Group 7-day waking average?

It was really surprising as yesterday afternoon was so stressful! i called round mums but it was all locked up even though she knew i was going to pick her up. I let myself in to find her on the floor bruised and bleeding! She'd had a fall the night before and had been unable to get up or let anyone know. Paramedics came. She's now in hospital.

I went for my D review today and they told me my blood pressure was up a bit. I wonder why?!
So sad to hear freesia and hope she recovers soon.
It was really surprising as yesterday afternoon was so stressful! i called round mums but it was all locked up even though she knew i was going to pick her up. I let myself in to find her on the floor bruised and bleeding! She'd had a fall the night before and had been unable to get up or let anyone know. Paramedics came. She's now in hospital.

I went for my D review today and they told me my blood pressure was up a bit. I wonder why?!
Gosh @freesia what a shock for you. Hope your mum recovers quickly. At least you know she’s safe at the moment. Hugs to you both.
Morning all, 6.9 at this ridiculously early hour. I’ve had no choice this week about getting up,early, today I should have been able to have a lie in. Yet here I am, been awake since 4.40, I was uncomfortable and so was tossing and turning and then my mind started whirring, mostly about pregnant daughters. As soon as it’s a reasonable hour I’ll get in touch with them to put my overactive mind at rest. I’m a right worry wart.

Yesterday turned out to be a bit of a disaster, and will impact my plans for today. Mr Eggy noticed the grout in the tiles by the dishwasher was discoloured. He knew immediately what it was, I thought I’d spilt something. He pulled out the dishwasher and it was absolutely soaked underneath it, fast forward pulling off plinth, the floor was soaked under all the cupboards! On checking, the hose was split! It would explain the damp smell I noticed on Thursday. Operation Massive Cleanup and new hose ordered. Dishwasher now residing in the middle of the kitchen and plinths still off to dry the floors. All this will obviously hinder the batch cooking day I was planning. TBF I don’t want to batch cook without the help of a dishwasher. #firstworldproblems
New hose should arrive Tuesday and fingers crossed all will be well. Hoovering and laundry today it is then. 🙄

Hope your Saturday runs smoothly and you’re not too cold. For a change it’s tropical up here at 6c.
morning 4.6. ealier
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

A quiet peaceful day yesterday and the same today.

My friend wasn't free for a walk so I ressurected one of my old walk routes which ends up on the beach. A quiet peaceful walk. Music accompanying. It was cold out there, but I enjoyed it.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
It was really surprising as yesterday afternoon was so stressful! i called round mums but it was all locked up even though she knew i was going to pick her up. I let myself in to find her on the floor bruised and bleeding! She'd had a fall the night before and had been unable to get up or let anyone know. Paramedics came. She's now in hospital.

I went for my D review today and they told me my blood pressure was up a bit. I wonder why?!
Sorry to hear this hope she gets better soon.
She is getting old and its upsetting to see how frail she is.
Bit like my folks. They’re only in their 80s but dad this evening made it quite clear he wants help putting all their affairs in order and making a sort of Executors Pack to make things easier for me and my brother when the inevitable happens.
Good moaning! Woke at 3:OO needing painkillers! Back to sleep about 5:30. Woke half-an-hour ago to 13.4 but after making a cuppa 10.5. I dot trust this sensor, or Libre with Android 14. Seriously thinking of getting a Reader

Dismal grey and very cold!.
Morning folks. 🙂 6.0 here.

What a horrible shock for you @freesia - and your poor mum! (((Hugs))) to you both. I hope she’s better and back home ASAP. There’s lots of tech available, as well as the emergency necklaces/bracelets. We had a talk at work before Xmas about all sorts of devices - available from the local council in some areas - to keep older people safe in their homes, and some allow relatives to virtually check in on them if needs be.

Hubby was looking online for somewhere to go for a walk locally (and near a pub for lunch, of course) and it turns out there’s a massive park with footpaths for walking / cycling a 15-minute drive away. Why were we not told? And, there’s a dog-friendly pub nearby...yes!!
5.1 this morning, same as yesterday. Sometimes that DF can be such a tease.

Home alone for most of this weekend. Wife's off to Bedford later to see family, back sometime tomorrow, and our eldest is off to Birmingham to meet up with a mate from Loughborough, who he was at Uni with. They're going to the Birmingham v Swansea City match. The second half of his team's futsal season kicks off tomorrow with a match against Loughborough Students, so he's looking forward to being back in familiar territory, staying at his mate's tonight and back at his Alter Mater tomorrow. Our youngest has a 2-10 shift today at Sainsbury's and is working normal Sunday hours tomorrow. So what am I going to do? Paint the newly-plastered dining room ceiling, now that it's thoroughly dried out. Mist coat plus 2 coats should do it. At least with the Artex gone I can use a roller for the 2 coats of paint.

@freesia so sorry to hear about your mum's fall. Hope she's recovering now.

Looks a bit grey and overcast at the moment but no frost. I keep reading about snow heading our way but there's no mention of it on our forecast, at least not so far.

Whatever your plans enjoy the start to the weekend.
Motning all. 5.3. Thanks for your good wishes for mum. She's ok, i went to see her last night. She does have her phone she can wear on a lanyard around her neck but didn't have it on/near her. We are having a good chat about things.

We are off out for the day, not sure where yet, but sonewhere where we can fit in with visiting times.

@eggyg i hope that dishwasher part comes quickly. In the meantime Mr Eggy may have to find his rubber gloves to help?
@freesia I hope your mum is on the mend soon.
A 4.5 for me this am. 🙂


a huge 6.8 today, feel a bit achy, plans for today are big shop, and house work, maybe meeting up with daughter and granddaughters but that might be tomorrow depend on their plans, so maybe a run if the aching eases.

@freesia - how worrying for you, hope mum continues to improve and can come home soon.
6.9 this morning after the flattest day yesterday and overnight in quite some time. Especially pleased as I am battling one of my frequent colds (legacy of infant pleurisy).


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