as I mainly just watch Mastermind, University Challenge and F1 highlights together with the odd film or documentary. Most of it is just mindless rubbish like A&E , GP, 999, etc. documentaries It's about time to scrap "Homes Under the Hammer" and associated ones like moving to the coast, the country, a sunnier climate, etc. I worry about an older friend who just moved to a huge remote barn conversion. Another person I worked with moved on retirement and worked himself to a fatal standstill trying to clear the large overgrown garden in a weekend!
8.2 weekly time in range is 81% although I did find myself eating quite a bit yesterday to keep in in range. I've been really rough for a couple of days as well as my costchonitus being really bad recently.
7.7 Is that a Double Len maybe?

Yesterday was a tough day. Got all emotional about the reopened case; dad wanting to get ready for death; having the upheaval of new carpet being fitted tomorrow; general overwhelm etc. Participated in a Survivors UK zoom call in the afternoon and wept but felt supported and it was cathartic.
Watched the reboot of Gladiators and then basically went to bed with a book (well actually the kindle app on my iPad) by Marko Kloos ‘Angles of Attack’ which is excellent.
I’d not even heard of him into a few weeks ago when he popped up on a recommendation page on kindle and thought I’d take a punt. So far I’ve read three of his back to back (they’re a series) and they’re no nonsense good old sci-fi but they remind me so much of naval battle novels by the chap who wrote Master and Commander just that these are set in an alternate future.

Anyway… time to get up and crack on as I’ve got to breakfast and then shower and move stuff into the kitchen and bathroom to make space for the carpet fitters tomorrow.

Have a good day!
@Eternal422 We grew up in a household where those types of conversations were pretty standard fare. My brother and I were encouraged to write our first Wills aged 18.
The folks have wills, and the various types of LPA are firmly in place but somehow dad’s just sort of starting to fret about the minutia of it all.
Granted it’s not helped by the fact that he’s got 30+ years of bank statements and various other financial paperwork in his office. I’ve suggested that he shreds everything up to the most recent statement for everything and file those in one binder.
Also I’ve suggested making a list and filling:
Birth certificates
Driving licence
NHS number
National insurance number
Where they hold accounts/investments

But it’s a daunting task.

I did find this earlier and it might help:
It is painful dealing with your dead parents' stuff. My sister and I are still going through paperwork several years later. There is an emotional toll that comes with dealing with old (unnamed) photos, bank statements, 70-year-old school reports etc, is emotionally draining. You end up getting quite angry. I am taking up the Swedish art of death cleaning .